If Putin was genuinely the anti-globalist, nationalist, patriotic figure that he is painted as being, genuinely working for the Russian people against the West, there are a few things that he would definitely have done.
He would definitely have used a very strong card which he possesses against the West - namely, to halt all exports from …
If Putin was genuinely the anti-globalist, nationalist, patriotic figure that he is painted as being, genuinely working for the Russian people against the West, there are a few things that he would definitely have done.
He would definitely have used a very strong card which he possesses against the West - namely, to halt all exports from Russia of minerals and other resources which are absolutely essential to the West.
He did no such thing - even though the mere threat of doing that would certainly have caused the globalist gang running the West to hesitate to pursue their actions against Russia.
He would certainly have denounced the genuinely criminal WHO - but instead, Putin has loudly praised this key pillar of power of the globalist gang, and has pushed the development of the poisonous, DNA-changing mRNA 'vacxcine' technology by Russia.
Putin would certainly, were he an honest person, instead of being a globalist gang member, have denounced the mRNA poison 'vaccines' and would have exposed them as the bio-weapons which they are - but instead, like all globalist puppet leaders, he praises this mRNA bio-weapon technology threatening alll of humanity. and ihas publicly stated that Russia must be a major player in developing it.
If Putin had genuinely wanted to win the Ukraine war, he would have destroyed the bridges over the Dnieper riiver at the beginning of the war - the blindingly obvious measure which would have crippled the Ukrainian side at a stroke.
But he didn't - citing blatantly ridiculous excuses for not doing that - when the real reason for not doing that is that it would have severely disrupted the profit-making operations of Russian oligarchs wh, together with the globalist cabal, control Putin.
In addition, if he had destroyed those bridges, it would have been far more difficult for him to keep a war of attrition rumbling on, wiithout actually achieving anything to take control of Kiev and overthrow the globalist / neo-Nazi regime there: everyone would have been asking: 'Well, why don't you take Kiev - to actually achieve the de-Nazification which you said was a key objective of the war?'
And that would have been awkward - since it would have been difficult to find excuses not to advance on and take Kiev... which Putin and his controllers clearly do not want to do, which is why Putin pulled his army back from its position near Kiev in the early stages of the war, when Russia could easily have taken the capital.
If Putin had wanted - as he claimed - to 'deNazify' Ukraine, how could he possibly do that, without taking control of the political power centre of Ukraine - Kiev?
Well, of course he couldn't. But that was never his intention.
The Ukraine war was needed by the globalist cabal to provide the pretext and 'justification' for many of their operations, policieis and scams which they have carried out in the West, in addition to providing a supposed 'enemy' of the supposed 'democracies' of the West, almost all of which are actually totally fake 'democracies'.
If Putin was an anti-globalist, he would have exposed another key operation and scam of the globalists - namely the totally fraudulent and non-existent 'climate crisis' and 'carbon zero' scams, which provide the supposed justification for the globalist gang to transfer trillions of dollars, euros etc. from the nation states of the West into the pockets of the multi-billionaires and global corporations which control Western governments and entire political establishments and mass media.
But he didn't expose the totally fraudulent 'climate crisis' and 'carbon zeros' scams of Western governments, global corporations and mass media - but instead, pushed the very same scams inside Russia!
If Putin was even remotely an anti-globalist, would he have said after Tucker Carlson's interview of him that Carlson is 'a dangerous man'?
No - but every globalist politician regards Tucker Carlson as a 'dangerous man' - dangerous to their interests, just as Putin clearly views him, because he exposes their lies and their true agenda.
I could go on and on, showing endless further examples of how Putin has been implementing the same scams and Hitler-style Big Lies of the globalist cabal in Russia as Western governments have been doing - but the point should be clear.
Putin has no alternative but to pretend to be a champion of traditional values - because if he didn't, he would very rapidly lose his popularity with the Russian people.
If Putin was genuinely the anti-globalist, nationalist, patriotic figure that he is painted as being, genuinely working for the Russian people against the West, there are a few things that he would definitely have done.
He would definitely have used a very strong card which he possesses against the West - namely, to halt all exports from Russia of minerals and other resources which are absolutely essential to the West.
He did no such thing - even though the mere threat of doing that would certainly have caused the globalist gang running the West to hesitate to pursue their actions against Russia.
He would certainly have denounced the genuinely criminal WHO - but instead, Putin has loudly praised this key pillar of power of the globalist gang, and has pushed the development of the poisonous, DNA-changing mRNA 'vacxcine' technology by Russia.
Putin would certainly, were he an honest person, instead of being a globalist gang member, have denounced the mRNA poison 'vaccines' and would have exposed them as the bio-weapons which they are - but instead, like all globalist puppet leaders, he praises this mRNA bio-weapon technology threatening alll of humanity. and ihas publicly stated that Russia must be a major player in developing it.
If Putin had genuinely wanted to win the Ukraine war, he would have destroyed the bridges over the Dnieper riiver at the beginning of the war - the blindingly obvious measure which would have crippled the Ukrainian side at a stroke.
But he didn't - citing blatantly ridiculous excuses for not doing that - when the real reason for not doing that is that it would have severely disrupted the profit-making operations of Russian oligarchs wh, together with the globalist cabal, control Putin.
In addition, if he had destroyed those bridges, it would have been far more difficult for him to keep a war of attrition rumbling on, wiithout actually achieving anything to take control of Kiev and overthrow the globalist / neo-Nazi regime there: everyone would have been asking: 'Well, why don't you take Kiev - to actually achieve the de-Nazification which you said was a key objective of the war?'
And that would have been awkward - since it would have been difficult to find excuses not to advance on and take Kiev... which Putin and his controllers clearly do not want to do, which is why Putin pulled his army back from its position near Kiev in the early stages of the war, when Russia could easily have taken the capital.
If Putin had wanted - as he claimed - to 'deNazify' Ukraine, how could he possibly do that, without taking control of the political power centre of Ukraine - Kiev?
Well, of course he couldn't. But that was never his intention.
The Ukraine war was needed by the globalist cabal to provide the pretext and 'justification' for many of their operations, policieis and scams which they have carried out in the West, in addition to providing a supposed 'enemy' of the supposed 'democracies' of the West, almost all of which are actually totally fake 'democracies'.
If Putin was an anti-globalist, he would have exposed another key operation and scam of the globalists - namely the totally fraudulent and non-existent 'climate crisis' and 'carbon zero' scams, which provide the supposed justification for the globalist gang to transfer trillions of dollars, euros etc. from the nation states of the West into the pockets of the multi-billionaires and global corporations which control Western governments and entire political establishments and mass media.
But he didn't expose the totally fraudulent 'climate crisis' and 'carbon zeros' scams of Western governments, global corporations and mass media - but instead, pushed the very same scams inside Russia!
If Putin was even remotely an anti-globalist, would he have said after Tucker Carlson's interview of him that Carlson is 'a dangerous man'?
No - but every globalist politician regards Tucker Carlson as a 'dangerous man' - dangerous to their interests, just as Putin clearly views him, because he exposes their lies and their true agenda.
I could go on and on, showing endless further examples of how Putin has been implementing the same scams and Hitler-style Big Lies of the globalist cabal in Russia as Western governments have been doing - but the point should be clear.
Putin has no alternative but to pretend to be a champion of traditional values - because if he didn't, he would very rapidly lose his popularity with the Russian people.
This glows.