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"There’s also the fact that the Central Asian Republics from which the vast majority of Russia’s migrant population originates have banned the niqab to varying degrees for similar security-related reasons as well as concerns that this foreign (Arab) tradition contributes to radicalizing members of society."

Foreign Arab tradition is correct. There's nothing in the Koran that specifies covering the face, only the head, and only in general terms. Ironically, many Arab women don't cover their heads except at a mosque. Same goes for Kurds, Turks, Chechens and many others.


Tajikistan banned the hijab, and if you're caught selling them you'll get fined and your merchandise confiscated. They actually have a traditional dress code for women, but i don't think it's enforced, just suggested. Tajik clothing is fantastic anyway, so no need to push it. They've also sent the army into the more conservative areas and forced men to shave their beards. That's excessive IMO and all that does is breed resentment. Covering the head for men and women predates Islam in much of the Muslim world. You'd cover your head too if you had the sun beating down on you mercilessly and dust blowing all around.

Check this out to see how Tajik women dress on a national holiday.


The singer is Seeta Qasemie, from Afghanistan. Why is an Afghani singer opening the show on a Tajik holiday? It's no accident. Watch this and you'll understand why:


Notice the extreme security measures in the first video, and also notice the adoring young female fans. Seeta is idolized by girls and young women all over Central Asia.

On a lighter note, here's singer Shahlo Davlatova's parody of the conflict between tradition and the modern world.

I had a conversation with a young Muslim woman, daughter of an Imam, about hijab. As long as it's a woman's choice was her opinion, and no one should force her to remove it any more than you'd try and make a Sikh remove his turban. I can't agree more, and I think she'd have liked this video.


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