The Western media had been speculating that Russian Foreign minister Lavrov had tried to impress upon former President Assad of Syria the need to comply with certain resolutions of the UN Security Council which as per his alleged reading require devolution of power from the centre to encompass several of the factions that had been in conflict with the Centre at that time. Those western observers further suggest that compliance with such directives on part of Mr Assad would have "paved the way for lifting of economic sanctions imposed by the United States and the EU on Syria and ending its isolation from the global economy". The developments which have unfolded in the past few days completely belie such false hopes if at all they had been nurtured by anyone. Of course, I am not in the company of those who would believe that Mr Lavrov could have even entertained such futile hopes which do not belong in the domain of reality and can only be nurtured by real muddlehead nutcases. It has been my considered belief that from the very outset, the American-engendered EU-enforced blockade on air and sea traffic to Syria under the euphemistic guise of the misnomer "sanctions" which encompassed everything from medicines to construction equipment and men and materials, was geared towards the one and only aim of emaciating Syria to slow genocide, ala the abortive starvation holocaust wreaked by NATO powers on Iraq circa 1990 to 2000, for facilitating a conquest and annexation of that land by Tel Aviv to the Greater Israel project. But if there were any doubts about the hostile intentions towards both Russia and Syria on part of the western purveyors of the "dialogue and devolution" doctrine which the USA and EU had doggedly been pressing Mr Lavrov to market in Syria, all such doubts are now finally dispelled by the official announcement made the other day by the Estonian-born High Representative of EU for Foreign Affairs, Kaja Kallas. She has formally announced that the European Union is laying down caveat of expulsion of all Russian military bases from Syrian soil as a precondition for Syria's new rulers to be admitted into the "international" fold and the lifting of European sanctions on Syria. She has further stated that the EU regards Russian bases in Syria a security hazard and threat (to European hegemony, of course, my emphasis) to European interests in Africa. Things have now become crystal clear, but there can be no convincing the die-hard sceptics. It is plain obvious that Kaja Kallas has made a tacit endorsement of the illegal American and Israeli occupation of Syria while bemoaning the Russian military presence and blackmaing Syria's new rulers into throwing the Russians out! Because, the EU leadership perceives the USA and Israel as its bedfellows, partners-in-arms in respect of collective hegemonic ravages world over.

Under the circumstances one of the smart options for Russia to wriggle out of the mess precipitated by its Syria debacle will be perhaps to heed the suggestion of the hero Ramzan Kadyrov to deploy Chechen police for law and order management in Syria in tandem and coordination with the HTS administration. They can help avert a down spiral of security and order by stabilising the situation. If one were to heed Nostradamus' forecasts, Chechen heroes can mitigate much of the existential threat posed to Russian security from a belligerent and bellicose neighbourhood in Poland and beyond to the west, by bringing those unruly European powers under the tender mercies of Islam and Shariat. Finland has announced seizure of Russian assetts and their diversion to Ukraine to finance Ukrainian offensive against Russia such as that in Kursk.

The European Union hunchos and their American deep state handlers had planned 6 years ago to transform Syria into a den of Islamist saboteurs trained under tutelage of ISIS veterans of Uieghur stock, for enacting bloody carnages and terrorist bombings across the length and breadth of Russia, under the ruse of resurrecting the medieval khanate of Sibir. Whether that moment has come or not, after Russia's strategic retreat from Syria, will become known soon in the coming days.

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Hey, I tried reading your message, and failed epicly. Would you mind using new lines and improving your writing a bit more?

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The western mainstream media has completely blacked out all references to Lt Gen Igor Kirilov's Yeoman's role in unravelling and highlighting the American deep state's involvement in WMD project (Barbadosa doctrine) and bio-weapon labs (novel viruses geared for targetting humans from specific races) in Ukraine. Instead, news about his assasination in the western media opens with mention about his alleged role in masterminding "chemical weapons attacks" on Ukrainian soldiers, for which he has been sanctioned by Britain as it seems.

Unless Russia takes initiative to arise, awake and hit the nerve centres of Anglo Saxon bullies real hard where it hurts most, the Western cabal has already drafted ambitious plans to hunt down leading Russian nationals and subject them to kangaroo trials in courts on NATO soil in the fashion of Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevich with the motive of heaping mass-ridicule and humiliation upon the Russian civilisation.

Right now, a criminal investigation, involving both MI5 and Scotland Yard is underway in Britain, pertaining to some British mercenary named Daniel Berck who had been accidentally killed from friendly fire whilst serving in Ukraine. The British government and its investigating agencies are trying to cook up a false case incriminating select Russian nationals for having plotted the "assasination" of that mercenary, and plan to sound Interpol for issuance of a red corner notice very soon. At the same time, the guilt of the conspirators to murder of Russian General Igor Kirilov is being trivialised and even glorified even as that gentleman is being demonised as a cohort of "chemical Ali". The Times (of London) has extolled the murder of Mr Igor Kirillov at the hands of agent-saboteurs deputed by Kiev, calling it a " legitimate act of defence by a threatened nation". Russia can take a cue from Britain in preparing its own hit list of fugitives deserving of death-row from among British and EU nationals.

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It is not an easy decision as there will be no end to terrorism by west both from european peninsula and Arabian peninsula.

Guess the world knows jihadists only work on NATO/ EU/ ARABIA goals

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General Kirilov’s legacy remains for the world to understand.

Lt General Kirilov revealed the truth of biological-chemical warfare laboratories(16) in Ukraine under control of US State Department’s Ms Nuland .

Further he revealed Anglo- American connections to locations in UK and Hunter Biden involvement.

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Hunter’s pardon only exonerates him, and he loses the ability to plead the 5th. He has to testify.

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Hunter Biden may have been arbitrarily "pardoned" by his nepotist father Joe Biden, but there is nothing to stop Russia from reckoning him as culpable for his alleged involvement in transcontinental sins in Ukraine in connection with what can be rightly called CRIMES OF MASS DESTRUCTION, the American deep state funded project to synthesise novel viruses with potential to produce severely debilitating illness or grave Systematic inflammatory response syndrome involving cytokine storms and the like, with minimal body reaction in form of fever or immune response in the initial days of infection :- a setting which would facilitate unbridled proliferation of the virions uptil the breakpoint when a sudden anf irreversibly lethal cytokine storms would supervene.

The American precedent in arresting Mr Pavel Borodin, chief of the Russia-Balarus Union, on a totally illegitimate charge involving audacious overreach and encroachment on Russian sovereignty, of allegedly accepting bribe in Moscow from some Swiss firm wishing to participate in Russian governmental redevelopment projects, and that too when the gentleman haf just landed in the US as part of an official Russian diomatic delegation to felicitate the newly elected American President, has abolished the bar on Russia likewise following suit in taking cognisance of and meting punishments in respect of crimes committed by Americans in other countries or even in America, and more especially when the intended victims include inhabitants of all four corners of the world, CRIMES OF MASS DESTRUCTION. When thugs from the crime ghettos of post renaissance Europe, who fanned out to steal 3 continents in the New World and now have the temerity to call themselves "international community" can set up kangaroo "world courts" which go so far as to issue arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin, what sort of shyness or embarrassment holds Russia back from securing justice for the voiceless billions of meek humans in this world, who have been consigned to the virtuous and reliable trusteeship of Russia by Lord God since the days of Atlantis in hoary antiquity ?

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Russia can have the excuse of using chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine now.

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Talk is cheap.

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Why is the Ukrainian assassination 'cowardly' yet you say the Israeli assassinations were 'audacious?' I don't see a difference.

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Ugh, not another lurker who was so offended by my past choice of a single word that they're now obsessed with me and waited several months to make a scene, how bizarre.

But to answer your question, sure, both are audacious (here's a reminder of the definition since you seem to falsely conflate it with approval when it's a neutral term: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/audacious), but the pager assassinations were much more audacious since they took years to plan and targeted thousands.

Now it's your term to answer my questions, and if you don't reciprocate the respect that I gave you by giving my very limited time by answering by tonight, then you'll be blocked.

Why did it bother you so much that you lurked for 2,5 months not saying anything till now in response to my description of the pager assassinations as audacious? What about that word bothers you so much? Did you wrongly conflate it with approval? I psychoanalyze my haters for fun, it's one of my hobbies and has been for years.

I want to understand how Resistance trolls since I now have more of them than "NAFO" trolls. Resistance ones are worse though since they discredit Alt-Media.

Is it that you're so angry about what happened that you're using me as a strawman to rant against? What's your thought process in popping up out of nowhere 2,5 months later to make that sarcastic comment. Is this some kinda "gotcha" moment in your mind? If so, to what end? To "discredit" me? How? What tangible consequences do you anticipate?

Did you think I'd argue that this assassination wasn't audacious either? Or that I'd change my mind on how I described the pager assassinations? Why do you even care?

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“Resistance trolls” good description of those fake leftists who feign support for Palestine while condemning Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. This schizophrenic opinion is widespread in the UK where it is leveraged by NAFO trolls and State agencies to good effect in fracturing the anti war anti imperialist movements. The obvious contradiction is apparent in concluding this stance is used by these NAFO trolls to advertise and confuse ‘Pro Palestine Pro Ukraine’.

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Abby Martin, Amy Goodman, CJ Werlemann and whole lots of rabidly radical yet pretentious Islamists.

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They’re not trolls. The issue seems to lie in their reasoning abilities. Some may be too old, while others might simply lack the capacity for logical thinking or just plain stupid. I’ve had conversations with many of them, and they appear beyond salvation. It’s as though their mental development halted at some point in their lives.

By the way, I don’t believe Robert K. Wright is part of the resistance cult. He is some western shill tho

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No, I am not upset with your use of audacious, which I didn't know you'd even used until I went back and checked. I wondered how you characterized the Israeli assassinations compared to the Ukrainian one, is all. And I agree that the Israeli ones were more audacious because of the planning and scope. I don't agree that the Ukrainian assassination was cowardly, though. I enjoy your column but your prejudices sometime rather spoil them. Happy holidays to you and your family.

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Ok, thanks for clarifying, fair enough. I've been targeted by a lot of Resistance trolls on X these past few weeks so I'm expecting them to soon invade and toxify this space too. Happy holidays to you and yours too.

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