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Such a result should be expected. Pakistan is not the agitator for the central Asia part of Russia, USA is. Important traffic routes from Russia to China and other central Asia neighbors do not pass through Pakistan. Russia land corridor to India has to pass through Kashmir or cut across Pakistan, big no-no on both subjects. Pakistan's nuke ability should have come from USA rather than Russia, so there is no technical matter linkage. In the older days when India is de facto leader of non-aligned countries, USA took hostile attitude toward India. During the same period, Russia took a friendly approach to India and sold weapons as well as technologies to India. Although both India and Pakistan were formally part of British India colony, the internal politics in these two "regions" have been very different since the colonial time. Some interesting snippets can be seen from the old Movie "North West Frontier". From Russian perspective, Pakistan is best left to China to deal with as China has a real need to appease to Pakistan.

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