In the US, no one has even voted for this perverted nonsense. The oligarchy just pushes for it to piss people off.

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The oligarchy (the billionaires and creators and promoters of the Nuland/Rice/Obama/Soros administration) pushes perversion for the same reason that Hollywood does: they enjoy it.

It appears that Western civilization has reached a point where necrophilia may be the "next big thing".

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If a child is born about 90% female, but is assigned "male" at birth, shouldn't that be something to reconsider? This mixup actually happens in our arbitrary medical and religious institutions, along with the randomness and imprecision of a human's DNA.

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Poetin heeft een punt: De liberaal-globalistische elite van het Westen en hun “woke” leger promoten pedofilie


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You are an excellent geopolitical analyst, and I value your contributions in that field. But this is hysterical, and offensive. "It began by normalizing same-sex relationships in society, followed by revising the religiously inherent concept of marriage until it simply referred to the legal union of two adults without reference to them having to be of opposite genders." You write like it's the 1990s. Perhaps it still is in your mind. All the abuses you cite have zero -- nothing to do with equality before the law. I say that as someone who has nothing but contempt for "woke" ideology, and as someone who is also in a legal same-sex relationship. You find important nuances in international affairs -- you might want to take a more nuanced approach to cultural politics in the future.

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