My assumption is that it could if it wanted. In my mind it could be a handful of anti ship missiles with crews, the missiles are fired, done, with plausible deniability (houthis did it). Just like what nato is doing in Ukraine. I may be wrong, in which case the slow incremental escalation is going to continue until the Russian resolve is degraded and huge cost in lives and material is inflicted, which was the plan B, (plan A being a colour revolution or some such catastrophic event for Russia, from within)
Why would he bomb NATO directly when houthis coul sink a bunch of important ships for him?
Russia isn't arming the Houthis though. There were rumors about it but they were ultimately unfounded. I elaborated here:
Some additional insight from a slightly different angle:
My assumption is that it could if it wanted. In my mind it could be a handful of anti ship missiles with crews, the missiles are fired, done, with plausible deniability (houthis did it). Just like what nato is doing in Ukraine. I may be wrong, in which case the slow incremental escalation is going to continue until the Russian resolve is degraded and huge cost in lives and material is inflicted, which was the plan B, (plan A being a colour revolution or some such catastrophic event for Russia, from within)