Serbia is not a sovereign country. On October 5th, 2000 FED took over our central bank with arms, guided by local comprador who was advertising himself as some economy guru. Serbia is governed by western consulting companies such as KPMG, Ernst&Young, Mc Kinsey and likes. In 2004 former foreign minister signed unconditional territorial and political sovereignty surrender to NATO. Local politicians are highly corrupted clowns which spend their work time at tabloid TV stations spewing nonsense to illiterate viewership on a 24/7/356 basis. France took our airport and majority of infrastructure projects due to the fiasco made by these clowns, when they tried to compete in arms sale to terrorists in Syria. They are blackmailed from all sides and they are selling Serbia and its people at no price just to escape justice and punishment.
Serbia is totally land-locked by NATO, so they don't enjoy any free will. If Russia wants street cred and more geopoli interest, it needs to get its act together. Helping Iran attack Israel via Hezbollah and Hamas didn't promote Russian interests one bit. Without Oct 7, US congress was ready to give up on Ukraine already Autumn 2023. And Russia would still be enjoying the Syrian sunshine.
There is no pivot, as Serbia's numerous establishments have always, with varying success rate, been doing exactly this. Nothing but simultaneous rectal uphill. This goes for any political party. And in the here and now, just as before, everything the public gets a whiff of is nothing more but performatives looking to appease some, angry others. But, at the end of the day, it is always the "good ole" balkanization game (of performatives) here. And people have been buying into this both external and internal post-truthian BS for decades, to the point of becoming another case in point of Idiocracy. Social awareness-challenged, Incapable of genuine self-organization and majority-beneficial social action. Quite a number of people here are just suckers for the Cult of Personality. And that to the point of having no qualms with giving up their personality, just so that they themselves would not have to take both any responsibility for their inactions and any meaningful/effective socially-beneficial actions. It is always someone else's responsibility, but that someone else is never the people. And this is why all of the Serbia's establishments keep playing that pivotless many-a-simultaneous-rectal-uphills game, while in reality the country/people go forever more downhill. But hey, people here have never been much of nature and hiking lovers, so they choose lobotomy and penal-colony like activities as fav pastimes. Trying again and failing better, the name of the all-around fav game. Pivoting...Hell No.
weapon sales are the name of the game and the greed of the USREGIME has no bounds
Serbia is not a sovereign country. On October 5th, 2000 FED took over our central bank with arms, guided by local comprador who was advertising himself as some economy guru. Serbia is governed by western consulting companies such as KPMG, Ernst&Young, Mc Kinsey and likes. In 2004 former foreign minister signed unconditional territorial and political sovereignty surrender to NATO. Local politicians are highly corrupted clowns which spend their work time at tabloid TV stations spewing nonsense to illiterate viewership on a 24/7/356 basis. France took our airport and majority of infrastructure projects due to the fiasco made by these clowns, when they tried to compete in arms sale to terrorists in Syria. They are blackmailed from all sides and they are selling Serbia and its people at no price just to escape justice and punishment.
What about Kosovo?
Playing on the two chairs has its limit unfortunately. That's why strategically Russia's exit to the Odessa would be a possible good news for us.
We are land locked and they are considering us little Russians. The more pressure is yet to come...
Serbia is totally land-locked by NATO, so they don't enjoy any free will. If Russia wants street cred and more geopoli interest, it needs to get its act together. Helping Iran attack Israel via Hezbollah and Hamas didn't promote Russian interests one bit. Without Oct 7, US congress was ready to give up on Ukraine already Autumn 2023. And Russia would still be enjoying the Syrian sunshine.
Yes if military and intelligence doesn't object about NATO/ EU then the politicians will not think twice also
Serbia has literally no choice, as Russia will for many decades not project any power east of Dnieper.
There is no pivot, as Serbia's numerous establishments have always, with varying success rate, been doing exactly this. Nothing but simultaneous rectal uphill. This goes for any political party. And in the here and now, just as before, everything the public gets a whiff of is nothing more but performatives looking to appease some, angry others. But, at the end of the day, it is always the "good ole" balkanization game (of performatives) here. And people have been buying into this both external and internal post-truthian BS for decades, to the point of becoming another case in point of Idiocracy. Social awareness-challenged, Incapable of genuine self-organization and majority-beneficial social action. Quite a number of people here are just suckers for the Cult of Personality. And that to the point of having no qualms with giving up their personality, just so that they themselves would not have to take both any responsibility for their inactions and any meaningful/effective socially-beneficial actions. It is always someone else's responsibility, but that someone else is never the people. And this is why all of the Serbia's establishments keep playing that pivotless many-a-simultaneous-rectal-uphills game, while in reality the country/people go forever more downhill. But hey, people here have never been much of nature and hiking lovers, so they choose lobotomy and penal-colony like activities as fav pastimes. Trying again and failing better, the name of the all-around fav game. Pivoting...Hell No.
Serbia already has. Note that we no longer hear of catastrophic shortages of artillery shells in Ukraine.
Just that the Serbian political class no longer sees the need to play kabuki.
The airport and new railway system are developed by French companies.