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Am I the only person that beliieves that Putin is just as much a member of the globalist gang as Macron, Biden, Starmer, Trudeau, Meloni or almost any other President or Prime Minister across the West that you care to think of across the West?

Putin followed every element of the globaliist cabal's long-prepared plan to use a supposed 'Covid crisis' to serve as the pretext to terrorize billions of people worldwide into lbeing injected with the Covid 'vaccines'; to pushing the totally fraudulent and non-existent 'climate crisis' and 'carbon zero' scams; to forcing biometric digital ID on the populations; to establishing programmable digital money... and so on.

I predicted at the outset of Russia's 'invasion' of Ukraine by a force so small that it could not possibly achieve its supposed objectives that Putin would merely go through the motions of an invasion, but would ensure that it never took the capital, Kiev, or threatened the globalist regime in Kiev, and instead, just kept a war of attrition rumblilng on pointlessly in the East of Ukraine, while Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, US arms manufacturers, and Wsetern politicians - through vast hidden kickbacks from their 'aid' to Ukraine - alll made unimaginable fortunes from the war.

What invasion in history - of any country - does not seek to take the capital city of the invaded country as their top objective? None. Yet the moment that Russian forces neared Kiev (seemingly to Putin's surprise), Putin quickly pulled them back with the ludicrous excuse that the Kiev regime had promised a peace deal - as I predicted he would.

The peace deal that Putin and the Kiev regime agreed, prior to the globalist puppet Boris Johnson being kent to scupper it (resulting in a further million people being killed since) gave the Kiev regime (as Putin publicly stated and even boasted of) almost every single that they could have dreamed of.

What is the point of invading a country at the cost of vast numbers of your own country's soldiers - if you are going to then do a peace deal leaving the regime running the country in power - the supposed neo-Nazis whom you had pledged to remove from power - and giving them virtually everything they could have dream of from a peace deal?

And now, a milllion deaths in Ukraine later after Boris Johnson's rushed intervention to skupper the peace deal, Putin publicly states that he will give the Kiev dictatorship virtually the sameunimaginably sweet deal again that he gave them the first time around!

In what universe does leaving the globalist and neo-Nazi dictatorship in place in Kiev constitute the 'deNazification of Ukraine' that Putin promised the Russian people? Of course, it doesn't, at all - showing that the supposed 'deNazification' of Ukraine stated by Putin as a key objective of the invasion was total rubbish from the start.

But... but...Putin is a traditionalist, upholding traditional Russian (and until the globalist takeover of the West, Western) values, many will say. He can't be a globalist!

Well, what do you expect him to say to the Russian people - the vast majority of whom would oppose any leader who did not uphold traditional values?

Politicians with any brains ook at what their power based want them to say - and say it, regardless of what they actually think, and regardless of what their true objectives are!

Look at Boris Johnson, a bought & paid for globalist puppet like all UK Prime Ministers for decades, wrapping the union jack around him and pretending to be a Brexiteer campaigning for Britain's independence from the globalist EU!

If he didn't pretend to be a Brexiteer, it would have been 100% impossible for him to have won Tory members' votes to become the Tory leader - so of course he said he was a Brexiteer, while all the time taking his orders from the globalist cabal who would never in million years have allowed Britain to become an independent country again in reality. A fake and totally meaningness 'Brexit' was required - and that is what May and Boris delivered, with the support of an almost 100% globalist and anti-Brexit Tory party in Westminster, with a bunch of Tory MPs pretending to be pro-Brexit, of course.

And look at Trump - who promised to 'Drain the Swamp!' - and who promptly betrayed his supporters by appointing globaliist Swamp creatures to almost every to position in his government!

No, Putin will not use nukes, nor anything else serioius against the globalist gang of crooks busy deliberately destroying their own countries for the vast enrichment of their multi-billionaire and global corporate masters.

It's all just a piece of theatre for the suckers.

- and that the Ukraine war is merely a long-planned part of the globalist plan - providing as it did the needed pretext for driiving energy prices through the roof in the West; for swiitching Europe to depend on US gas at 3 - 4 times the price of Russian gas


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Maybe he'd like to be, but the US was too blinded by UK-inspired ideological hatred to allow it.

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He may be a lot of things but not that. The main issue with Russia is precisely because he is not. He showed that when he expelled those royal duch or whatever oil company. That’s when the globalist gang understood that he was the enemy.

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