Found 2 articles about it



Remarkably I find 2 quotes from the first link

1."How Germany managed to elect a government whose intellectual capacities are difficult to describe is the fault of that society which had already made an election in 1933, the consequences of which we all know. The Germans seem to have a special ability to shoot themselves regularly in their own feet - left and right."

2."There are parallels to those dark times. The actions of the Nazi regime after its seizure of power in 1933 are practically identical with those of today’s elites in Europe against dissidents regarding the restriction of freedom of expression: incitement of the masses against those parts of the population, which question the politics of the powerful; Gleichschaltung of the media and - especially in Germany - rape of the law beyond recognition. For example, to deny the winner of the state elections in Thuringia the right to participate in government or to block minorities."

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The western system, is still blatantly colonialist. All the countries with little brown people must obey, or we will bomb them into submission Russia is taking the path of Gandhi, civil disobedience, while making friends. He will ultimately be successful while the US and the West fails.

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In a much darker shade, allow me to add the following: Iran needs Russia's military to survive, and perhaps cooperation from Russia to prosper (simply by providing another sea access and charging tolls is already a good business.) Given the American hostility to Iran, Iran has no other choice but to stick with the "Russian Camp". Ditto for China, except that China is actually more vulnerable than Iran in the aspect of less self-sufficient as a country.China needs not only Russia's military technology and consumer market, but also its natural resources. So China has no choice but to stick with the Russian Camp, but China is less dependable than Iran or North Korea from Russia's perspective. KSA has not made up their minds (and properly so before they convert all their USD into something useful) and Russia needs KSA and India for geopolitical reasons more than India needs Russia. KSA has to pick one camp due to its domestic economy and resources, but India has the full potential to be totally independent of both the US camp and the Russia Camp. From India's perspective, Russia is a much more polite, respectful, and trust-worthy neighbor and friend. The Americans, and the West in general, are loud-mouthed, interfering with India's domestic politics without understanding India properly, treating India as a colony and a door mat. Perhaps India's earlier tilt toward the US due to earlier stage of economic development, high tech and supply chain tie-ins, etc., has naturally changed to more independently minded with better domestic economy and national will. After all, one has to consider the stomach before the dignity. Once Indian people are convinced that they are on the right path to prosper and they have been exploited, India's national policies certainly will change. And I suspect this is not just a change at Modi's personal level, but rather a change shared by many Indian's people. From Russia's perspective, Russia only needs India to be free and independent, and Russians know how to be a friend. Russia does not need India to be a vassal. But Americans do.

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