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Quote: "scandalously concluded on page 25 that India is only a rising power with equal influence as Pakistan."

Whether or not a country is a superpower, great power, regional power, rising power or vassal is not a matter of opinion. It is a reflection of facts, specifically economic and military industrial capabilities.

ECONOMY: India's REAL economy is 6% of global real economy, i.e. same as it was when it was GRANTED pseudo independence by British Parliament. Thus in nearly 8 decades there has been no meaningful achievement.

MILITARY INDUSTRY: India is number 1 importer of arms on which it relies for defense. Its military industrial complex is pathetic.

Thus India is at best a regional power and will remain so in the for foreseeable future. Iran is a much greater regional power than India. Furthermore the internal fascist sectarian policies adopted by Modi's BJP guarantee that the situation in India will only get worse.

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