Thanks for the great analysis. It explains a lot, but the two-state solution cannot possibly work so long as Zionism is a thing.

The Russians who were settled in the Baltic states and other parts of the Russian Empire, as well as the populations who were relocated by Stalin, had no ideology saying that land was exclusively theirs per some Bronze Age myth and that the existing inhabitants had to be displaced by any means necessary. At least, I've never heard of it if there was.

Zionism's different. It allows no possibility of sharing the land with any other ethnic group. It can no more survive in that part of the world than the Crusader States could. I think the long term question Russian leaders should be asking themselves is what they are going to do after American support for Israel ends and all those Russian Jews decide they want to go home to Mother Russia.

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It´s shameful even to talk about the 2-state-solution in 2024!

It was never meant to work but deception. There are so many documents out there that prove what everbody in Westasia knows.

This article is whitewashing a genocide and ethnic cleansing.

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I agree the two state solution was always a deception. I don’t think the same applies to the article.

The author’s intent was to describe one of the rationales behind Russian policy towards Israel. I don’t agree with the rationale, but I do understand it, and find it to be useful information.

Putin’s a Russian patriot first. He's far more Russia First than any American politician is really America First. He’ll always act in what he considers Russia’s national interests at the time.

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Oct 4Liked by Andrew Korybko

Good article! Putin is a bit of a semitephile and has an apartment in Tel Aviv. Even a firebrand like Zhirinovsky had a soft spot for Israel. As is pointed out: 2 million Russian speakers live in Israel.

(And to any Neocon who might argue that they are not Russians, but Jews who suffered under Russian antisemitism, a simple LMAO would suffice. The nineties brought such chaos to the former USSR, that anyone who may have had a Jewish grandfather and zero ties to Judaism, happily emigrated for a chance at a new life. Some who left for Israel simply bribed their way to a “Jewish” heritage.)

Having said that, Russia has also been steadfast in its support for a political solution and the rights of Palestinians.

As such, it’s a far more credible and constructive broker than the US, and will hopefully one day lead when it comes to permanent peace.

In the meantime, it is a credit to Russian diplomacy, that they have managed to balance respect for the Palestinian cause, with the rights of Russian Israelis, for so long.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Andrew Korybko

"Some who left for Israel simply bribed their way to a “Jewish” heritage."

And many cheated: false and faked documents became something of a money-spinning cottage industry.

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Indeed. I don’t think people in the West really understand how terrible life was in Russia in the 90ies. No thanks to the west.

People, skilled engineers or machinists, who worked for decades at a factory, either didn’t get paid for months, or got paid in tools or nails or whatever the factory produced.

Children lived in the subway tunnels and lived off prostitution.

Getting out, even if it meant going to Israel despite not having any ties, meant living in normalcy again. Just like life had been in the Soviet Union.

Heck, there are probably more Israelis with close family ties to Russia than to the US, which really says something.

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Yeah, but look on the bright side: it made Russia what it is today!

Just think how different things might be if the Americans and British had stooped to regarding Russians as humans, equal, worthy of learning from and capable of contributing! We may never have found out what had been lurking behind the masks of those who would deceive us forever (and ever)!

(Please excuse inexcusable overuse of exclamation points!)

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> Russia has also been steadfast in its support for a political solution and the rights of Palestinians.

Really? What specifically has Russia ever done for the Palestinians?

And still repeating the nonsense of a 2-state solution smacks of Russian racism for the simple fact that the 700,000 settlers in the West Bank will never leave anymore, nor will they ever accept to live under Palestinian rule. So, Russia is just helping ZioNaziland keep its sick narrative of a "peace process" alive when all the latter has ever done is sabotage any peace, with enthusiastic support from Uncle Sam, and probably Mother Russia.

No baby, Russia has absolutely no respect for the Palestinian cause, instead it helps to prolong the suffering of the Palestinians at the hands of that genocidal ZioNazi scum.

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“Really? What specifically has Russia ever done for the Palestinians?”

Russia has consistently been a voice in the UN criticizing Israel’s excesses and supporting a peace process. On a practical level, Russia has educated countless of Palestinian students, doctors, engineers, etc.

To you it “may not be enough” but it’s more than most countries. And mind you, not even Israel’s actual neighbors have done much outside of the UN.

“And still repeating the nonsense of a 2-state solution smacks of Russian racism”

Nonsense. Israel is there to stay. Even the Palestinians have recognized that there’s no way of undoing over 70 years of statehood.

A two state solution is the only solution, anything else is just wishful thinking masquerading as opinion.

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24 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

> Russia has consistently been a voice in the UN criticizing Israel’s excesses and supporting a peace process.

Wow, great, and what did that yield as a result? Zilch.

> On a practical level, Russia has educated countless of Palestinian students, doctors, engineers, etc.

I don't deny that was a noble thing to do, but only useful to those individual persons, NOT for the Palestinians.

Russia never ever interfered in the mediation process and ALWAYS left it to the U.S., who was never an honest, unbiased broker.

> Nonsense. Israel is there to stay.

I hope not, but even if it is, that does not make the 2-state solution any more viable, on the contrary. Even talking about the 2-state solution, as both Moscow and Beijing do, is extremely hypocritical because they know full well that a 2-state solution is out of the question. The Jews in that genocidal sewer have decided that Palestine is theirs so the objective, supported by 95% of the former, to get rid of the Palestinians, as they have shown, and are still showing, in Gaza, and have started to show in the West Bank.

And with your assertion that the 2-state solution is the only one, you conveniently ignore the point I raised about the settlers. But hey, don't let facts on the ground get in your way, it is better to keep peddling nonsense, like the Jews have done for 76 years.

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Oct 4Liked by Andrew Korybko

"...maximalist objectives, which are the polar opposite..."

Sounds to me like just the sort of place where adults might find compromise is the only grown-up solution.

"...what the Resistance is calling for vis-à-vis Israeli Jews is similar to what some former Soviet Republics have called for vis-à-vis ethnic Russians."

Well, yes and no (mainly 'No!'): do bear in mind, former Soviet Republics, like the Ukraine, Estonia, Georgia, etc. are supported by the CIA and American 'DEEP STATE', like the Jews in Israel. This puts 'the Resistance' into the same box as the Russians, who have been subjected to proxy US pressure to leave the republics and go back to Russia humiliated. This puts them in quite a different category, far away from that enjoyed by the Jews in Isreal! In fact, it's quite the opposite: what the Jews are calling for in Israel (the exclusion and de facto extermination of non-us, others) is synonymous to what their counterparts in many ex-Soviet Republics, most notably the Ukraine, have tried to implement. What someone calls for in an ideally(-orchestrated) world and what de facto happens on the ground are two very different things! I believe Lavrov was quite wrong to overlook this in equating Russia to Israel.

"This is supposedly a prerequisite for historical justice to be served from their perspective."

It seemed like it could (should have) work(ed) (for the Americans) in the Ukraine, and it seems to be working pretty well for the Jews in Israel. Goose and гусак? (What works for the goose really ought to work just as well for the gander.)

"...“Russian conquest, occupation, and oppression”..."

Been there, done that; lived there and lived that... Couldn't be bothered to get the T-shirt, though. (It's SO old-hat, already!)

"...Jews in Palestine – is illegitimate."

Yeah, but then there's de facto.

"...each group’s present status is similar."

Well, yes and no: the Russian State came into existence, and the Russian people spread from the river (Dnepr) to the sea (Pacific) by gradual, natural, time-honoured and -tested processes of compromise as much as conflict; the state of Israel was created virtually overnight in 1947 on an entirely artificial basis, the roots of which, descending far deeper than the Balfour Declaration, are not really clear and certainly not transparent.

"...We consider Israel a Russian-speaking country.”"

Maybe, but I don't believe he would intend to bestow impunity with that.

"...it would undermine its support for its co-ethnics in former Soviet Republics and amount to ethnically cleansing its own people from the Levant."

Hmm, right... A bit of a stretch.

"...this comparison could be exploited to ethnically cleanse them."

Or, like adults, compromise could be found.

"...upon their incorporation into the USSR after two decades of independence."

Don't forget the practical, de facto aspects, like the economy. (Remembering Bill Clinton's most famous words.)

"...similar to some Westerners’ call to “decolonize Russia” by Balkanizing it..."

Apples and oranges, chalk and cheese: this is NOT a like-for-like comparison.

"An independent Palestinian State within its pre-1967 borders..."

Well, that WAS the deal, after all: upon its inception, Israel undertook to do that; that's the law, and the Rule of Law applies equally to everyone, regardless their religious persuasion or 'race'. (There's only one human race.)

Now someone will try to equate territory annexed by Israel after its inception (its 1948 borders) with Kherson, Zaporozhye, Lugansk and Donetsk!

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There's a difference, Andrew, big difference. It's one thing when you're born and grown up part of the indigenous community, integrated into the community. And it's quite a different thing when you're born and grown up part of the settler-colonial group, alien and hostile to the indigenous people.

Which one describes the experience of ethnic Russians in the Baltic States, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, and which one the experience of Zionist settlers in Palestine, you should be able to figure it out yourself.

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I get your point, but the Kremlin doesn't see it that way, and it's not going to sacrifice its interests in order to support the Palestinians inside of Israeli proper (pre-1967 Israel).

Russians were also ethnically cleansed from Chechnya in the early 1990s on the exact same pretexts as the Resistance wants to remove European-descended Jews from Palestine.

Russian-Chechen historical relations are very complex and there have been some pretty dark periods too, which some might even compare in a sense to Israeli-Palestinian ones.

I'm not saying that it's a perfect comparison, but the comparison can be made and already has been, and it was used to justify horrendous crimes against Russians there after 1991.

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In regards to Zionism, historical analogies seem beside the point nowadays. Except one. To me at least. Also, Russian conquests in the Caucasus (certainly to a lesser degree a settler-colonial kind than British in North America and plenty of others) happened long time ago, when colonialism was perfectly acceptable. Zionist settler-colonial conquests all happened in the post-colonial period. THAT can't be justified. Anyhow, you very well might be right about specifically Vladimir Putin's politics: he seems to care about this sort of consistency. Not always though: remember him saying something (was it 2014?) about never-ever fighting Ukraine? Man Proposes, God Disposes, as they say. So, I don't know what Kremlin will or will not do; depends on the situation I suppose. Politics...

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And then there's the law: the deal was, 'Have a nice, little country within these boundaries; and set up a replacement for those you've displaced.'

What was the question?

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

Maybe the value of an Israel is that it keeps the Arab Street angry and hostile (edit: both) to it's leadership in most lands and to the USA. Side benefit is it pulls Syria, Iran, and others into it's side orbit, when they'd drop Russia like a hot stone if USA sold Israel out(which it will do sooner or later), reversed sanctions and turned on the money printing for them too.

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Sorry, but this is nonsense. You may not agree with the Zionist claim to Palestine, and heck, you may even be morally correct.

It doesn’t matter though. Israel is a fact and it’s not going anywhere.

(Just like no amount of wishful thinking from Zionists, will make the two million of Arabs living in the West Bank and inside Israel disappear.)

Sure, Russia could theoretically take two million Israel Russians back. But what about the millions of Israelis who’ve never known another home? Who’s going to pay?

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Israel will be gone in 1 to 5 years on its present trajectory. The economy is cratering and will not recover, 20% GDP hit, two credit downgrades, Intel pulling out its billion dollar investment, tourism over. When Netanyahu attacks Iran head on, Iran will destroy Israel's infrastructure. If the war goes past that point, Turkey may get involved, the Egyptian & Jordanian street may overthrow their dictators.. etc. And when Mideast oil is shut off during a global financial panic, America will finally turn its back on its rabid dog colony.

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Hopefully you are right, although it will be propped up by the U.S. AND Russia.

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> Who’s going to pay?

The tribe's members always look after one another, and for world Jewry money is absolutely no object. 25% of U.S. billionaires are Jewish.

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Oct 4Liked by Andrew Korybko

Alt-media types always try to fit Russia into their own image, rather take it as it is.

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You fail to mention 75 years of genocide and ethnic cleansing the Israeli Zionists have perpetrated on Palestinians, which makes your comparison specious. Do the Russians in their diasporas have a similar history? Did Russian terrorist gangs comparable to the Irgun murder indigenous populations to found an ethnostate? Is there currently genocide by diaspora Russians against the natives as there is in Israel by Zionists? And are there wars that might end humanity in a nuclear holocaust going on in the Russian diaspora?

These issues render your essay absurd. Finally, Putin's personal history of having been raised among Russian Jews, having a much loved Jewish elementary teacher, a Jewish martial arts mentor and perhaps having a Jewish mother clouds his otherwise rational, geopolitical mind. He should study Solzhenitsyn for the truer history of the Jews among the Russians, a reality repressed in both Russia and the West.

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I agree with you.

Shame on you, Korybko!

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Suddenly you become stupid when is comes to Israel. Very few if any day that all Europeans must return to Europe. Don't cloud the issue or throw up red herrings. Bring back the state of Palestine where everyone is equal under the law. Stop apartheid.

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The difference is, that the Russians never tried to eradicate the Baltics. Imagine there were some German villages in Russia after WWII, full of Germans who supported the eradication of the Russians. Do you belive for one second, that these Germans would have lasted one more day after the Russian victory? The Jews in Israel thinks of themselves as the Übermensch, and they think about all others are subhumans (yes, they think this also about the Slavs). This is not an attitude for a peaceful together, so there must be a reckoning, there is no alternative, because their idea for their behavior lies in the Talmud which is the base for their existence. Without the Talmud, they would be just some European settlers, like the one in Africa or South America.

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I thought the same.

And this article is a cover up for the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

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Andrew, can you provide evidence that the Resistance demands that Israeli Jews return to Europe? I have never seen nor heard anything of the sort.

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Thanks, Andrew, for your implicit confirmation that your claim is no more than that: a claim. It is a bunk claim at that as you are unable provide a speck of evidence for it.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

> Nonetheless, Israel proper has no obligation to dissolve itself like the Resistance demands.

No, the Resistance does NOT demand that!! Hamas amended its charter in 2017 and recognizes the ZioNazi entity, and only demands that the entity return to within its pre-1967 UN-recognized borders.

Hezbollah is a defensive organization created to stop the ZioNazi entity from invading and waging war on Lebanon. There is no demand for the dissolution of the ZioNazi entity.

Neither Iran nor Syria nor Yemen have demanded that.

Again, you do not provide any evidence for this claim, as well your claim that the Resistance demands the return of the ZioNazi European Jews to Europe, as I commented above.

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This is just a strewman article!

Providing excuses for the Russians inside RUS to look away when their Russians inside Israel are committing a genocide ...and ethnic cleansing.

And now they are using the same template for Lebanon.

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Good point! I have long been struggling with the Russo-ZioNaziland relationship, and this article explains why.

There is a link to another one of his articles in which he quotes Lavrov saying on 20 Sep. 2024:

"When speaking about the Middle East policy, President Vladimir Putin highlights Russia’s full commitment to security and fundamental interests of the State of Israel … We always stress in all our actions that no solutions are going to be viable if they fail to ensure Israel’s security."

That means Russia will never do anything that will harm ZioNaziland. Putin has those 2 million Russians there to consider, AND I believe the Jewish class ruling the Jews in Russia has a close (controlling?) relationship with him.

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Whatever the intention for this article was, the outcome is harmful.

RUS has constitutional limits (RUS citizens living in Isra)....and that´s why they cannot support The Axis of Resistance. They can only do it indirectly - what they are doing (providing weapons to Syria etc.)

The recent retaliation was coordinated with RUS and China - for sure.

The strategy of "Strategy of patience" has come to an end after Nasrallahs assassination. It was about retaliating and risking a regional war or not to and losing credibility. But RUS is backing Iran and would never allow that US/Isra dismantle Iran. And with backing Iran they are involved with the Resistance as well.

We are living in though times! But we should embrace it. It´s the only way to exhaust this colonial white supremacist Empire of evil!

Korybko is obviously ignorant about Westasia. However Russians (in RUS) are really not racists. But those in Isra, born and raised in this apartheid bubble ????

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> But RUS is backing Iran and would never allow that US/Isra dismantle Iran.

I'll believe it when I see it. Someone else I talk to and whose views I respect greatly says the same as you.

> Russians (in RUS) are really not racists.

I agree. I would quite happily go live there if it weren't for the extreme cold in winter – I hate the cold 😀

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I think this is one of the weakest analyses that were produced by Mr. Korybko and it is weak because it starts from a very wrong assumption: that the goal of the Axis of Resistence is to eliminate the State of Israel.

I think, given the available information, that carrying on with this trope is not only inaccurate, but goes into being evil and in fact strengthen Israel's continuous pursuit for more land and for ethnic cleansing in the name of security and self defense.

It has been made clear by now by all members of the Axis of Rezistance that what they want is first and foremost equal treatment for Palestiniens, respect of their rights and property, whether that is done under two states or one state solution.

Whereas Israel has vowed to never recognize Palestine and also has legalized apartheid in Israel, with Article 19 of the Basic Law. B'Tselem, Amnesty International, etc, have already provided ample evidence, structural evidence, formalized evidence of the apartheid nature of the Israel state.

Whereas the KSA FM clearly states they want two states, and the FM or Jordan clears his throat and is saying that everyone will recohgnize the rights of Israel if finishes with all this nonsense.

Whereas Israel wants either broken states around or autocracies cowering under the threat of being overturned if they go with the wish of the majority of their populations. Plus no limit to what territory they can take.

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Actually it´s horrible.

Whitewashing a genocide in the 21st century doesn´t work!

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Once again you don’t address the geopolitical ramifications of the west Asia struggles. These Trump the interesting historical details embedded in your analysis which lacks the robustness and profundity of much on the web. You often get stuck in your tunnel vision approach to international events which are far more complex many-sided and multilayered than you apparently think. Your analysis is interesting but will not be, cannot be determinative to Russia’s role in this conflict.

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Ditto. I'm getting close to giving up on this "pundit."

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Excellent article that helps to understand the ambiguity of Russia’s position on the Iralo-Palestinian conflict.

It is, however, deeply regrettable that the primary injustice to an indigenous people should not be emphasized as the basis of any reflection on the tragedies that have been taking place in this region for decades to implant in its ancestral lands a colonial expansionist and exclusive graft according to the own confessions of its designers and promoters.

Everyone pretends to ignore the fact that the pseudo solution «two states» is only the fig leaf intended to mask the funeste Zionist project , namely the project of an exclusively Jewish state, with blurred and extensible borders, Regardless of any moral or legal argument. This objective has been clearly stated, and repeatedly by successive leaders of the entity, with the consent of a vast majority of its population and the complicity of the global West.

No more hypocrisy! So that one stops blowing on the embers of a hearth which endangers world peace, in the same way as elsewhere, as at the eastern borders of Europe. This dialectic of the worst will eventually lead us, in one way or another , towards sinister tomorrow...


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Oct 4·edited 20 hrs ago

"The European-descended Jews who dominate Israeli political life are considered by "the Resistance" to be colonists who must return to Europe in order for there to be peace even if they were born in Israel and don’t hold dual citizenship. "

That's too sweeping a statement, if you had put it as a plurality, majority, nearly all, etc., then I would not have stirred myself. Otherwise another fine article.

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Therefore it´s ok if your Russians in Israel are part of a genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine?

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Putin is either owned by Jews, or a complete moron.

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