I was thinking along the same logic. Syria is a unique, nation, dominated by Muslim population. Regardless, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and this logic is very well known around there.

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Exactly. Russia is quite useful as a counterbalance against Turkey. Even if the current Syrian government was aligned with Turkey when it was in opposition.

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Putin is right in defending Russians against the Ukrainian Nazis but he failed miserably Syria . It is sad to see him bowing to a group of butchers terrorists when he insisted helping the Syrians against the very same people, who took over Syria, he intended to get rid of them because of fear that they may attack Russia. It’s understandable, he hands are tightly behind his back in Ukraine and by the Russian Jewish oligarchs who are basically controlling the Russian . Still, the Russian people are doing a great job in fighting the Ukrainian Nazis. I hope that one day the Russian will become relevant in the Middle East again. Unfortunately, they have to submit to the Americans and The insignificant Turkey.

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It is hard to see that Syria exists at all any longer. The east controlled by the US and Israel destroying anything they want too. The Turks pursuing a greater Turkey agenda. The 'government' with near zero legitimacy. I don't know what Russia will do but there is a lot against them.

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" Second, Russia can rebuild the Syrian armed forces within certain limits "

Based on the Lebanon model I'm sure, forever impotent and basically useless. How is this any different then what the US or Israel desires ?

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Syria is now de facto a failed state. This is entirely intentional, just as turning Iraq into a failed state did not deter anyone from doing the same to Libya.

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The new Syrian government has inherited a subset of what the Assad government used to control. I don't see the new Syrian government having firm control over the Alawaites area. Israel has increased its encroachment on Syrian land. The US claims to withdraw soon, but probably making deals with the Turks and the Kurds. The industrial zone in the north is now under direct Turkey control. Domestically, the new government needs some sort of alliance or united government. If not, the new Syrian government would control only Damascus. Foreign relationship-wise, Syria needs international help. Turkey is NOT in a position to pop up the new Syria; Turkey merely wants to grab the Allepo area. Americans may or may not leave. But given Trump admin behavior, US aid would flow to Israel and Gaza, not Syria. Iran and Iraq are not in a position to help even if they want to. The only asset left to the Syria government is to either "sell" the sea access to the Russians, or to the Americans. For the sake of Israel, DJT may offer economic help to Syria in exchange for the control of the coastal areas (dominated by Alawaites, Assad's tribe.) Or, "sell" the bases to Russia at a lower price but knowing Russia has no territory ambition or to help Israel against the Arabs.

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