4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by Andrew Korybko

Thankyou for this. A valuable text today I think which can be used to educate those with simplistic notions of the nature and the conduct of the war in Ukraine.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Andrew Korybko

The re-sale of imported amo is hardly ever allowed by the end-user certificates that are the norm with international transfers of arms.

I seriously doubt that there were no EUC's involved, which would make this a serious breach of contract.

Not that Russia would be able to take them to court. But India could, if it becomes politically necessary at some future point in time.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Andrew Korybko

Still I think it is fake news. The logic used by reuters is like what india said when importing russian oil

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I'm also skeptical for the most part, but I wouldn't rule out that EU countries are redirecting some Indian ammo to Ukraine either, though I'm unsure whether India is all that aware of it.

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If India gave ammo to EU,then it is mostly confirmed as EU doesn't buy from India

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I belong to the old school of zero-summers, at least I lean that way. However, Russia, and many other countries, even USA sometimes, do realize that the "game" is multi-dimensional and there is a time axis to consider as well. If backing off one step today can give you the benefit of two steps forward, then backing off today is probably better. It seems Iran takes this approach in terms of the expected "retaliation strike". Sometimes a country is willing to compromise a little here while insisting on something else, as each "dimension" also carries different weights for different countries. Furthermore, considering the possibility of nuclear destruction can easily spread out to all nations, the primary directive of the game should be that "nobody loses" (at least for guys who have nuclear weapons.) Therefore, the game is really "fixed sum" -- as the earth is finite. The imperialist's winner-takes-all attitude is the real culprit here.

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