Western democracy is just a process for legitimizing elite interests, and these same elites sometimes repeat the process until they get their desired result.
The Empire is in attack mode which all comes down to its assertion that you are either with or against us forcing countries to pick a side and, if you're on the wrong side, bad things will happen there. Might is right.
The reaction to the Masters of the Universe's open threat to attack the non-worshippers of the USD so far has been weak. BRICS itself is a weak-formed union that barely trusts each other. That's no way to stand against an opponent bent on destroying you. Trump will try to convince Russia to accept a deal which would include the removal of sanctions which means very little because he also said that he would apply tariffs on any country moving away from the USD.
There are also rumours of a second AFU attack into Russian territory to improve the terms of the
soon peace deal. Russia could let them advance into its borders as much as they want trapping them in by launching a concentrated multi-pronged blitzkrieg counter-offensive and surrounding Kyiv. The AFU kamikaze expeditionary force would lose their line of supply cut off deep in enemy territory and be forced to surrender or be obliterated along with all the other retreating stragglers. And that would be a checkmate against Ukraine. But it looks like Russia is going to settle for a lesser deal at a time when the Empire is in full-spectrum attack mode.
So, BRICS and friends are no match against the Empire as things stand because they are too soft and afraid to offend the Empire which can chip away to break the will of one country at a time. So far Russia fights alone and the Empire knows it. Lack of support from its allies could be the reason Russia is so measured in its SMO. The Masters of the Universe will continue to divide and conquer non-compliant countries. The Empire has struck back while Russia alone holds the line.
Hence, BRICS less R equals BICS which is an appropriate acronym meaning disposable lighter.
The Empire is bent on turning BRICS into BICS one flick at a time. lol
Russia is pushing west and the last week Chinese mega deployment arround Taiwan have browned Taiwanese pants, while the US reaction was very muted.
India has signed a 10 agreement for purchasing vast amounts of Russian oil.
Also Iran is not bereft of capacity.
These poles don't need that much coordination to hold on on their own front. All the while the west is attritted and the true colours are coming to light for everyone to see. The PR for western values is worst than a snake oil salesperson nowadays.
The Empire is in reckless flight forward war hawk mode. All Russia and Xi have to do is methodically flank the Hegemons weak points by promoting physical economic growth to former victims of Anglo-Dutch-French imperial/colonial rule.
For example, the U.S. economy is a physical rust bucket with broken down infrastructure decrepit roads, bridges, electric grid, literally rotting from within.
Die Demokratie ist eine Erfindung der Mächtigen, um sich vor dem Zorn der Bevölkerung zu schützen. In der internationalen Politik geht es nie um Demokratie oder Menschenrechte. Es geht um die Interessen von Staaten. Merken Sie sich das, egal, was Politdarsteller Ihnen erzählen.
Die gesamte Demokratische Politik ist auf Lügen aufgebaut...!
'Democracy is an invention of the powerful to protect themselves from the anger of the population. International politics is never about democracy or human rights. It is about the interests of states. Remember that, no matter what political actors tell you.
The entire democratic politics is based on lies...!'
Do not besmirch the idea of democracy here, don't throw the baby out with the water.
Athenian democracy was based on sortition, which likely harks back to a time where communities had a wholesome representation. Evidence from 6000 years old sites in southern Ukraine reveal communities, agricultural communities to be underscored, that were very communitarian in outlook and further evidence indicate that similar approaches to running the community (sortition) were used.
The English Revolution, the French Revolution on the other hand show plenty of evidence of propertied class muscling hard to control the candidtaes allowed to run and the results of elections and even the access to parliaments for only the right ones (as such this example in Romania is really not a first, the English had somewhat similar experiences during the English Revolution).
Demokratie ist die beste Regierungsform, die je erdacht wurde. Leider ist es kein Regierungssystem, mit dem irgendjemand von uns vertraut ist. Das Wort "Demokratie" (demokratia) leitet sich von "demos" (Volk) und "kratos" (Macht) ab. Wörtlich übersetzt als "Volksmacht" bedeutet Demokratie Regierung durch Geschworenengericht.
Stattdessen haben wir etwas anderes namens "repräsentative Demokratie", das überhaupt keine Demokratie ist. Die repräsentative Demokratie ist ein sogenanntes "demokratisches System", in dem das Volk vom Staat alle 4 oder 5 Jahre seine politischen Führer auswählen darf.
If support for Georgescu on Tik Tok is any sign of "foreign meddling", then what about the obvious foreign influences from multiple quarters visible on the Romanian expats residing outside of Romania who too were permitted to vote in this election ? The Constitution Court should be answering that question first.
Good point, but perhaps even more poingnant (and relevant) to point out how recent elections in Moldova were genuinely manipulated (by effectively excluding the Modovans' ex-pat vote in Russia).
"Western democracy is just a process for legitimizing elite interests,"
It wasn't always like that. It has come to that since the elites have changed, or rather, the elite switch has come to completion. Different elites, different systems of government.
The "West" inches towards what the Soviet Union was, and, to non-naive observers, that is only a logical upshot.
I remember, in my country, that there were real debates and disagreements on main points of national policy between opposing parties, coalitions, and one or the other winning would make a difference across a large body of decisions and areas, for both the country and the average citizen.
There also were newspapers and talk-shows free, and capable of, commenting with "This isn't right" or "This isn't true" decisions and operations of the Western Empire, although, yes, they would make their point cloaking it in diplomatic language.
That is up to some 15 or 20 years ago. After that time, it started to be the case that every minor disobedience by every member of the cabinet would "upset the Markets" and the "national debt creditors", and sovereignty was taken from the nation explicitly in all matters, from biggest to least consequential but still nationally relevant.
No, it's very interesting: as far as I can tell, any word of it has been kept to an absolute minimum here, where RT and other such forms of media are excluded. I think they may have mentioned it in passing, very briefly, on the BBC but no more than that. On the other hand, that '...nothing like this has ever happened before...' is what they all say.
“...10 Obstacles To Trump’s Reported Plan For Western/NATO Peacekeepers In Ukraine...”: "...give up and move on, blaming Biden for the West’s unprecedented defeat."
Just give up and move on, but there's no point blaming Biden. This die was cast long, long ago; perhaps even before Britain and France colluded to hurt Russia by helping the Turks (Ottoman Empire) in 1853 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_War: "...the British and French preference to preserve the Ottoman Empire..."). Better historians than I am might argue the root of the problem lies in England's over-confidence (and associated hubris) resulting from the Act of Union (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acts_of_Union_1707), which in turn was the result of the Battle of Culloden (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Culloden) followed by subsequent legislation to effectively de-populate Scotland and Ireland.
Before that, you need to go back to Edward I's (1272-1307) relationship to money and usury to work out how the banks got into bed with the military industrial complex to make the world we live in today. "The schools of thought that led to the resettlement of the Jews in England is the most heavily studied subject of Anglo-Jewish history in the period before the eighteenth century." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resettlement_of_the_Jews_in_England). It gets really complicated and highly emotive, particularly for some perhaps particularly powerful people. Unless you've got lots and lots of time, money, life energy and patience to spare, it might be better to avoid going there. In any case, the likes of Biden and Trump are little more the tiny cogs, like Cromwell, Gladstone and others — virtually insignificant — tiny, little specks in a larger historical perspective.
Again, there's no point blaming Biden: your life and times may seem more important to you and our times than anything that's ever come before, but that's what everyone's always thought; don't ascribe more importance to Biden (or Trump) than they are worthy of. Narcissism, which is based on perverse perceptions of value and importance (worth) can be dangerous, and fallaciously ascribing historical importance is of great danger to any politician, and the people s/he works for, both past and present.
"...these same elites sometimes repeat the process until they get their desired result."
Ultimately, it could work out for the best. Things have a funny way of doing that. For example, if Romania goes ahead and lets itself be used by NATO, when they run into trouble and wish they hadn't done that, the Romanian people can point to how their will (electoral voice) was undermined (overruled) and say, 'But we asked you NOT to do that (but you ignored/undermined/overruled us)'. In the long run, that could work out far better.
In Romania, Reality TV, the only channel that went against the goernment narative, had a 5x increase in viewership. All the while 80% of companies running adds withdrew their adds. A whole campaign of silencing the part of the public, a good plurality, that wants something else. Even the second placed candidate came against this blow to democracy.
As for the social media, it is fractioned on the topic. Seen smart people (internationally recognized as experts in their field) being totally ideologised and renouncing to use their critical faculties.
Oliver Cromwell wasn't a tiny cog. There was enormous opposition and it took Oliver Cromwell all his power to overcome it. That 100 years later in 1753 the Parliament was still in no mood to upgrade denizenship to citizenship was probably a factor that contributed to the American revolution.
By the way, the battle of Culloden was like 40 years AFTER than the Act of Union. So it wasn't like Culloden paved the way for the Union. The real reason for Parliamentary Union was that the government found rule by "King in Parliament" the most efficient way of dealing with British affairs. Instead of having to impose royal views on a potentially non-compliant Scottish parliament.
It wasn't about the Battle itself, as much as the legislation and Clearances after, which saw the virtual de-population of those closest to the English, who might have put themselves forward as rivals.
Actually, the nearest to English are the lowland Scotts that speak a similar hybrid, majority Germanic vs minority Norman-French language and were mostly Presbyterian. These were mostly loyal and stayed there. The clearances IIRC affected mostly the Western, frequently Catholic Celts - ie a similar population as the Irish Catholics. I mean there are grey areas, but mostly there was little love lost between the Catholics to whom Bonnie Prince Charlie had lots of appeal and the English, Scottish and Northern-Irish Protestants.
"...probably a factor that contributed to the American revolution."
Probably, lots of probablies and probabilities. For example, if Bonnie Prince Charles hadn't been a drunk but been up to the French offer to belittle the English, when they eventually twigged and got around to it some decade or two after his defeat in Scotland, then the French probably wouldn't have been so motivated to put so much into the American rebellion a decade or so later, and the American Revolution would probably never have got off the ground. Arguably, some historians would claim Bonnie Prince Charles was a far bigger cog than Cromwell. It's all a question of how you (choose to) look at it.
Not sure how to feel to be honest. On one Trump is very close to being sworn in yet TPTB continue to escalate as if it’s not happening. I don’t know if it’s confidence or desperation? I do know one thing the West has burned whatever shred of credibility they had left with the actions coming out of Biden’s lame duck session.
Maybe it’s so hard to fathom because nobody has even seen it before. Putin seems to get it thank goodness. Crazy!
My SWAG is that the voters will get the message. Enough of the electorate will be discouraged as to ensure a imperialist muppet wins, whereupon the heavens will open an a Voice From Brussels will duly intone that The Voice Of The People Has Spoken! Fraud Has Been Proven!
If not, they'll go back and do it again until the voters get it right. See Ukraine in 2004-05 for a template.
The EMPIRE has resolved to vanquish and subjugate much of the world, including especially the Global South to wretched serfdom tantamount to slavery in sweat shops owned by Zio-oligarchic corpimperialists. Right now, this empire is gnawing at the sane world one country at a time, one flick by one, even as alternative blocs such as the BRICS largely sit on the fence and watch meekly with disinterested abandon in the name of fine calibrating their "balancing act". This dithering is wont to cause each one to capitualte one by one as an inevitable outcome. Waiting for the corpse of the enemy to flow past in the river as the Chinese proverb says, or hoping for the best while trusting the magnanimous mercies of the cabal, will only serve to earn oneself the fate of Saddam's Iraq.
But Russia, which incidentally is the last hope for much of the world, needs to recognise its formidable innate strength and break free from its self inflicted inferiority complex whereby it underestimates its phenomenal strength. A few well thought out strategic moves for decimating the economic nerve centres of the enemy, decisive and unannounced unanticipated, a knockdown punch delivered with surgical precision where it would exert an incapacitating effect, will go a long way in rendering the cabal incapable of bribing the global south bigwigs any more to its hideous side, thenceforth disincentivating the morally corruptible cheapskates who call themselves "leaders" from aping the diktats of this cabal in the fashion of its footsoldiers, setting the stage also for much of the world's silent majority to then feel safe in taking the courage to assert themselves under the changed circumstances and to make the intrepid switch to the side of virtuosity that is incidentally being championed by Russia at the moment.
"The Empire Strikes Back" with vengeful furry.
The Empire is in attack mode which all comes down to its assertion that you are either with or against us forcing countries to pick a side and, if you're on the wrong side, bad things will happen there. Might is right.
The reaction to the Masters of the Universe's open threat to attack the non-worshippers of the USD so far has been weak. BRICS itself is a weak-formed union that barely trusts each other. That's no way to stand against an opponent bent on destroying you. Trump will try to convince Russia to accept a deal which would include the removal of sanctions which means very little because he also said that he would apply tariffs on any country moving away from the USD.
There are also rumours of a second AFU attack into Russian territory to improve the terms of the
soon peace deal. Russia could let them advance into its borders as much as they want trapping them in by launching a concentrated multi-pronged blitzkrieg counter-offensive and surrounding Kyiv. The AFU kamikaze expeditionary force would lose their line of supply cut off deep in enemy territory and be forced to surrender or be obliterated along with all the other retreating stragglers. And that would be a checkmate against Ukraine. But it looks like Russia is going to settle for a lesser deal at a time when the Empire is in full-spectrum attack mode.
So, BRICS and friends are no match against the Empire as things stand because they are too soft and afraid to offend the Empire which can chip away to break the will of one country at a time. So far Russia fights alone and the Empire knows it. Lack of support from its allies could be the reason Russia is so measured in its SMO. The Masters of the Universe will continue to divide and conquer non-compliant countries. The Empire has struck back while Russia alone holds the line.
Hence, BRICS less R equals BICS which is an appropriate acronym meaning disposable lighter.
The Empire is bent on turning BRICS into BICS one flick at a time. lol
Here is the masterpiece:https://youtu.be/YMvcCfs8mf8
Russia is pushing west and the last week Chinese mega deployment arround Taiwan have browned Taiwanese pants, while the US reaction was very muted.
India has signed a 10 agreement for purchasing vast amounts of Russian oil.
Also Iran is not bereft of capacity.
These poles don't need that much coordination to hold on on their own front. All the while the west is attritted and the true colours are coming to light for everyone to see. The PR for western values is worst than a snake oil salesperson nowadays.
"...Russia alone holds the line."
Vladimir Putin = Luke Skywalker
"BRICS less R equals BICS which is an appropriate acronym meaning disposable lighter.
The Empire is bent on turning BRICS into BICS one flick at a time."
Oh, how droll — very good!
Thank you, McD. Amusement helps keep me sane when looking at this insane world we live in. Be well, my friend.
In the end, the people will lie at the feet of the rulers and say:
"Make us your slaves, but feed us"
The slaves will love their servitude.
The Empire is in reckless flight forward war hawk mode. All Russia and Xi have to do is methodically flank the Hegemons weak points by promoting physical economic growth to former victims of Anglo-Dutch-French imperial/colonial rule.
For example, the U.S. economy is a physical rust bucket with broken down infrastructure decrepit roads, bridges, electric grid, literally rotting from within.
Die Demokratie ist eine Erfindung der Mächtigen, um sich vor dem Zorn der Bevölkerung zu schützen. In der internationalen Politik geht es nie um Demokratie oder Menschenrechte. Es geht um die Interessen von Staaten. Merken Sie sich das, egal, was Politdarsteller Ihnen erzählen.
Die gesamte Demokratische Politik ist auf Lügen aufgebaut...!
'Democracy is an invention of the powerful to protect themselves from the anger of the population. International politics is never about democracy or human rights. It is about the interests of states. Remember that, no matter what political actors tell you.
The entire democratic politics is based on lies...!'
(Google Translate)
Do not besmirch the idea of democracy here, don't throw the baby out with the water.
Athenian democracy was based on sortition, which likely harks back to a time where communities had a wholesome representation. Evidence from 6000 years old sites in southern Ukraine reveal communities, agricultural communities to be underscored, that were very communitarian in outlook and further evidence indicate that similar approaches to running the community (sortition) were used.
The English Revolution, the French Revolution on the other hand show plenty of evidence of propertied class muscling hard to control the candidtaes allowed to run and the results of elections and even the access to parliaments for only the right ones (as such this example in Romania is really not a first, the English had somewhat similar experiences during the English Revolution).
Demokratie ist die beste Regierungsform, die je erdacht wurde. Leider ist es kein Regierungssystem, mit dem irgendjemand von uns vertraut ist. Das Wort "Demokratie" (demokratia) leitet sich von "demos" (Volk) und "kratos" (Macht) ab. Wörtlich übersetzt als "Volksmacht" bedeutet Demokratie Regierung durch Geschworenengericht.
Stattdessen haben wir etwas anderes namens "repräsentative Demokratie", das überhaupt keine Demokratie ist. Die repräsentative Demokratie ist ein sogenanntes "demokratisches System", in dem das Volk vom Staat alle 4 oder 5 Jahre seine politischen Führer auswählen darf.
"Do not besmirch the idea of democracy here,"
Ad hominem attacks are not arguments per se, or not arguments that are valid and sound. As such, you are disqualified from this debate.
Just what a faggot would say.
For some time now, Idiocracy is not a movie, but a documentary...
Ich sehe keine Politiker mehr. Ich sehe nur noch; Lügner, Betrüger, Profiteure, Mitläufer, Marionetten der Lobbyisten, Egozentriker und Tyrannen!!!
If support for Georgescu on Tik Tok is any sign of "foreign meddling", then what about the obvious foreign influences from multiple quarters visible on the Romanian expats residing outside of Romania who too were permitted to vote in this election ? The Constitution Court should be answering that question first.
Good point, but perhaps even more poingnant (and relevant) to point out how recent elections in Moldova were genuinely manipulated (by effectively excluding the Modovans' ex-pat vote in Russia).
The election was manipulated. Doesn't matter, NATO and the EU got what they wanted. The Moldovan electorate rolled over.
Moral victories don't count. Losing only because the other side engaged in blatant fraud is still losing.
All things come to he who waits. One battle does not make a war. He who turns to walk away lives to fight another day.
Of course, it's much easier just to have a little cry, give up and sulk.
Reciting clichés doesn't fix anything.
No, but being aware of what's happened and prepared to use that to advantage when appropriate might.
Or, you could just have a little cry, give up and sulk.
It doesn't count when the approved candidate is the benefit of the "foreign meddling".
Apparently majority of those voted for Georgescu...
"Western democracy is just a process for legitimizing elite interests,"
It wasn't always like that. It has come to that since the elites have changed, or rather, the elite switch has come to completion. Different elites, different systems of government.
The "West" inches towards what the Soviet Union was, and, to non-naive observers, that is only a logical upshot.
I remember, in my country, that there were real debates and disagreements on main points of national policy between opposing parties, coalitions, and one or the other winning would make a difference across a large body of decisions and areas, for both the country and the average citizen.
There also were newspapers and talk-shows free, and capable of, commenting with "This isn't right" or "This isn't true" decisions and operations of the Western Empire, although, yes, they would make their point cloaking it in diplomatic language.
That is up to some 15 or 20 years ago. After that time, it started to be the case that every minor disobedience by every member of the cabinet would "upset the Markets" and the "national debt creditors", and sovereignty was taken from the nation explicitly in all matters, from biggest to least consequential but still nationally relevant.
USSR dissolution and the need to have a multi-polar world. At least we will get some balance back.
"Nothing like this has ever happened before."
No, it's very interesting: as far as I can tell, any word of it has been kept to an absolute minimum here, where RT and other such forms of media are excluded. I think they may have mentioned it in passing, very briefly, on the BBC but no more than that. On the other hand, that '...nothing like this has ever happened before...' is what they all say.
“...10 Obstacles To Trump’s Reported Plan For Western/NATO Peacekeepers In Ukraine...”: "...give up and move on, blaming Biden for the West’s unprecedented defeat."
Just give up and move on, but there's no point blaming Biden. This die was cast long, long ago; perhaps even before Britain and France colluded to hurt Russia by helping the Turks (Ottoman Empire) in 1853 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_War: "...the British and French preference to preserve the Ottoman Empire..."). Better historians than I am might argue the root of the problem lies in England's over-confidence (and associated hubris) resulting from the Act of Union (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acts_of_Union_1707), which in turn was the result of the Battle of Culloden (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Culloden) followed by subsequent legislation to effectively de-populate Scotland and Ireland.
Before that, you need to go back to Edward I's (1272-1307) relationship to money and usury to work out how the banks got into bed with the military industrial complex to make the world we live in today. "The schools of thought that led to the resettlement of the Jews in England is the most heavily studied subject of Anglo-Jewish history in the period before the eighteenth century." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resettlement_of_the_Jews_in_England). It gets really complicated and highly emotive, particularly for some perhaps particularly powerful people. Unless you've got lots and lots of time, money, life energy and patience to spare, it might be better to avoid going there. In any case, the likes of Biden and Trump are little more the tiny cogs, like Cromwell, Gladstone and others — virtually insignificant — tiny, little specks in a larger historical perspective.
Again, there's no point blaming Biden: your life and times may seem more important to you and our times than anything that's ever come before, but that's what everyone's always thought; don't ascribe more importance to Biden (or Trump) than they are worthy of. Narcissism, which is based on perverse perceptions of value and importance (worth) can be dangerous, and fallaciously ascribing historical importance is of great danger to any politician, and the people s/he works for, both past and present.
"...these same elites sometimes repeat the process until they get their desired result."
Ultimately, it could work out for the best. Things have a funny way of doing that. For example, if Romania goes ahead and lets itself be used by NATO, when they run into trouble and wish they hadn't done that, the Romanian people can point to how their will (electoral voice) was undermined (overruled) and say, 'But we asked you NOT to do that (but you ignored/undermined/overruled us)'. In the long run, that could work out far better.
In Romania, Reality TV, the only channel that went against the goernment narative, had a 5x increase in viewership. All the while 80% of companies running adds withdrew their adds. A whole campaign of silencing the part of the public, a good plurality, that wants something else. Even the second placed candidate came against this blow to democracy.
As for the social media, it is fractioned on the topic. Seen smart people (internationally recognized as experts in their field) being totally ideologised and renouncing to use their critical faculties.
Oliver Cromwell wasn't a tiny cog. There was enormous opposition and it took Oliver Cromwell all his power to overcome it. That 100 years later in 1753 the Parliament was still in no mood to upgrade denizenship to citizenship was probably a factor that contributed to the American revolution.
By the way, the battle of Culloden was like 40 years AFTER than the Act of Union. So it wasn't like Culloden paved the way for the Union. The real reason for Parliamentary Union was that the government found rule by "King in Parliament" the most efficient way of dealing with British affairs. Instead of having to impose royal views on a potentially non-compliant Scottish parliament.
It wasn't about the Battle itself, as much as the legislation and Clearances after, which saw the virtual de-population of those closest to the English, who might have put themselves forward as rivals.
Actually, the nearest to English are the lowland Scotts that speak a similar hybrid, majority Germanic vs minority Norman-French language and were mostly Presbyterian. These were mostly loyal and stayed there. The clearances IIRC affected mostly the Western, frequently Catholic Celts - ie a similar population as the Irish Catholics. I mean there are grey areas, but mostly there was little love lost between the Catholics to whom Bonnie Prince Charlie had lots of appeal and the English, Scottish and Northern-Irish Protestants.
"...probably a factor that contributed to the American revolution."
Probably, lots of probablies and probabilities. For example, if Bonnie Prince Charles hadn't been a drunk but been up to the French offer to belittle the English, when they eventually twigged and got around to it some decade or two after his defeat in Scotland, then the French probably wouldn't have been so motivated to put so much into the American rebellion a decade or so later, and the American Revolution would probably never have got off the ground. Arguably, some historians would claim Bonnie Prince Charles was a far bigger cog than Cromwell. It's all a question of how you (choose to) look at it.
"Oliver Cromwell wasn't a tiny cog."
Кому как... "It's all a question of how you (choose to) look at it."
Not sure how to feel to be honest. On one Trump is very close to being sworn in yet TPTB continue to escalate as if it’s not happening. I don’t know if it’s confidence or desperation? I do know one thing the West has burned whatever shred of credibility they had left with the actions coming out of Biden’s lame duck session.
Maybe it’s so hard to fathom because nobody has even seen it before. Putin seems to get it thank goodness. Crazy!
What credibility? They never had any.
Yeah I wasn’t trying to give them too much credit. Perhaps we (US) are still coasting on the fumes of the past.
"...nobody has even seen it before."
That's what they ALL say!
My SWAG is that the voters will get the message. Enough of the electorate will be discouraged as to ensure a imperialist muppet wins, whereupon the heavens will open an a Voice From Brussels will duly intone that The Voice Of The People Has Spoken! Fraud Has Been Proven!
If not, they'll go back and do it again until the voters get it right. See Ukraine in 2004-05 for a template.
I guess this is why the term Novorssiya has come back to the speeches of Putin and Medvedev.
Makes total sense.
Also shows people how controlled and corrupt western gov’s are.
It’s a good thing all these puppet gov’s are on borrowed time.
The EMPIRE has resolved to vanquish and subjugate much of the world, including especially the Global South to wretched serfdom tantamount to slavery in sweat shops owned by Zio-oligarchic corpimperialists. Right now, this empire is gnawing at the sane world one country at a time, one flick by one, even as alternative blocs such as the BRICS largely sit on the fence and watch meekly with disinterested abandon in the name of fine calibrating their "balancing act". This dithering is wont to cause each one to capitualte one by one as an inevitable outcome. Waiting for the corpse of the enemy to flow past in the river as the Chinese proverb says, or hoping for the best while trusting the magnanimous mercies of the cabal, will only serve to earn oneself the fate of Saddam's Iraq.
But Russia, which incidentally is the last hope for much of the world, needs to recognise its formidable innate strength and break free from its self inflicted inferiority complex whereby it underestimates its phenomenal strength. A few well thought out strategic moves for decimating the economic nerve centres of the enemy, decisive and unannounced unanticipated, a knockdown punch delivered with surgical precision where it would exert an incapacitating effect, will go a long way in rendering the cabal incapable of bribing the global south bigwigs any more to its hideous side, thenceforth disincentivating the morally corruptible cheapskates who call themselves "leaders" from aping the diktats of this cabal in the fashion of its footsoldiers, setting the stage also for much of the world's silent majority to then feel safe in taking the courage to assert themselves under the changed circumstances and to make the intrepid switch to the side of virtuosity that is incidentally being championed by Russia at the moment.
Why doesn't Putin do something about it? Mr. Do Nothing strikes again.