His intent was actually to absolve Jews of the collective responsibility for Zelensky’s crimes and his radical ideological crusade against the Russian Orthodox Church that anti-Semites attribute to them solely due to their ethno-national and religious association with him.
The same goes for the pro-Resistance segment of the Alt-Media Community. They still can't accept that he didn't ride in on his white horse to save them from Israel. Many are still coping and therefore interpret this as him signaling his secret anti-Zionist views lol
Oh, I get accused of being "dripping with Jew hate" every day. Was I also an antisemite when I got into physical confrontations with self-proclaimed Nazi skinhead in Ukraine and when I tore down their antisemitic posters?
No, Putin's not an anti-Semite. He's really not much of an anti-anything except when it comes to those who would harm Russia. He's always been pro-Israel, and that's one position on which he and I vehemently disagree.
Anyone calling Vladimir Putin anti-Semitic is either lying or propagandized.
I hope Mr. Putin's understanding of the Jews goes a bit deeper. I do sympathize that what he can say in public is well bounded by international politics and ugly realities. His words will be distorted and twisted no matter how clearly he presents his case. In a sense, his deep appreciation of history may sometimes do him in because his audience may not understand the history let alone appreciate the lessons from history.
Public statements by politicians should be analyzed from the point of view that politicians are trying to achieve certain goals or push a certain agenda. I interpret this statement as Putin trying to deligitimize Zelensky's regime by saying that he doesn't represent the Ukrainian people. I highly doubt that Putin was trying to appease the Jews or affirm his philosemitism given the context and the format of this statement.
At TruthTower dot com you will find a documentary about the Zionists who have come to rule the USA by means of secret plots and blackmail. It is called "The Second 911" and is excellent. Putin may well be being played to the same degree that US presidents have been played.
Instead of calling out the undisguised black sheep from amongst their ilk, Ziofascists show a tendency to disincentivate any honest appraisal of their misdeeds by weaponising the hoarse cry of anti-Semetism. It is in this obnoxious spirit that Rabbi Pinkass GoldSmith has read too much in President Putin's innocuous jibe at vandals who are destroying the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Whereas Mr Putin had emphasised that the conspiracy to destroy Orthodox church and persecute its followers hatched by Zelensky and his henchmen should not be allowed to blow into an excuse for sectarian strife, because those involved in such hideous acts were not being sincere to the tenets of any faith, let alone Judaism ; on the other hand, Rabbi Pinkass GoldSmith capitalised on this well-meaning statement as an opportunity to foment the very same strife and hatred which President Putin had been entreating his countrymen not to succumb to, by dishonestly spinning an entirely opposite angle of a civilisational attack on Judaism to rake up controversy. Pincharse's rants about his bad time in Russia become all the more reprehensible when one remembers that it were his Ziofascist comrades Matvei Berman and Heinrich Yegoda who had been running the entire show of genociding hundreds of thousands of rank and file Slavic Russians from poverty stricken Labour class backgrounds in Siberian gulags at the time he is alluding to, as part of a project for fomenting massive internal discord and dissaffection towards the nation in Russian society chalked out by Lavrentiy Beria who was architect of a plan to carve out Greater Israel from Baku to Odessa. When, by a sudden turn or quirk of fate, destiny turned the tables on those two monsters Berman and Yegoda and they eventually fell foul of Stalin's favour and got purged, it was only to be expected of the usual suspects to cry anti-Semetism as if by a reflex, but this solidarity from the "tribe" does not make the devilish character of those two monsters any nobler.
"The point that Putin tried to convey was that Zelensky’s ethno-national identity, which he’s fiercely proud of, has nothing to do with his radical ideological crusade against the Russian Orthodox Church that the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians follow. Despite considering himself to be Jewish, Zelensky doesn’t even attend synagogue, thus suggesting that he exploits his ethno-national identity as a shield to deflect from criticism of his anti-ROC and other policies on the false basis that such is supposedly anti-Semitic".
"His remarks are therefore aimed at preventing people from negatively judging all Jews based on Zelensky’s radical ideological crusade."
-- Andrew Korybko has Very accurately pointed out the real import of Mr Putin's remarks in the aforegoing words. Leaving all doubts and confusion to rest. Not the subtlest hint of malice towards any ethno-religious group.
However, Rabbi Pinchass GoldShmeidt, in a very irresponsible turn of events, read a meaning totally opposite of that intended by the speaker into Mr Putin's remarks, and conflated them with anti-Semetism as it exists in its typical form anywhere on earth. Perhaps owing to difficulty in comprehending Russian language despite having spent the prime of his life in Russia, or maybe having been led astray by mistranslation or media hyperbole, Rabbi Pinchass gave a sinister twist to Mr Putin's remarks which portends gravely misinforming hundreds of thousands of his followers like wildfire, potentially fomenting ill conceived bad blood between communities. I strongly urge Mr Pinchass to rectify his statements and issue a public corrigendum.
The conclusion doesn't follow from the premise on either moral or strategic grounds. The implication is that all those who support the Pals in their losing struggle against dispossession by the Zionist state--call them "Resistance Axis" or pro-Pal demonstrators on US campuses or whatever--are inherently bad people, because the act of resistance itself is evil.
The logic is Zionist logic: What is good for the Jews is, ultimately, good for the world. It's a great argument if you can make it work, and Jews have been quite successful at making it work.
All other needs or interests that come into conflict with what is "good for the Jews" are therefore inherently evil. Assertion of anybody else's interests against Jewish interests is "antisemitic" and evil. Hatred of Jews who are dispossessing Pals from a land that was 93% Arab at the end of WW I becomes a worse moral offense than the act of dispossession itself (which, of course, is not evil at all, since it is "good for the Jews.")
The argument is also logically flawed in more practical terms, in that, even if Putin were objectively hostile to Jews and Israel, there would be strong reason for him not to act on his sentiments--namely, the power of international Jewry to drive the US government, over whose thinking it has massive influence, to even greater anti-Russian actions that would have a materially negative impact on Russian interests as defined by Putin.
"Yes, because anti-Semites would definitely support arming others against Israel because they want to k!ll Jews, but people who aren’t anti-Semites might support it too, though obviously not for that reason but to support Palestine, etc."
"If Putin was really an anti-Semite like some have claimed after his latest remarks (the MSM considers them abhorrent while pro-Resistance Alt-Media considers this praiseworthy), then it would follow that he truly hates Jews, wants to k!ll them, and would have militarily supported the Resistance.
But he’s not an anti-Semite, he doesn’t hate Jews, and is therefore among some of those non-anti-Semites who doesn’t support the Resistance against Israel, but other non-anti-Semites do out of solidarity with Palestine, etc., not to k!ll Jews like anti-Semites want to do."
Andrew, please stop using the term anti-Semite. It is worthless as a word. It is a lie incarnate. Palestinians are every bit as semitic as the majority of Israelis, in fact more-so as far as DNA speaks to this matter.
You know exactly what I'm referring to, anti-Jewish sentiment, and I'm not going to write a paragraph-long disclaimer in every analysis wherein that term is used.
The problem is that there are actual religious Jews in Israel. About 20% who may well have blood ties to that land. You need to use a term that does not refer to them. Anti-Zionist is that term. I know its complicated (They themselves are anti-zionist).
I understand that, but the term is widely known among the majority of the population as referring to anti-Jewish sentiment. Again, I'm not going to include a disclaimer every time that I use the word, which is rarely in any case. You can just stop reading any of my work the moment you see it if it bothers you so much.
The reason you have to use antisemite is because our "deep state" rulers have incorporated it purposefully into the dominant narrative. Every time you use it you further the lie that there is an anti-jewish reality. It is not real, not true. It is a propaganda term used by the power elite to keep wars going. Don't be lazy.
The fact that you have posted these three tweets in response to my request for clarification of your logic, rather than actually clarifying your logic, shows that you are wholly unable to back up your own assertion because it is utterly and patently flawed. The premise of your logic is that anyone who opposes the genocidal state of Israel is a Jew-hater. What complete bullshit.
Absolutely wrong, you're clearly another triggered Resistance troll who's upset that Russia didn't save your movement and let Israel destroy it so you're using me as a strawman to cope:
"No, that’s your interpretation: I’ll say it explicitly, it is not anti-Semitic to support Palestine or the Resistance.
Will you now stop dishonestly and very obnoxiously putting words in my mouth out of desperation to discredit my work?
Putin only pays lip service to Palestine and that’s it. Nobody should have ever expected anything more.
The facts are the facts, and they clearly get you angry, but it’s so dishonest to deny them like you’re doing."
Tell me more about how it makes you feel that Putin sat back and let Israel singlehandedly destroy the Resistance, which was weaker than a spider web despite claiming for years that it was supposedly Israel that was that weak.
Imagine being brainwashed for years, literally, into falling for the false narrative that Putin is anti-Israel and anti-Zionist just to watch him do nothing as your heroes are assassinated before the world's eyes.
It must suck to be you, and knowing that you're coping so hard while desperately and delusionally clinging to your discredited conspiracy theories about Putin makes me happy and makes this interaction worth it :-)
Now let me troll you back for amusement, which I've hitherto largely restricted to my X account but the influx of triggered Resistance trolls under this post has inspired me to make an exception.
Complete your self-humiliation ritual by explaining why you still think that Putin is anti-Israel and anti-Zionist after he let Israel singlehandedly destroy the Resistance.
Tell me more about how it's all part of a "5D chess master plan to psyche out the Zionists" and share with me the names of those top Alt-Media influencers who brainwashed you to believe this.
How's it make you feel being an anti-Zionist, someone so passionate about this ideal that you were triggered by my truth bombs, and knowing now that Putin is actually very very Zionist friendly.
Will you rethink your worldview after all these years? Nah, I know you won't. You'll just cope, seethe, screech, and detach yourself further from reality. I love knowing that my work has this effect on my trolls.
See, Stephen (if that's even your real name), you're a nobody with absolutely zero influence on the discourse, whether social, academic, or in terms of policymaking. We're not equals, far from it.
Once I get bored, and that'll happen soon since my trolls always without exception react one of several ways when we get to this point, I'll block you and forget about in a few days tops most likely.
But you, Stephen, you'll never forget me. No, never. I psychologically scarred you with my fact-based analyses and shook your whole worldview, which is the basis of your existence for "activists" like you.
You'll never forget what you learned from my work, but you'll never learn from it either because you're an irredeemable troll and you'll always remain one. Make my day, amuse me, troll me back.
Whatever you do or don't do, it'll just amuse me more because it's impossible for you to reverse the power dynamics between us. Now complete the self-humiliation ritual that you began however you want.
Tell me how it makes you feel. Release all of your hatred. Show me the power that I wield over your mind and emotions without even trying. I'm admittedly a toxic person sometimes and I love traumatizing trolls.
If he doesn’t become sufficiently antisemitic then Russia will lose. They need to learn from their mistakes, and the Jewish one was massive.
Jews own and control America, and they are the malevolent force behind the punishing, bullying, and cruelty that is trying to regain global hegemony. Americas behaviour on the world’s stage is a reflection of the Jewish racial spirit —the same one you see in Gaza.
We should all be sufficiently antisemitic or we will regret it.
IMPORTANT: Klitschko family lawyer Sukhanov (https://t.me/zimovskyAL/34736) was arrested while accepting a million dollar bribe, which he accepted for resolving issues related to the allocation of an elite land plot in the Kiev city council.
The money is vacuum-packed, $100,000 in each pack. It is clear that it is straight from American aid, unopened.
It is unbelievable, stunning, that Putin could be so ignorant as to blame anything like a Jew on the problems of the Russian Orthodoxy in Ukraine. The problem is the Uniate Orthodox churches who are Catholic. The problems of Russia are the direct result of Roman Catholic power in Ukraine, Europe, England and the US. NATO was never about communism, it was also about the Schism. The NSDAP and the Third Reich was all about Roman Catholic power in Europe.
You're completely off-course, buddy. Putin's just as much of a controlled stooge as Nazilensky is, and the fact he deflects blame onto zhooce proves he's regurgitating classic Jesuit agitprop.
First, and foremost, Putin is for a defense of Russian national sovereignty against Western imperialism. The battlefield is the mind.
Religion and religious warfare is a 'divide and conquer' tool of the Western Globalists that Putin wisely chose not to be boxed into. But, he will defend the ROC against Zelensky's Nazi mob for the right of religious freedom for all sovereign nations.
The big problem with sapiens is the brutal mismatch between the development of science and logic and its atavism based on "myth". In a world increasingly dependent on "SCIENCE", fewer and fewer people are guided by LOGOS, but instead, they remain stuck in tribal Darwinism, which in the current era must be completely abandoned, as it no longer makes sense, since it is based on "Competition" and not on "Cooperation", which in the current stage of productive forces, should be the horizon to be pursued, as it would geometrically enhance the development of technology with the capacity to provide abundance to everyone with ease, since each individual would abandon useless functions and become "a producer of SCIENCE". The religious element should be allowed only in individual actions and never interfere in social dynamics, as it is a remnant of our primitiveness and in this way it has been used by the ruling class to impede the critical consciousness of the working class and keep it in alienation, clouding its vision of who represents the real factor impeding its emancipation as a conscious and rational individual, guided by REASON and not by tribal fragments that lead to competition, which MADE sense in outdated modes of production, where the Technique was still rudimentary and SCARCITY was the rule.
current ashkeNAZI jews are not semites, they are mix or mongrels of Hittites, Mitani, Pechangs, Volga Bulgars, Magyars, Huns Avars, Kipchaks, Chazars, Eastern Slavs, Western Slave, germanic germans, germanic swedes, so the Palestinians are current Semites. If Putin talks about banditry of zionists ashkeNAZI chazars, just observe the holocaust committed by iSSrahell against Semitic Palestinians
I don't tolerate personal attacks against me like implying that I'm paid by the Russian Government or that my views aren't my own. It's so insulting and no self-respecting person would tolerate it.
I have a Masters in International Relations and a PhD in Political Science from MGIMO, which is run by the Russian Foreign Ministry, so I have the academic credentials required for articulating Russian policy.
And that's what I do, I articulate the policy as it objectively exists, I don't do push wishful thinking fantasies like the other people who you presumably follow. As for Helmer, I don't know him and don't know why he'd try to discredit me.
I've casually followed his work before and it reads like the typical wishful thinking political fantasy slop that you'd expect from 90% of the Alt-Media Community. But he's right about one thing, my work more accurately reflects Russian policy than anyone else's.
Now back to you: if you personally insult me one more time, and I recall you behaving passively aggressively before, then you'll be blocked without warning. You can respectfully express contrarian views without insulting me personally.
I don't know what your ethno-national identity is or what culture you were brought up in, but I don't tolerate that disrespect. You can rant that way on X, maybe I'll troll you back for amusement (it's one of my favorite hobbies), but I don't allow that here on my Stack.
No, I'm just a regular self-respecting person who's not going to be insulted by cowardly anons on my Stack, where I strive to have civilized discussions among people with respectfully expressed contrarian views or who want to learn more about my views or understanding of Russian policy from my analyses.
You're blocked for obnoxiously disrespecting me after I warned against it. It's obvious that you're just a typical pro-Resistance troll who can't accept that Putin isn't the anti-Semite who you wishfully fantasized that he was after being duped by trusted Alt-Media influencers.
Wrong, there's no "denial", just an accurate reflection of objectively existing political reality that you and your pro-Resistance ilk refuse to recognize.
You can't analyze anything without first understanding what it really is, and you clearly don't want to understand Putin's policy towards this issue.
And yes, I'll indeed condemn those Alt-Media folks for telling readers whatever they want to hear since they know the truth but still lie about it.
My name is a cuss word to most of the big names. They react very angrily when they're reminded of me and some block those who do so under their posts.
I don't know who you are and don't care, but if you make another ad hominem attack about my motivations like in your original post, then you'll be blocked.
Instead of sharing an alternative explanation of the facts that I presented, you choose to attack me in a personal way, which is typical of pro-Resistance trolls.
It doesn't matter what Putin said or thinks. The MSM will accuse him of antisemitism regardless.
The same goes for the pro-Resistance segment of the Alt-Media Community. They still can't accept that he didn't ride in on his white horse to save them from Israel. Many are still coping and therefore interpret this as him signaling his secret anti-Zionist views lol
Granted. I have no love for Israel, but a disturbing number of the AMC just don't like Jews, period.
Oh, I get accused of being "dripping with Jew hate" every day. Was I also an antisemite when I got into physical confrontations with self-proclaimed Nazi skinhead in Ukraine and when I tore down their antisemitic posters?
No, Putin's not an anti-Semite. He's really not much of an anti-anything except when it comes to those who would harm Russia. He's always been pro-Israel, and that's one position on which he and I vehemently disagree.
Anyone calling Vladimir Putin anti-Semitic is either lying or propagandized.
I hope Mr. Putin's understanding of the Jews goes a bit deeper. I do sympathize that what he can say in public is well bounded by international politics and ugly realities. His words will be distorted and twisted no matter how clearly he presents his case. In a sense, his deep appreciation of history may sometimes do him in because his audience may not understand the history let alone appreciate the lessons from history.
You are confusing western neurotic public with Russian people. We do understand history and what Western oligarch cabal media says - we don't care.
Oh and there are 2 j@w giga centers. 1 is in City of London and another in Wall St
Russia doesn't belong to any but plays depending on the situation.
Western narrow view (Israel, Israel, Israel !!!!) is just boring.
That is very true. After all, the vast majority of the things Mr. Putin talks about are for domestic audience, not foreigners.
Public statements by politicians should be analyzed from the point of view that politicians are trying to achieve certain goals or push a certain agenda. I interpret this statement as Putin trying to deligitimize Zelensky's regime by saying that he doesn't represent the Ukrainian people. I highly doubt that Putin was trying to appease the Jews or affirm his philosemitism given the context and the format of this statement.
At TruthTower dot com you will find a documentary about the Zionists who have come to rule the USA by means of secret plots and blackmail. It is called "The Second 911" and is excellent. Putin may well be being played to the same degree that US presidents have been played.
Instead of calling out the undisguised black sheep from amongst their ilk, Ziofascists show a tendency to disincentivate any honest appraisal of their misdeeds by weaponising the hoarse cry of anti-Semetism. It is in this obnoxious spirit that Rabbi Pinkass GoldSmith has read too much in President Putin's innocuous jibe at vandals who are destroying the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Whereas Mr Putin had emphasised that the conspiracy to destroy Orthodox church and persecute its followers hatched by Zelensky and his henchmen should not be allowed to blow into an excuse for sectarian strife, because those involved in such hideous acts were not being sincere to the tenets of any faith, let alone Judaism ; on the other hand, Rabbi Pinkass GoldSmith capitalised on this well-meaning statement as an opportunity to foment the very same strife and hatred which President Putin had been entreating his countrymen not to succumb to, by dishonestly spinning an entirely opposite angle of a civilisational attack on Judaism to rake up controversy. Pincharse's rants about his bad time in Russia become all the more reprehensible when one remembers that it were his Ziofascist comrades Matvei Berman and Heinrich Yegoda who had been running the entire show of genociding hundreds of thousands of rank and file Slavic Russians from poverty stricken Labour class backgrounds in Siberian gulags at the time he is alluding to, as part of a project for fomenting massive internal discord and dissaffection towards the nation in Russian society chalked out by Lavrentiy Beria who was architect of a plan to carve out Greater Israel from Baku to Odessa. When, by a sudden turn or quirk of fate, destiny turned the tables on those two monsters Berman and Yegoda and they eventually fell foul of Stalin's favour and got purged, it was only to be expected of the usual suspects to cry anti-Semetism as if by a reflex, but this solidarity from the "tribe" does not make the devilish character of those two monsters any nobler.
"The point that Putin tried to convey was that Zelensky’s ethno-national identity, which he’s fiercely proud of, has nothing to do with his radical ideological crusade against the Russian Orthodox Church that the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians follow. Despite considering himself to be Jewish, Zelensky doesn’t even attend synagogue, thus suggesting that he exploits his ethno-national identity as a shield to deflect from criticism of his anti-ROC and other policies on the false basis that such is supposedly anti-Semitic".
"His remarks are therefore aimed at preventing people from negatively judging all Jews based on Zelensky’s radical ideological crusade."
-- Andrew Korybko has Very accurately pointed out the real import of Mr Putin's remarks in the aforegoing words. Leaving all doubts and confusion to rest. Not the subtlest hint of malice towards any ethno-religious group.
However, Rabbi Pinchass GoldShmeidt, in a very irresponsible turn of events, read a meaning totally opposite of that intended by the speaker into Mr Putin's remarks, and conflated them with anti-Semetism as it exists in its typical form anywhere on earth. Perhaps owing to difficulty in comprehending Russian language despite having spent the prime of his life in Russia, or maybe having been led astray by mistranslation or media hyperbole, Rabbi Pinchass gave a sinister twist to Mr Putin's remarks which portends gravely misinforming hundreds of thousands of his followers like wildfire, potentially fomenting ill conceived bad blood between communities. I strongly urge Mr Pinchass to rectify his statements and issue a public corrigendum.
Corrigendum = an error to be corrected, especially a printer's error. I had to look it up.
“If Putin was really an anti-Semite, then… …he also would have meaningfully supported the Resistance Axis against Israel.”
Would you be able to explain / clarify / elucidate the particular logic you’re employing here?
The conclusion doesn't follow from the premise on either moral or strategic grounds. The implication is that all those who support the Pals in their losing struggle against dispossession by the Zionist state--call them "Resistance Axis" or pro-Pal demonstrators on US campuses or whatever--are inherently bad people, because the act of resistance itself is evil.
The logic is Zionist logic: What is good for the Jews is, ultimately, good for the world. It's a great argument if you can make it work, and Jews have been quite successful at making it work.
All other needs or interests that come into conflict with what is "good for the Jews" are therefore inherently evil. Assertion of anybody else's interests against Jewish interests is "antisemitic" and evil. Hatred of Jews who are dispossessing Pals from a land that was 93% Arab at the end of WW I becomes a worse moral offense than the act of dispossession itself (which, of course, is not evil at all, since it is "good for the Jews.")
The argument is also logically flawed in more practical terms, in that, even if Putin were objectively hostile to Jews and Israel, there would be strong reason for him not to act on his sentiments--namely, the power of international Jewry to drive the US government, over whose thinking it has massive influence, to even greater anti-Russian actions that would have a materially negative impact on Russian interests as defined by Putin.
So no, no logic at all.
"Yes, because anti-Semites would definitely support arming others against Israel because they want to k!ll Jews, but people who aren’t anti-Semites might support it too, though obviously not for that reason but to support Palestine, etc."
"If Putin was really an anti-Semite like some have claimed after his latest remarks (the MSM considers them abhorrent while pro-Resistance Alt-Media considers this praiseworthy), then it would follow that he truly hates Jews, wants to k!ll them, and would have militarily supported the Resistance.
But he’s not an anti-Semite, he doesn’t hate Jews, and is therefore among some of those non-anti-Semites who doesn’t support the Resistance against Israel, but other non-anti-Semites do out of solidarity with Palestine, etc., not to k!ll Jews like anti-Semites want to do."
Andrew, please stop using the term anti-Semite. It is worthless as a word. It is a lie incarnate. Palestinians are every bit as semitic as the majority of Israelis, in fact more-so as far as DNA speaks to this matter.
You know exactly what I'm referring to, anti-Jewish sentiment, and I'm not going to write a paragraph-long disclaimer in every analysis wherein that term is used.
The problem is that there are actual religious Jews in Israel. About 20% who may well have blood ties to that land. You need to use a term that does not refer to them. Anti-Zionist is that term. I know its complicated (They themselves are anti-zionist).
I understand that, but the term is widely known among the majority of the population as referring to anti-Jewish sentiment. Again, I'm not going to include a disclaimer every time that I use the word, which is rarely in any case. You can just stop reading any of my work the moment you see it if it bothers you so much.
The reason you have to use antisemite is because our "deep state" rulers have incorporated it purposefully into the dominant narrative. Every time you use it you further the lie that there is an anti-jewish reality. It is not real, not true. It is a propaganda term used by the power elite to keep wars going. Don't be lazy.
The fact that you have posted these three tweets in response to my request for clarification of your logic, rather than actually clarifying your logic, shows that you are wholly unable to back up your own assertion because it is utterly and patently flawed. The premise of your logic is that anyone who opposes the genocidal state of Israel is a Jew-hater. What complete bullshit.
Absolutely wrong, you're clearly another triggered Resistance troll who's upset that Russia didn't save your movement and let Israel destroy it so you're using me as a strawman to cope:
"No, that’s your interpretation: I’ll say it explicitly, it is not anti-Semitic to support Palestine or the Resistance.
Will you now stop dishonestly and very obnoxiously putting words in my mouth out of desperation to discredit my work?
Putin only pays lip service to Palestine and that’s it. Nobody should have ever expected anything more.
The facts are the facts, and they clearly get you angry, but it’s so dishonest to deny them like you’re doing."
Tell me more about how it makes you feel that Putin sat back and let Israel singlehandedly destroy the Resistance, which was weaker than a spider web despite claiming for years that it was supposedly Israel that was that weak.
Imagine being brainwashed for years, literally, into falling for the false narrative that Putin is anti-Israel and anti-Zionist just to watch him do nothing as your heroes are assassinated before the world's eyes.
It must suck to be you, and knowing that you're coping so hard while desperately and delusionally clinging to your discredited conspiracy theories about Putin makes me happy and makes this interaction worth it :-)
Now let me troll you back for amusement, which I've hitherto largely restricted to my X account but the influx of triggered Resistance trolls under this post has inspired me to make an exception.
Complete your self-humiliation ritual by explaining why you still think that Putin is anti-Israel and anti-Zionist after he let Israel singlehandedly destroy the Resistance.
Tell me more about how it's all part of a "5D chess master plan to psyche out the Zionists" and share with me the names of those top Alt-Media influencers who brainwashed you to believe this.
How's it make you feel being an anti-Zionist, someone so passionate about this ideal that you were triggered by my truth bombs, and knowing now that Putin is actually very very Zionist friendly.
Will you rethink your worldview after all these years? Nah, I know you won't. You'll just cope, seethe, screech, and detach yourself further from reality. I love knowing that my work has this effect on my trolls.
See, Stephen (if that's even your real name), you're a nobody with absolutely zero influence on the discourse, whether social, academic, or in terms of policymaking. We're not equals, far from it.
Once I get bored, and that'll happen soon since my trolls always without exception react one of several ways when we get to this point, I'll block you and forget about in a few days tops most likely.
But you, Stephen, you'll never forget me. No, never. I psychologically scarred you with my fact-based analyses and shook your whole worldview, which is the basis of your existence for "activists" like you.
You'll never forget what you learned from my work, but you'll never learn from it either because you're an irredeemable troll and you'll always remain one. Make my day, amuse me, troll me back.
Whatever you do or don't do, it'll just amuse me more because it's impossible for you to reverse the power dynamics between us. Now complete the self-humiliation ritual that you began however you want.
Tell me how it makes you feel. Release all of your hatred. Show me the power that I wield over your mind and emotions without even trying. I'm admittedly a toxic person sometimes and I love traumatizing trolls.
Anti-Semite is a meaningless term used only in propaganda.
If he doesn’t become sufficiently antisemitic then Russia will lose. They need to learn from their mistakes, and the Jewish one was massive.
Jews own and control America, and they are the malevolent force behind the punishing, bullying, and cruelty that is trying to regain global hegemony. Americas behaviour on the world’s stage is a reflection of the Jewish racial spirit —the same one you see in Gaza.
We should all be sufficiently antisemitic or we will regret it.
IMPORTANT: Klitschko family lawyer Sukhanov (https://t.me/zimovskyAL/34736) was arrested while accepting a million dollar bribe, which he accepted for resolving issues related to the allocation of an elite land plot in the Kiev city council.
The money is vacuum-packed, $100,000 in each pack. It is clear that it is straight from American aid, unopened.
War Reports - 2024-12-28 - Main Report, by
It is unbelievable, stunning, that Putin could be so ignorant as to blame anything like a Jew on the problems of the Russian Orthodoxy in Ukraine. The problem is the Uniate Orthodox churches who are Catholic. The problems of Russia are the direct result of Roman Catholic power in Ukraine, Europe, England and the US. NATO was never about communism, it was also about the Schism. The NSDAP and the Third Reich was all about Roman Catholic power in Europe.
You're completely off-course, buddy. Putin's just as much of a controlled stooge as Nazilensky is, and the fact he deflects blame onto zhooce proves he's regurgitating classic Jesuit agitprop.
First, and foremost, Putin is for a defense of Russian national sovereignty against Western imperialism. The battlefield is the mind.
Religion and religious warfare is a 'divide and conquer' tool of the Western Globalists that Putin wisely chose not to be boxed into. But, he will defend the ROC against Zelensky's Nazi mob for the right of religious freedom for all sovereign nations.
The big problem with sapiens is the brutal mismatch between the development of science and logic and its atavism based on "myth". In a world increasingly dependent on "SCIENCE", fewer and fewer people are guided by LOGOS, but instead, they remain stuck in tribal Darwinism, which in the current era must be completely abandoned, as it no longer makes sense, since it is based on "Competition" and not on "Cooperation", which in the current stage of productive forces, should be the horizon to be pursued, as it would geometrically enhance the development of technology with the capacity to provide abundance to everyone with ease, since each individual would abandon useless functions and become "a producer of SCIENCE". The religious element should be allowed only in individual actions and never interfere in social dynamics, as it is a remnant of our primitiveness and in this way it has been used by the ruling class to impede the critical consciousness of the working class and keep it in alienation, clouding its vision of who represents the real factor impeding its emancipation as a conscious and rational individual, guided by REASON and not by tribal fragments that lead to competition, which MADE sense in outdated modes of production, where the Technique was still rudimentary and SCARCITY was the rule.
current ashkeNAZI jews are not semites, they are mix or mongrels of Hittites, Mitani, Pechangs, Volga Bulgars, Magyars, Huns Avars, Kipchaks, Chazars, Eastern Slavs, Western Slave, germanic germans, germanic swedes, so the Palestinians are current Semites. If Putin talks about banditry of zionists ashkeNAZI chazars, just observe the holocaust committed by iSSrahell against Semitic Palestinians
I don't tolerate personal attacks against me like implying that I'm paid by the Russian Government or that my views aren't my own. It's so insulting and no self-respecting person would tolerate it.
I have a Masters in International Relations and a PhD in Political Science from MGIMO, which is run by the Russian Foreign Ministry, so I have the academic credentials required for articulating Russian policy.
And that's what I do, I articulate the policy as it objectively exists, I don't do push wishful thinking fantasies like the other people who you presumably follow. As for Helmer, I don't know him and don't know why he'd try to discredit me.
I've casually followed his work before and it reads like the typical wishful thinking political fantasy slop that you'd expect from 90% of the Alt-Media Community. But he's right about one thing, my work more accurately reflects Russian policy than anyone else's.
Now back to you: if you personally insult me one more time, and I recall you behaving passively aggressively before, then you'll be blocked without warning. You can respectfully express contrarian views without insulting me personally.
I don't know what your ethno-national identity is or what culture you were brought up in, but I don't tolerate that disrespect. You can rant that way on X, maybe I'll troll you back for amusement (it's one of my favorite hobbies), but I don't allow that here on my Stack.
No, I'm just a regular self-respecting person who's not going to be insulted by cowardly anons on my Stack, where I strive to have civilized discussions among people with respectfully expressed contrarian views or who want to learn more about my views or understanding of Russian policy from my analyses.
You're blocked for obnoxiously disrespecting me after I warned against it. It's obvious that you're just a typical pro-Resistance troll who can't accept that Putin isn't the anti-Semite who you wishfully fantasized that he was after being duped by trusted Alt-Media influencers.
Wrong, there's no "denial", just an accurate reflection of objectively existing political reality that you and your pro-Resistance ilk refuse to recognize.
You can't analyze anything without first understanding what it really is, and you clearly don't want to understand Putin's policy towards this issue.
And yes, I'll indeed condemn those Alt-Media folks for telling readers whatever they want to hear since they know the truth but still lie about it.
My name is a cuss word to most of the big names. They react very angrily when they're reminded of me and some block those who do so under their posts.
I don't know who you are and don't care, but if you make another ad hominem attack about my motivations like in your original post, then you'll be blocked.
Instead of sharing an alternative explanation of the facts that I presented, you choose to attack me in a personal way, which is typical of pro-Resistance trolls.