Yes, but calling American Imperialists "racists" is troublesome even if they are.

There's a double meaning here, as the American Imperialists call their oppoents "racists", too, which they are, to the exent of defending the Traditional American race and values from the polyglot open borders Soros Imperialists.

If Dugin and Putin think Trump was the harbringer of a more multipolar world, understand, that he was denounced as "rasicst" too, which he was. He never acknowledged the war on Whites and sucked up to minorities like any RINO Republican or Democrat.

"All Lives Matter" is really just a cop out and spineless Republcians know it or they wouldn't do it.

A nation state is also a racial state. Han China in particular has no qualms about it. Putn doesn't either hence, his Russian language perogative.

True enough, many nation states are hardly as homogeneous as China, but there are also a dominant race in them or they are polyglot imperial contraptions like Ottoman America and Europe are becoming.

It's difficult to propoose a revolutionary new world order while hanging onto "nazi" and "racist" baggage which really have no meaning anymore other than to degrade Putin's truly great mind, likely enough, trolling for bottom feeder support (I would hope that's all it is!)

The science is in. The great equalitarian experiment in America has failed as "diveristy" always has i.e., it is politically factional and incourages foreign intrigue. Who'd have thought?

Imperial rule, on the other hand, is a very demanding challenge which succeeds only when it has a capable emporer ready to deal successfully with every problem within confiens that are not obvious.

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So where is this manifesto to be found?

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One can write whatever scenario might be more likely and cite all fronts participating in this game with their relative weight and "calculate" the possible outcome.

Which still would mean forgetting the REAL INTERESTS in THE GRAND GAME being played over centuries or even millennia. FIAT CURRENCY AND THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM at the BRINK OF BANKRUPTCY are the catch words one should research. Rather than "morally laden" strategies being drawn up by benevolent/malevolent emperors/tsars.

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You make it sound like China isn't trying to replace the USA as the world's sole hegemon. They will gobble up Russia when the time is right

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I agree, but I think Putin is also aware of that.

Old Russian saying: "Optomists study English. Pessimists study Chinese. Realists study the Kalashnikov."

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As suggested by Vladimir Putin’s own words heralding a “revolutionary change” in world affairs, it’s more likely that Russia-not China--is trying to usurp America’s role as global hegemon.

Indeed, Russia’s war in Ukraine isn’t only about Ukraine but about rolling back NATO (America’s proxy “alliance” system) preferably to its 1997 borders and more importantly ending America’s unipolar world dominance.

These latter goals are commendable, as America’s malignant rule of the planet has wrought wars, exploitation, and unspeakable horror throughout the globe.

Unfortunately, however, America and Russia have a commonality—and that is not a compliment.

Both countries possess a messianic Christian ideology that conceives of each nation with a divinely-ordained mission.

Russia is thus the Third Rome, the successor to the Roman Empire as the standard-bearer of Western Civilization and Christianity itself.

Similarly, America is the New Jerusalem with a divinely-justified mission to make the world safe for supposed Western values like democracy, freedom, and a “rules-based international order.”

America and Russia are Christian crusader empires under the skin--one Orthodox, the other Protestant. War and destruction without end are sure to follow in their wake.

It’s not surprising then that some conservative Christian Americans look to Russia for succor, support, and inspiration.

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Putin and Dugin understand the power of religion and rather prescienlty anticipate a "Great Awakening" of which Russia could be the leader of the Christian world.

Dugin is right, in that tehis secualr, "rules based" order has no meaning beyong some common enemy.

Although America is dominated by AIPAC-ZIONIST-NeoCons and Progressive war mongers fighitng Isreal's wars, America is hardly jewish per se. We "gentiles" can't be jews by definition.

"Judeo-Christian" is just a farce that is wearing thin since it never had meaning beyond AIPAC.

Russia's ambitions in the Middle East are pragmatic, not to mention that Tsarist Russia has had a long standing invovlement in the northern area as it's certainly within it's "sphere of influence".

You might even make the case, in fact, that Imperial Russia was more involved than the Soviets, who were much more concerned with Eastern Europe.

China, however, is the senior partner in BRICS ect., and Russia knows that. Without China, Russia probably couldn't prosecute its war in Urkaine nor impose its golden Ruble without the Chinese following suit.

Russia doesn't have the manufacturing nor GDP but it does have resources China's plant needs.

Russia, IMO, would be far more amenable to a "multipolar" understanding with American than risk a "unipolar" Chinese world for which multipolarism is just a stepping stone.

America is in the midst of major domestic turmoil from which Russia could gain a check on China and create that "self-determination of all nations" W. Wilson once promised. It's a long shot, but possible. But here, PUtin needs t obe very clear about "racists".

In America, it's the "racist" conservatives who understand Russia better than the anti-White racist Progressive-Globalists.

If, however, Putin is lumping Ann Coulter in with Azov, he'll have muffed it.

If Putin intends a new era, please drop the baggage from the last.

It actually has little meaning anymore.

Germany could easily turn to Russia and away from Amrica, too.

But let's call WW2 over and done with.

Besides, in a free, multi-polar world, why would one be compelled agaisnt "racism" when objective surveys and studies reveal that there really are congitive differences that would have political ramifications? Why imose democratic institutions on African countries that clearly demonstrate that they can't handle it?

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You downplay Russia's economic, military, and especially geopolitical power ambitions.

Russia's economy is actually much larger than many people appreciate, as GDP is not an accurate measure of the real economy (as opposed to the service sector, financial, or real estate speculation). The critical role that Russia plays in the world economy is evidenced by the sanctions that the USA and West have imposed on it. These sanctions have backfired massively on the West, while nations outside of the West have refused to go along with them because they know which side their economic bread is buttered.

Moreover, Russia is one of the preeminent military powers on this planet--and indeed Russia may be number one militarily, as Russia has a nuclear arsenal that equals that of the USA and dwarfs that of China. Also, it is Russia that sells weapons to China rather than vice versa. This demonstrates that Russia is actually superior to China in terms of military might.

Finally, some Americans claim that Russia is attempting to "recreate the Soviet Union," but they are somewhat off the mark. The Kremlin is trying to recreate a Tsarist-style Russian Empire, albeit without a formal Tsar.

Russia's intervention in the Ukraine was planned long ago and goes well beyond Ukraine itself and involves ending American world dominance and positioning Russia as the supreme geopolitical force throughout the Eurasian supercontinent.

Because of its special geographical position encompassing both Europe and Asia, Russia is uniquely positioned to fulfill this geopolitical ambition in a way that no other country can.

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Agree, GDP isn't an accurate measure.

However, multipolarity would be an admission that Russia cannot be a global hegemon and has in fact failed twice at attaining it.

The closest any Western power came was the Birtish Empire under circumstances long gone.

Global hegemony would be fool's gold at this point and I think Putin relaizes that even if Alexander Dugin doesn't.

Basics: Russia has twice the land area of America or China but half the population of America while China has ten times the Russian population.

China is also as much in bed with American Globlalists as with Russian multipolarity.

Russia has an enormous 3 million man military but with so much are to defend that they would trade land for time in a major conflict as they always have.

Putin is likely right that Russia's future lies in a top-down resource economy for which it needs China's plant which is largely American.

It's quite the manage a trois.

China is the aggressive imperial power, not Russia, using a late Britsh ploy in Egypt, of making bad loans and then taking over behind the scenes of a local puppet. This is "One Belt, One Road".

The various Russian groups appear to be more authentic multipolarity aimed at both China and America however much America is the major enemy now.

No doubt, Russia had contingency plans drawn up for Urkaine as for Georgia, Crimea and maybe even Alaska. Who knows?

But I doubt Russia would have attacked Ukriane without provocation as Mearssciiemer points out. After all, Russia made plenty of attempts a negotiated settlement in good faith that America broke as in Syria and Libya and even Iraq to some extent.

I also wouldn't be surprise to learn that China manipulates U.S. policy aginst Russia as much as it can, which is considerable. China owns a good deal of our gov't, manufacutring de facto, think tanks, media, business and finance. Every othe day, we hear of Biden-China joint globlaist projects epecially regarding immigration and land purchase.

Russias is not in America. China is.

I even wonder how much China might have had to do with teh Trump Russia Hoax. It certainly worked well for them in any case.

I think Russia and America need each other more than China needs either but would find a Russo-American aalliance formidable, if America ever got its manufacturing back.

Russia is therefore plalying a dangerous game, riding between two global hegemons, but one that forced upon it by American cupidity.

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