OHNOES, Poor Poland!

Anyways, hard to feel sympathy for the Poles. They made their Russophobic bed and now have to lie in it.

Perhaps it will serve as a reminder for future generations of Polish politicians: To pursue their own interests, not the interests of bureaucrats in Brussels or DC.

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Poland has a historical tendency to become over dependent on faraway allies. What happened to that nation during and after WWII was very bad. One would think that Poland and Ukraine learned from their own history and handle the local conflicts with Germany and Russia with greater care but this is not the case. If this war goes on, at one point it will be impossible to save Ukraine’s population from a Russian revenge. The prewar (2022) events in Ukraine were a clear repetition of Polish events of the late 1930s against Germans there. Politicians do not learn but the general population should be smarter. Exterminating your ethnic minorities while a hundred million of their compatriots watch from a few miles is not a brilliant idea.

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Poland can stay in NATO, but the US military and missile base have to be removed from Poland.

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Likewise Delesevu and the new military camp in Romania.

I think Trump (thought Tulsi) is gradually understanding just how badly Europe got beated by Russia and he is getting a feeling what a deal will mean. Not Crimea + the full 4 oblasts, but 6 or 7 oblasts and the "Ukraine security Guarantee" is going to be a promise that Nato will never offer Ukraine security again, or place troops in Ukraine.

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Fuck Poland. They did this to themselves.

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The Poles can cry us a river. The days when they could depend on their diaspora to get big, dumb Unca Sam to fight their wars for them are over. Anyone remember the unlamented Zbig.? Here's an idea, maybe they might try getting along with their neighbors.

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A Gdansk Corridor For Belarus!

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Reestablishing relations, and trade, with both Russia and Belarus, is the correct thing to do. America could use the lower energy prices it would bring. And troubled US car manufacturers and Boeing could surely use the business.

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Nothing here and in the comments that I can add to or dispute.

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