Well, if Russia really wants to distinguish itself from US unipolarity, it needs to withdraw from the UN and its genocidal and anti-human agendas 2030, 2035, and 2050. Russia can't claim to be multi-polar when it follows UN agendas as it does now. That's doublespeak. Why did Russia make a deal with Astra Zeneca to push its toxic sludge on citizens when it has become clear that those vaccines have caused a great deal of death and suffering? The world went through a scamdemic of which Russia and all BRICS followed footstep with the West to force a deadly vaccine on an unsuspecting population. (global holocaust) Russia is still part of the UN and G20, so it's not as multi-polar as one would think.

Russia does hold the moral high ground in its conflict with Ukraine but it has a long way to go before it can call itself distinct form the West. They both have the same dehumanizing doctrines and policies that are anti-human leading to a path of enslavement and loss of all freedom. Both sides don't even try to hide it. They're established policies. lol

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At root, the chief danger to the world and its people is the incompetence, malice, and corruption of the pond scum that has floated to the top of western governance. In a corollary observation, it must be said that two months can be a very long time when fools are playing with matches in a fuel depot.

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taking into account that most of the us government rank in file are inept when it comes to navigating simple unified protocol for communicating ex: cia operation uses cable, fax applications and sms for communications, nsa operation uses dm and sms software dia operation uses internal security phone systems,private email system service and DoS typically only use the phone and internal or external email system for everything. Just to name a few.

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It seems that current US foreign policy revolves around the activities of Anthony Blinken who, if he wants to perform credible diplomacy, should take lessons from Sergey Lavrov, a master of the craft.

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While a large part of the American people (especially young people) have been successfully subverted to Marxism, to a degree to which the KGB could never possibly have imagined, those at the top of the US power pyramid have been reneging on their promise to Gorbachev and Russia, turning a once defensive alliance (NATO) into an offensive alliance for the purpose of dismembering Russia.

I agree that there is no mandate of the people of America for regime change in Russia. In fact, there is, if anything, a mandate to stop all wars unless the US is attacked. Americans have become increasingly aware of the destructive role the CIA working with corporate interests have played around the world, in trying to obtain the natural resources of countries with a willingness to assassinate any country's leader who doesn't agree to US private industrial takeover of their resources. The vast majority of Americans are disgusted about this and would be willing to jettison American hegemony for a multipolar world that is stable and not at war. In fact, those at the top of the power pyramid in the US have been so destructive that American "hegemony" is in tatters anyway.

The mandate in the US is for an end to those currently in power in the US, who are psychopaths willing to kill anyone who gets in their way, and even kill people who are not in their way, but who they see as "useless eaters." These criminals know they have no chance of success if Americans find out exactly who they are, so they have chosen to remain hidden.

We WILL get to the bottom of who has been destroying our country. And we already know it is not Putin, but it is Americans and also those of other countries who have the same criminal goals as the CIA and Mafia.

Americans are extremely disturbed by and disavow the efforts of those in power to provoke Russia into committing to the use of nuclear weapons.

Given the way most Americans feel about war, right about now, I have reason to be hopeful that our future path will involve efforts to stop the perverse and criminal elements from forcing war on all of us.

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If Russia were to get people oriented the future prospects would look brighter, I feel. For the number of people in all affected countries that desire to go to war with another country over one of these 'intractable' disputes is miniscule.

This 'mistrust between China and India' and such is NOT mistrust between China and India the people - certainly not the point of thousands dying in wars - it is mistrust on the part of politicians and warmongers who's whole careers are built upon fostering, predicating, living with such 'mistrusts'.

Resort to the people would bring an end to almost all strife overnight.

A step towards making this happen would be to give the people a voice.

The dire need for this is illustrated, ironically, by the complete absence of any demand for it from the people's 'guardians', their politicians, their 'leaders', their clerisy: all of whom put themselves above the common people.

We need something like this. As I say, the urgency of the need is demonstrated by the total lack of any demand for it or even suggestion of it. But what is it? It is the 'democracy' we all fondly think we want/love/know/understand/have.



This is still not the way because it still belongs to govt. not the people and is still used only every few years -

but shows it could be done right NOW


a little more in depth:


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The immediate question facing sovereign nation states is:

Who do you trust to mediate conflict resolution between states,

the Anglo-American Empire of the IMF and World Bank or the BRICs?

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"...the creation of a Eurasian security architecture are admittedly ambitious..."

Something needs to replace NATO:

"My statement on NATO being obsolete and disproportionately too expensive (and unfair) for the U.S. are now, finally, receiving plaudits!"

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2016


(Power) vacuums are unstable ('Nature abhors a vacuum.') and therefore potentially dangerous.

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(recap from above) (Power) vacuums are unstable ('Nature abhors a vacuum.') and therefore potentially dangerous.

I have observed a couple of such vacuums -- they are always dangerous.

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Well, Naka, me ole bud, as far as I can see, it looks like the Russians are going to save us from this otherwise imminent danger.

Jeez, you'd have thought the Americans would have had the common sense, dignity and courtesy to at least say, 'Thanks!' wouldn't you?! Oh well, 'pearls before swine' and all that... Looks like they're gradually coming round; Trump could well turn out to be 'just in time'.

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If Russia would be run by real russians and not this Muppets show government we wouldn't have this fake war in Ukraine and the USA would have a genuine contender/enemy. But knowing that the trotzkite group from USA detonated USSR in the 90's and installed a transition( a puppet) government all this inteligence service guys can do is lip service and nothing of real value to uphold Russia's ( and by this I mean also the interests of russian people, not only the interest of the small troika that govern them) interests. This is valid also for the eastern european countries that are now used as a battering ram in the long fight for dismembering Russia

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Is this person supposed to take over from Sergey Lavrov? What the SVR chief said belongs to the head of diplomatic operations or national leader.

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Eurasian security architecture is good thing if it happens. Dollar has to go and BRICS didn't have spine to install a currency regime fit for sovereign states i.e., currency of equal value

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It is absolutely bewildering how populations in the West believe with every fibre of their bodies that they live in democracies where citizens decide their own futures through their chosen representatives. God bless their innocence.

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He looks a bit like Roy Scheider.

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