Well, I don't know if that's true, but I do know some nationalistic Ukrainians in Lvov Oblast who would very much like to vote Zelensky out. Even they see the writing on the wall and want the war to just end.

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The election guaranteed won't be free or fair. "Democracy is too important to be left to the voters."

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Has there ever been an election that wasn't "free or fair"?.. Name me 1 serious political theorist going back to & including Plato that promoted "Democracy" without caveats that excluded the venal, common-dunces having sway.

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I think you are trying to say "Has there ever been an election that *was* "free or fair"?."

Otherwise, you are saying that all elections are free and fair, presumably by definition.

Since you are so "OCD for logc" (LOL) and so forth

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I corrected that typo B4 U leaped on it. HAHA!

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so clever you are. *sigh*

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My rationality gets your OCD illogical alight!

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Once again, tell yourself that, if it makes you feel better. You're the one who insists ont his silly discussion and keeps trying to decalre victory.

Me, I could not care less.

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""wasn't" should be "was".

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Would be a blessing for everyone if true. And I think the SVR is right on the mark.

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Maybe not - RU likely benefits from, & enjoys the entertainment of, the pint-sized, venal, self-aggrandizing, green comic-goblin roasting in his Ukie presidential shit.

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Whether the SVR claims are Russian disinformation or not, this play makes PERFECT SENSE at this time.

If I was in control of the US government right now, I’d order the exact same thing myself!

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Fully agreed! A lot of what they predicted in the past didn't pan out for whatever reason, but this does indeed make perfect sense from the perspective of US interests and especially Trump 2.0's.

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I don’t know… SVR has a decent record. Take the analysis from late last year that NATO wanted to send an army of 100.000+ “peacekeepers” to Ukraine. A few weeks later, western sources started reporting the same story, before it collapsed.

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I hyperlinked to this analysis that documents three of the prior times from as early as December 2023, though even older examples might exist, of SVR predicting that Zelensky might soon be deposed though it hasn't yet happened:


So I personally no longer interpret their claims as something that's bound to occur, but rather either as an attempt to inform the public about something they learned or an effort to shape perceptions and/or influence dynamics.

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Ukraine War would never happen if the Maidan Revolution never happened. Yakonovych is the legitimate President of Ukraine.

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Maidan was a TEXTBOOK colour revolution. Like literally one to learn of.

Yep, Russia would have never invaded if it didn't happen because there would have been no need for "de-nazification" or anything else.

I'd hope this is common knowledge by now.

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By the looks of it, the only need for Z to be deposed at any point in time is for someone else to accept/validate the deal T will offer to P which P may contemplate as an acceptable choice at the time. Anything Z rejected/rejects categorically so far. Someone to be labelled as a "saviour" when signing a document.

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Zelensky's time has expired. He has no mandate since elections were cancelled. What is needed is a "color" revolution to depose him. I know - get USAID to help out - they organised the "color" revolution that got Zelensky into this debacle. Maybe Victoria Nuland could redeem herself by coming out of obscurity and offering her expert advice?

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First !

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"Putin himself predicted last June that the West will make moves in the first half of 2025 to replace Zelensky." - Does this mean you recognize that RU controls the timeline of this particular reality, or that the SVR is making-up shite, or somewhere in between?

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It only makes sense that USA will have a new leader of it's choice in Ukraine now that there's a new administration. Nothing new can be accomplished without this as President Putin has repeatedly stated. I suppose we can say that USA & Russia are working together on this. Surely Putin wants to end this SMO. Each for their own reasons, of course. Let's imagine the best scenario in which both sides work out an acceptable plan that will last at least as long as it takes for another good plan to take shape. We all desire to get out of this mess.

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RU only wants to (maybe) end SMO in its current form - new SMO will be born to liberate more of the brutal UKR.

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None of this Ukraine crap will happen if the Yakonovych administration remains. Maidan Revolution was the project engineered by the Trotskyites and radical leftists in the USAID and Department of State. I am really glad that Trump is shutting down USAID which garner the praise from Putin, Russian elites and global elites. USAID is a cancerous organization that created forever wars that align with Trotsky's Permanent Revolution theory.

If NATO and Trump exile Zelensky and his goons to allow Yakonovych and his people coming back for the new election, Ukraine will emerge as a powerful, neutral country that will join Belarus in the Union State.

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Yanukovich is very unpopular in Ukraine and Russia later legitimized the coup against him by forming official relations with the post-Maidan authorities.

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When Yakonovych lost, there was no option but to foster relations with post-Maidan government. Right now, Russian elites probably plan to have either Yakonovych or Medvedchuk to become President of Ukraine.

In conclusion, Russia’s real win condition is to have anyone in power but Zelensky and pro-Ukraine fanatics. These new people must be friendly with Russia and later want to join the Union State.

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Literally nobody here is talking about re-installing Yanukovich. As for Medvedchuk, he might have been the originally envisaged leader for after the SMO, but I don't see them placing him in power after all that's happened.

At most, Russia might influence the process, but it's ultimately the US' say who'll replace Zelensky, and even then, it would have to go through the democratic process in Ukraine and it's hypothetically possible there could be some surprises.

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Zelensky talked about Medvedchuk being his replacement here


Either way, the new elections in Ukraine must occur

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Well, yeah, that's what I'm saying: he might have originally been envisaged by Russia as Zelensky's replacement, but I very much doubt that he'll ever fulfill that role now, nor will Yanukovich who's almost universally reviled.

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Either way, Russia will only accept the deal when the new elections are called and current administration is exiled. Also, I don’t think that there will be NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine.

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It's the RU's say if there is anything left of the UKR for the USA's puppet to rule.

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RU should keep going, slow & steady, until UKR lynch's Z & his minders. India/Modi can go fearfully suckle on Trump teat, with true Hindutva chicken-shite venality masquerading as principle.

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& as for the "Socialist with Chinese characteristics"/"Confucianists with Western characteristics", RU & USA can kinda team-up and squeeze them good.

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Oh yeah - you just keep on the lookout for "radical leftists".

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If we have learned nothing else since 2004, it is that the United States simply invalidates election results it does not like.

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"radical leftists" - whatever.

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