Putin made the right choice, which was always driven by his rational calculation of what was in Russia’s objective interests as a state, not due to “Zionist influence” like some in the Alt-Media Community now ridiculously claim to defame him after being mad that he didn’t lift a finger to save the Resistance.
G'day Charles, yeah that aligns with what I drew from this article. Fence sitting and never comment on anything anyone does seems paramount and one wonders whether a crossed red line will ever incur a serious response and harmonious relations with all including da,jjal.
Given that Israel controls America, and Putin loves Jews/Israel, one wonders how he can even prosecute this global campaign given his apparently treasonous conflicts of interest. You can't be pro-Jewish and also opposed to America. How does this even make sense?
"part of that long game for China and Russia is making nice with Israel as a way of mollifying anti-Russian and anti-Chinese political inclinations in the US. If they're nice to Israel, maybe neocon, warmongering Jews in the US will be less aggressive towards them."
If they believe that then they're literally retarded.
As far as I remember, Russia got involved in Syria to fight ISIS terrorists, given the problems it had with Islamic terrorism in the 1990s and the 2000s. I don't remember Russia ever saying that its goal was to defend Syria from Israel, or to help certain groups of Arabs and Muslims in their struggle against the Jewish terrorist state. I don't remember any long-time members of BRICS advancing such goals either. The USSR used to provide a lot of support to Israel's neighbors who fought all their wars against Israel with Soviet weapons, but this is not the case with modern Russia.
I think too many AMC commentators have a Cold War era Manichean view of international politics and want Russia to be a "good global policeman" and oppose America the "evil global policeman" in every region of the world, which doesn't appear to be Russia's preferred role at all. Russia would prefer the US to chill out and get off its backyard (ex-USSR countries), but it's not interested in fighting proxy wars vs the US and its allies around the globe. Russia isn't the USSR and it's not trying to lead world socialist revolution against capitalism worldwide.
America is controlled by Jews/Israel. If you're in a conflict with America, you can't be neutral or friendly towards Israel. These are all just different fronts in the same war. This fundamentally doesn't make sense, and indicates something else is going on. It appears Putin is owned by Jewish interests just like everyone with power in the west, or perhaps worse, he just happens to really Jews so much that he subordinates his national interest to his innate philosemitism.
Thanks for the honest analysis. All of the “the Zionist project is over” statements over the past year seem otherworldly considering the literal decimation of Palestinians in Gaza, destruction of Gaza, and the axis of resistance. Israel carved out the perfect excuse to do what it had perhaps dreamed of doing over years (annexation and/or ethnic cleansing). The precedent this sets will scare away non-Palestinians and further anger Palestinians. They are more isolated on the battlefield, though the public opinion (whatever that’s worth) has changed in a categorical sense.
There is a tendency to reduce the inherently chaotic reality of geopolitics and war to strictly causal chain of events. None of what happened was “written”, even Israel’s victory, whose shaky foundations were visible from their panicked responses. There were opportunities for the axis to come out on top, if they were willing to take existential gambles. In the end, Israel followed a well-trodden path and has (for now) emerged victorious.
Nevertheless, following this logic, it’s still not really over. Recall that before Oct 7, the events of the past year seemed impossible.
Andrew could you please share your thoughts about what are Iran’s options, and how Israel and the US may capitalize on their recent defeat of the axis? Thank you.
Russia has won the war in Ukraine but will it settle for enough to win the peace?
One decisive Russian advance would shatter AFU defensive lines, pierce through blitzkrieg, surround Kyiv, and force the surrender of thousands of AFU troops who couldn't retreat fast enough. Russia needs to make a big move sometime before the near-peace agreements.
Maybe the Oligarchs who want to resume business with the West are forcing Putin to make a deal to spare what remains of Ukrainian forces.
We are at a decisive moment in this conflict.
Russia can pierce through those newly recruited weak AFU positions but it's holding back. Why?
The well-trained United Rebels demonstrated convincingly in Syria that even a smaller force on the offensive with a good plan can defeat a larger force of poorly trained soldiers.
Russia needs to assert itself with a big victory to neutralize Ukraine and improve its land position and optics to compensate for the fiasco in Syria that it abandoned. Ukraine must be brought to its knees. If not, I think Russia won its SMO but failed epically to win the peace because some insiders are in a hurry to resume business with the West.
Overall, I agree in principle, but you're comparing apples with oranges here:
"The well-trained United Rebels demonstrated convincingly in Syria that even a smaller force on the offensive with a good plan can defeat a larger force of poorly trained soldiers."
The Syrian Army had had enough because there was nothing Assad could do to pull the ever-increasing bulk of Syria's population out of abject sanction-imposed poverty. A few CIA bucks in the right hands at the right time can decimate such an army as the 'United Rebels' had to face, perhaps even more so than their training. (Probably more cost effective, too!) Once they'd blown their '20 years and 5 billion bucks', as Fats Nuland (the female one) so eloquently put it, there wasn't much left for the Americans to do in the Ukraine. They've taken a longer view in Syria; can't really compare to the Ukraine in this sense — apples and oranges, chalk and cheese...
We armchair generals can concoct the greatest strategies in our heads without knowing all the details and saying in the end if only they had listened to me. lol.
It should be determined. Hope Putin knows Russia is enemy no.1 in europe and won't get peace through peace. USSR already tried that and now china is trying to get peace
Resistance types will not like what I have to say here, but there is a reason that Zionists are able to exert power well beyond their numbers: Group solidarity and a willingness to do *whatever* *it* *takes* to advance group goals. This often is violence but not necessarily. It's the same reason that a few Hells Angels were able to run riot at Altamont while many times their number of concertgoers milled around, got beat up, or ran for their lives. Every Hells Angel knew that his fellow outlaws would support him, whatever the cost, and they were not afraid to hurt or kill anyone who got in their way, nor did they fear any consequences. The hippies, by contrast, were dithering and indecisive, when if they had the Angels' determination and ethos, could have easily disarmed them or worse.
It's this. No one has the balls to actually take meaningful actions to oppose global Jewry (this is the problem really, should stop saying "Zionists"). Also Putin is strangely friendly to Jews in a way that just doesn't make sense. His enemy IS Jewry, which completely controls the west. There is no other reasonable conclusion than that they also own Putin.
I think the group solidarity, willingness of ruling classes of major western countries like USA,UK,FR, Germany,Italy is the thing not zionists as the influence of zionists is limited for obvious reasons.
West has thick friends since Saudi Arabia joined western camp before WW-2. Saudi Arabia will finance jihad against USSR but not against israel. Same with turkey,it is acting against syria as it is part of NATO( deceived russia). Now almost all countries in Arabian peninsula are now with imperialist camp. Yemen was already broken up by Saudis during their war on Yemen. Iraq is occupied by USA and turkey ( ironically to fight kurds )
Many pushes, and Georgia is not collapsing. Neither is Hungary, India or for that matter Israel. Instead we have almost a world war between the Wokist Globalist West and reasonable governments in nat-con governed countries.
The article is interesting. One thing I have noticed is the BRIC alliance's apparent weakness in supporting each other and lack of unity among member nations. As one commenter points out, "China is very upset with Russia, they are talking to India (who Russia is now upset with) and to Ukraine in efforts to bring a halt to all this.
Medvedev is in China today, probably to try and find out what is being discussed as they are not in the loop..."
The hegemon is not falling as fast as some would think because of dissension within BRICS.
I am not sure Russia agrees with the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank as well as with Israel's occupation and now extended occupation of Syrian territory. It is one thing to supprt the existaence of Israel and another to support an expansionist, ethno-religious state that shows levels of cruelty likely not seen on the eastern front. I am convinced Mr. Putin recoils at that.
However, why so much focus on what Russia does or does not with respect to the Axis of Resistence. The big villans here are the Arab states that have no issue with the slaughter. Malaysia has done more for their fellow Muslims than Turkey or Azerbaidjan. It seems there is a disdain among Turkic people towards Arabs. Heck, Arabs seem to not care about other Arabs, especially if they are of other sect. See the 30 years war in Europe, when more than 30% of German population was killed. But that was 400 years ago...
Iran is in the fight not only for the cause of Palestinians and affinities with Shia Hezbollah. The fact is that Iran has been targeted by the US and Israel since the Iranian Revolution being continuously persecuted, nuclear weapons or not. Given the oil & gas richness of Iran and its population and human capital, Iran should be much richer than Canada or Australia, never mind stronger militarily. However, this is not allowed by US/Israel. As such, Iran has done as much as it could to bring the pressure closer to Israel. Also built all those missiles and aerian defenses and is also close to escape velocity.
Putin was afraid the situation may end up like in 1991 or Benghazi thing.
Israel has done the bidding of USA directly affecting USSR and now russia but dear Andrew thinks israel is friend etc., neglecting how russians went to israel saying it has russians forgetting the war in Ukraine.
Now syria and iraq ,long friends of USSR were wrecked and iran,( no friend of USSR) is next in line. Egypt seeing it was surrounded by NATO/ EU friends itself became friend of NATO/ EU
Gorbhachev et al were such a disaster. Hope Putin and other bigwigs and the next generation bigwigs understand things( NATO/ EU know no peace) and bring ukraine and Moldova back into Russia . This time forever.
Somehow USA has to be removed from iraq including it's finances controlled by US bank otherwise iraq will meet same fate as syria
If west encourage terrorism in caucus or central asia , then russia,china,iran and hopefully india should give tit for tat response in both european and Arabian peninsulas.
While neither Russia nor V.V. Putin are what the alt-media project on them, at the same time, trying to make nice with the West and Israel will not win Russia any friends nor curry any favor.
The West in particular intends Russia's destruction, and western leaders are ruthless, merciless, and determined. No amount of reasonableness or conflict avoidance will deter them, any more than acting meek and unimposing will deter a bully looking to start a fight with a victim that he doesn't like.
What will deter that bully is the sure knowledge that you are strapped and that you will without hesitation pull that trigger. Right now, the bully is sure that Russia only is making idle threats.
What about starting to give Iranpowerful radios, fighter jets, and Air Defense Systems? That counts for something. Do you think that the last botched Israeli attack on Iran didn't have a Russian hand in it?
Isn't worried? They just announced that they plan to bomb the nuclear sites because they are afraid this fall of Syria might spur Iranians into getting the bomb... but they should worry about those fast missiles that Iran can throw ad them right now...
Lol. Putin just knows how to cut his losses, that's all. It's true he has always been cozy with Israel. That's one of the things I don't like about him, but he's got a lot of company there. You're right that a lot of people in the alternate media projected their own hopes onto Uncle Vlad, hopes that always came in a distant second to Russian national interests with him.
What will Russia do when Israel DOES collapse in a few years? It will, you know. Its economy is already cratering in spite of American aid, and that won't last for more than one or two presidents.
I would appreciate it greatly (because I believe the time has come after almost three years) to name individuals and not hide behind the acronym of AMC and link that to an old and always the same article. And not only name names, but, of course, attack the arguments by quoting them. That is the true scholastic way. And one question in the case of above analysis: seems factually true what you write about the president. But are there not other actors in Russia? Such as the general staff? Do they agree too to losing the bases in Syria?
Brian berletic is correct - imo. European peninsula and Arabian peninsula are thickest friends of USA.
w.r.t 1945-1971, strategic & geographic space for russia/ china is less in Eurasia where they exist. They have no allies and although space in ASEAN is somewhat more it is less in europe and Arabia due to loss of Warsaw pact and former republics of USSR in europe,caucus and central asia,iraq in 1990's and now syria
Hope india makes an alliance with Russia and China and also helps iran/ iraq economically and somehow clawback syria in future. India should make peace with china and pakistan based on joint sovereignity of aksai chin, tawang to china and remaining arunachal pradesh to india. In J&K, joint sovereignity in exchange for Pakistan giving up foreign affairs control to india and india actively helping Pakistan to balkanise Afghanistan so that Durand line doesn't exist for Pakistan or partition of J& K along current lines and allied relationship with Pakistan
If it is a bit difficult to swallow given that Israel should be counted as a co-conspirator against Russia in Ukraine. I am leaning more toward Dugin's "a blow is a blow". I would make the same decision Putin had made because Syria's situation is unsalvageable. Other things aside, Syria under Assad does not have the necessary economic base to survive as a country let alone to recover the lost territory. If Assad wants to insist on nationalist pride and refuse Russia's or Iran's offers of help, then there is a natural limit on what Assad can do: in other words, not much. Assad did not want more blood shed. Even if he wanted to resist, once he knew the army was no longer reliable, an exile was all he could do, and probably the best choice for him and for Syrian people given the circumstances. The time to salvage Syria was much earlier. But for geopolitical reasons, Russia did not want to help Syria to take back Idlib the industrial city. Russia did not want to drive the American forces out, Russia was not willing to interfere in the civil war between Syrians and Kurds. Assad'sfather would be better off to pass the country to one of his generals.
The defeat of the resistance axis was unimaginable last year.
"Israel has not yet come to terms with the magnitude of defeat it has been suffering since October 7, 2023. Americans have not yet fully comprehended the Black Swan Event that occurred on October 7, 2023, in Gaza and Israel"
Just in case you didn’t make it to the end of this insightful article, here’s the summary:
“The takeaways from this are several:
1) Putin and his representatives don’t play “5D chess”, they always say what they truly mean;
2) Russia isn’t anti-Israel nor anti-Zionist, but it also isn’t anti-Iran nor anti-Resistance either;
3) the AMC is full of charlatans who, for self-interested reasons, tell their audience whatever they think they want to hear;
4) their audience should thus hold them to account for lying about Russian-Israeli and Russian-Resistance relations;
5) and the AMC requires urgent reform.”
Best wishes to all the people of the world. May Almighty God guide everyone to righteousness and prosperity.
So we should be happy Putin has done 0 to stop the on-going genocide in Gaza & land theft in West Bank & Golan Heights?
G'day Charles, yeah that aligns with what I drew from this article. Fence sitting and never comment on anything anyone does seems paramount and one wonders whether a crossed red line will ever incur a serious response and harmonious relations with all including da,jjal.
No. However, in the real world, the "Axis of Resistance" is not nearly as powerful, unified, determined or omnicompetent as the AMC may wish.
Given that Israel controls America, and Putin loves Jews/Israel, one wonders how he can even prosecute this global campaign given his apparently treasonous conflicts of interest. You can't be pro-Jewish and also opposed to America. How does this even make sense?
"part of that long game for China and Russia is making nice with Israel as a way of mollifying anti-Russian and anti-Chinese political inclinations in the US. If they're nice to Israel, maybe neocon, warmongering Jews in the US will be less aggressive towards them."
If they believe that then they're literally retarded.
As far as I remember, Russia got involved in Syria to fight ISIS terrorists, given the problems it had with Islamic terrorism in the 1990s and the 2000s. I don't remember Russia ever saying that its goal was to defend Syria from Israel, or to help certain groups of Arabs and Muslims in their struggle against the Jewish terrorist state. I don't remember any long-time members of BRICS advancing such goals either. The USSR used to provide a lot of support to Israel's neighbors who fought all their wars against Israel with Soviet weapons, but this is not the case with modern Russia.
I think too many AMC commentators have a Cold War era Manichean view of international politics and want Russia to be a "good global policeman" and oppose America the "evil global policeman" in every region of the world, which doesn't appear to be Russia's preferred role at all. Russia would prefer the US to chill out and get off its backyard (ex-USSR countries), but it's not interested in fighting proxy wars vs the US and its allies around the globe. Russia isn't the USSR and it's not trying to lead world socialist revolution against capitalism worldwide.
America is controlled by Jews/Israel. If you're in a conflict with America, you can't be neutral or friendly towards Israel. These are all just different fronts in the same war. This fundamentally doesn't make sense, and indicates something else is going on. It appears Putin is owned by Jewish interests just like everyone with power in the west, or perhaps worse, he just happens to really Jews so much that he subordinates his national interest to his innate philosemitism.
Retarded post
IMO it is the other way around.
The axis has been defeated mainly because Russia ( and China ) played the card of the Israelis
This. They always seem to get what they want, don't they? Funny how that works
I have no idea what that means.
Thanks for the honest analysis. All of the “the Zionist project is over” statements over the past year seem otherworldly considering the literal decimation of Palestinians in Gaza, destruction of Gaza, and the axis of resistance. Israel carved out the perfect excuse to do what it had perhaps dreamed of doing over years (annexation and/or ethnic cleansing). The precedent this sets will scare away non-Palestinians and further anger Palestinians. They are more isolated on the battlefield, though the public opinion (whatever that’s worth) has changed in a categorical sense.
There is a tendency to reduce the inherently chaotic reality of geopolitics and war to strictly causal chain of events. None of what happened was “written”, even Israel’s victory, whose shaky foundations were visible from their panicked responses. There were opportunities for the axis to come out on top, if they were willing to take existential gambles. In the end, Israel followed a well-trodden path and has (for now) emerged victorious.
Nevertheless, following this logic, it’s still not really over. Recall that before Oct 7, the events of the past year seemed impossible.
Andrew could you please share your thoughts about what are Iran’s options, and how Israel and the US may capitalize on their recent defeat of the axis? Thank you.
Russia has won the war in Ukraine but will it settle for enough to win the peace?
One decisive Russian advance would shatter AFU defensive lines, pierce through blitzkrieg, surround Kyiv, and force the surrender of thousands of AFU troops who couldn't retreat fast enough. Russia needs to make a big move sometime before the near-peace agreements.
Maybe the Oligarchs who want to resume business with the West are forcing Putin to make a deal to spare what remains of Ukrainian forces.
We are at a decisive moment in this conflict.
Russia can pierce through those newly recruited weak AFU positions but it's holding back. Why?
The well-trained United Rebels demonstrated convincingly in Syria that even a smaller force on the offensive with a good plan can defeat a larger force of poorly trained soldiers.
Russia needs to assert itself with a big victory to neutralize Ukraine and improve its land position and optics to compensate for the fiasco in Syria that it abandoned. Ukraine must be brought to its knees. If not, I think Russia won its SMO but failed epically to win the peace because some insiders are in a hurry to resume business with the West.
Peace is near, can you smell it? lol
Overall, I agree in principle, but you're comparing apples with oranges here:
"The well-trained United Rebels demonstrated convincingly in Syria that even a smaller force on the offensive with a good plan can defeat a larger force of poorly trained soldiers."
The Syrian Army had had enough because there was nothing Assad could do to pull the ever-increasing bulk of Syria's population out of abject sanction-imposed poverty. A few CIA bucks in the right hands at the right time can decimate such an army as the 'United Rebels' had to face, perhaps even more so than their training. (Probably more cost effective, too!) Once they'd blown their '20 years and 5 billion bucks', as Fats Nuland (the female one) so eloquently put it, there wasn't much left for the Americans to do in the Ukraine. They've taken a longer view in Syria; can't really compare to the Ukraine in this sense — apples and oranges, chalk and cheese...
We armchair generals can concoct the greatest strategies in our heads without knowing all the details and saying in the end if only they had listened to me. lol.
Oh, how very right you are here, Denis — far, far TOO true!
Funnily enough, I've just listened to someone else (Someone who DOES actually know a thing or two.) saying pretty much the same thing. John Helmer's on a podcast done by a Canadian guy, I think it is: https://gradio.substack.com/p/gorilla-radio-with-chris-cook-john-374
He's certainly right about 'Novichok' (heavy-duty, industrial AND military grade varieties) and the Skripals. AND he's the only one saying it!
I Am not sure that Russia is as determined as we may wish, nor Ukraine as weakened.
It is the West that is telling itself that one hard push and Russia will collapse.
It should be determined. Hope Putin knows Russia is enemy no.1 in europe and won't get peace through peace. USSR already tried that and now china is trying to get peace
Don't kid yourself.
Resistance types will not like what I have to say here, but there is a reason that Zionists are able to exert power well beyond their numbers: Group solidarity and a willingness to do *whatever* *it* *takes* to advance group goals. This often is violence but not necessarily. It's the same reason that a few Hells Angels were able to run riot at Altamont while many times their number of concertgoers milled around, got beat up, or ran for their lives. Every Hells Angel knew that his fellow outlaws would support him, whatever the cost, and they were not afraid to hurt or kill anyone who got in their way, nor did they fear any consequences. The hippies, by contrast, were dithering and indecisive, when if they had the Angels' determination and ethos, could have easily disarmed them or worse.
It's this. No one has the balls to actually take meaningful actions to oppose global Jewry (this is the problem really, should stop saying "Zionists"). Also Putin is strangely friendly to Jews in a way that just doesn't make sense. His enemy IS Jewry, which completely controls the west. There is no other reasonable conclusion than that they also own Putin.
What do you mean don't kid yourself?
I think the group solidarity, willingness of ruling classes of major western countries like USA,UK,FR, Germany,Italy is the thing not zionists as the influence of zionists is limited for obvious reasons.
West has thick friends since Saudi Arabia joined western camp before WW-2. Saudi Arabia will finance jihad against USSR but not against israel. Same with turkey,it is acting against syria as it is part of NATO( deceived russia). Now almost all countries in Arabian peninsula are now with imperialist camp. Yemen was already broken up by Saudis during their war on Yemen. Iraq is occupied by USA and turkey ( ironically to fight kurds )
I am not sure what you are trying to say here. That not only Zionists show solidarity? Granted.
So, what do you mean by " don't kid yourself"?
Many pushes, and Georgia is not collapsing. Neither is Hungary, India or for that matter Israel. Instead we have almost a world war between the Wokist Globalist West and reasonable governments in nat-con governed countries.
None of these are over by any means. India would be the hardest nut to crack.
I'm curious to see under what terms the Ukraine conflict ends.
Provided for comment and not necessarily for truth, although AEP is far from a neocon/kneejerk anti-Russian, and his analysis rings true.
The article is interesting. One thing I have noticed is the BRIC alliance's apparent weakness in supporting each other and lack of unity among member nations. As one commenter points out, "China is very upset with Russia, they are talking to India (who Russia is now upset with) and to Ukraine in efforts to bring a halt to all this.
Medvedev is in China today, probably to try and find out what is being discussed as they are not in the loop..."
The hegemon is not falling as fast as some would think because of dissension within BRICS.
Nobody cares about Europe. For their part, europeans like being slaves.
Cucktin lacks the balls to decisively defeat Ukraine. He's fought the war with one hand behind his back for three years.
I am not sure Russia agrees with the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank as well as with Israel's occupation and now extended occupation of Syrian territory. It is one thing to supprt the existaence of Israel and another to support an expansionist, ethno-religious state that shows levels of cruelty likely not seen on the eastern front. I am convinced Mr. Putin recoils at that.
However, why so much focus on what Russia does or does not with respect to the Axis of Resistence. The big villans here are the Arab states that have no issue with the slaughter. Malaysia has done more for their fellow Muslims than Turkey or Azerbaidjan. It seems there is a disdain among Turkic people towards Arabs. Heck, Arabs seem to not care about other Arabs, especially if they are of other sect. See the 30 years war in Europe, when more than 30% of German population was killed. But that was 400 years ago...
Iran is in the fight not only for the cause of Palestinians and affinities with Shia Hezbollah. The fact is that Iran has been targeted by the US and Israel since the Iranian Revolution being continuously persecuted, nuclear weapons or not. Given the oil & gas richness of Iran and its population and human capital, Iran should be much richer than Canada or Australia, never mind stronger militarily. However, this is not allowed by US/Israel. As such, Iran has done as much as it could to bring the pressure closer to Israel. Also built all those missiles and aerian defenses and is also close to escape velocity.
Putin was afraid the situation may end up like in 1991 or Benghazi thing.
Israel has done the bidding of USA directly affecting USSR and now russia but dear Andrew thinks israel is friend etc., neglecting how russians went to israel saying it has russians forgetting the war in Ukraine.
Now syria and iraq ,long friends of USSR were wrecked and iran,( no friend of USSR) is next in line. Egypt seeing it was surrounded by NATO/ EU friends itself became friend of NATO/ EU
Gorbhachev et al were such a disaster. Hope Putin and other bigwigs and the next generation bigwigs understand things( NATO/ EU know no peace) and bring ukraine and Moldova back into Russia . This time forever.
Somehow USA has to be removed from iraq including it's finances controlled by US bank otherwise iraq will meet same fate as syria
If west encourage terrorism in caucus or central asia , then russia,china,iran and hopefully india should give tit for tat response in both european and Arabian peninsulas.
While neither Russia nor V.V. Putin are what the alt-media project on them, at the same time, trying to make nice with the West and Israel will not win Russia any friends nor curry any favor.
The West in particular intends Russia's destruction, and western leaders are ruthless, merciless, and determined. No amount of reasonableness or conflict avoidance will deter them, any more than acting meek and unimposing will deter a bully looking to start a fight with a victim that he doesn't like.
What will deter that bully is the sure knowledge that you are strapped and that you will without hesitation pull that trigger. Right now, the bully is sure that Russia only is making idle threats.
Putin is a cuck with no stomach for the fight. It's pathetic really, and makes Russia's enemies more aggressive.
Putin may not be able to sit on the fence in the potential direct conflict between Israel and Iran.
Does he help Iran or does nothing?
I'll give you three guesses.
He does nothing.
Although most of the Alt-Media commentariat will say that he'll help Iran.
It should be obvious by now that the AMC live in a fantasy world.
Another retarded post
What about starting to give Iranpowerful radios, fighter jets, and Air Defense Systems? That counts for something. Do you think that the last botched Israeli attack on Iran didn't have a Russian hand in it?
I suspect that the "botched attack" is just more wishful thinking. Israel doesn't act deterred in the slightest.
Has it continued to attack Iranian nuclear or oil installations? Has shown any successes of the last attack? No.
Israel cannot deal with a state like Iran. It can only punch down, and even there, it needs massive US and EU assistance.
Israel certainly isn't worried about Iran as it toppled and invades Syria.
I can wish otherwise, but wishing don't make it so.
Isn't worried? They just announced that they plan to bomb the nuclear sites because they are afraid this fall of Syria might spur Iranians into getting the bomb... but they should worry about those fast missiles that Iran can throw ad them right now...
Doing nothing is this guy's specialty.
Lol. Putin just knows how to cut his losses, that's all. It's true he has always been cozy with Israel. That's one of the things I don't like about him, but he's got a lot of company there. You're right that a lot of people in the alternate media projected their own hopes onto Uncle Vlad, hopes that always came in a distant second to Russian national interests with him.
What will Russia do when Israel DOES collapse in a few years? It will, you know. Its economy is already cratering in spite of American aid, and that won't last for more than one or two presidents.
He's a butt boy for the Jews, just like everyone in the west. It's crazy how NO ONE will ever stand up to the core problem.
"What will Russia do when Israel DOES collapse in a few years?"
Why would they collapse? No one does anything but complain. And the one person who could stop them is a philosemite for inexplicable reasons.
I would appreciate it greatly (because I believe the time has come after almost three years) to name individuals and not hide behind the acronym of AMC and link that to an old and always the same article. And not only name names, but, of course, attack the arguments by quoting them. That is the true scholastic way. And one question in the case of above analysis: seems factually true what you write about the president. But are there not other actors in Russia? Such as the general staff? Do they agree too to losing the bases in Syria?
What's your view of Brian Berletic of the new atlas?
Brian berletic is correct - imo. European peninsula and Arabian peninsula are thickest friends of USA.
w.r.t 1945-1971, strategic & geographic space for russia/ china is less in Eurasia where they exist. They have no allies and although space in ASEAN is somewhat more it is less in europe and Arabia due to loss of Warsaw pact and former republics of USSR in europe,caucus and central asia,iraq in 1990's and now syria
Hope india makes an alliance with Russia and China and also helps iran/ iraq economically and somehow clawback syria in future. India should make peace with china and pakistan based on joint sovereignity of aksai chin, tawang to china and remaining arunachal pradesh to india. In J&K, joint sovereignity in exchange for Pakistan giving up foreign affairs control to india and india actively helping Pakistan to balkanise Afghanistan so that Durand line doesn't exist for Pakistan or partition of J& K along current lines and allied relationship with Pakistan
If it is a bit difficult to swallow given that Israel should be counted as a co-conspirator against Russia in Ukraine. I am leaning more toward Dugin's "a blow is a blow". I would make the same decision Putin had made because Syria's situation is unsalvageable. Other things aside, Syria under Assad does not have the necessary economic base to survive as a country let alone to recover the lost territory. If Assad wants to insist on nationalist pride and refuse Russia's or Iran's offers of help, then there is a natural limit on what Assad can do: in other words, not much. Assad did not want more blood shed. Even if he wanted to resist, once he knew the army was no longer reliable, an exile was all he could do, and probably the best choice for him and for Syrian people given the circumstances. The time to salvage Syria was much earlier. But for geopolitical reasons, Russia did not want to help Syria to take back Idlib the industrial city. Russia did not want to drive the American forces out, Russia was not willing to interfere in the civil war between Syrians and Kurds. Assad'sfather would be better off to pass the country to one of his generals.
Shocking how things change in geopolitics.
The defeat of the resistance axis was unimaginable last year.
"Israel has not yet come to terms with the magnitude of defeat it has been suffering since October 7, 2023. Americans have not yet fully comprehended the Black Swan Event that occurred on October 7, 2023, in Gaza and Israel"
Israel's victory has been cemented by mistakes done jointly by Assad, Hezbollah and Iran.
No mistakes but the presence of US in Syria did them in
Putin is as despicable shabbos goy, as observed by many people.