India has nothing to do with this and will not meddle in Myanmarese-Bangladeshi bilateral affairs, in the same way in which Russia does not interfere in Palestinian-Israeli conflicts. The Myanmarese side alleges that Rohingya radical mercenaries from Rakhine are poised to ethnic cleanse surviving remnants of an earlier holocaust among Buddhist Chakma tribals from Chittagong province of Bangladesh in cahoots with rogue elements in the Bangladeshi armed forces. The Arakan Army faction claims that it plans to secure and seal its country's border with Bangladesh to forestall the likelihood of Rohingya ultras spilling over into Bangladesh from Myanmar. Those Rohingya militants have reportedly received training several years ago from Al Qaeda veterans at the tacit behest of Mossad. On face of it, the Arakan Army's contention of premptive defense appears to be a valid argument, in as much as it has to do with Myanmarese sovereignty within the confines of its international borders. India has no business exerting any pressure on Myanmar. India enjoys fraternal relations with both the people and government of Myanmar and has no reason to fear that glorious nation. India is nobody's cats paw, but those who are interested in poking their nose between two neighbours are always at liberty to jump into the fray on their own. Meanwhile, Israel has effectively told the Palestinians to GFY; and Al Qaeda, not to mention the Saudis plus Jordanians, seem quite reconciled to the spectre of Greater Israel extending from Aleppo to Makkah.

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Understood, but I didn't imply that India has anything to do with this or is meddling. I only mentioned at the end that its interests could be adversely affected. I stand by that point and the rationale that I shared.

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Very much true. I am and was in full agreement with the spirit of your scholarly article, and never questioned its substance or rationale. I had proceeded in my comment from a clear understanding that your good self has not advocated any "meddling" on part of India. You had rightly pointed out that the discord brewing in India's neighbourhood with potential to spiral into a conflict, portends hazards to regional peace and grave security concerns especially if Big fish troubleshooters get tempted to play proxy here. I had only written my comment in passing, so to say, with the intention of pointing out just in case the readers might have lost sight of it, that India will need to deal with the situation with due tact, so as not to be misperceived by either party as attempting to fish in troubled waters. It is reassuring to learn that talks through backdoor channels are already underway or planned between the parties to the conflict, and I believe India will be more than willing to fulfil the role of a facilitator should the parties require so of India.

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Why is Mossad training rohingyas

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Can't understand how china can take advantage. China has interest in US not securing a base in Bangladesh just like india. It would want Rohingya issue to be a bilateral issue between Myanmar and Bangladesh.

India also doesn't want US base

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Tatmadaw had experience fighting various proxy forces, crime syndicates, and a few genuine grass roots ethnic groups, but much of that experience stopped being accumulated approximately 20 years ago. It has no experience fighting a peer/near peer. Meanwhile graft and promotion based on success in business/crime has taken it's toll. It's too early to predict a Syria 2.0, plus Burma is far more critical to China's R&B, but something stinks like a Washington Swamp Creature.

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Hang on. There’s a BUDDHIST ARMY? That’s terrifying. Even if they get killed they’ll just reincarnate!

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Hindus and Jains too believe in karma and rebirth

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Myanmar Civil War is so shit that the US doesn't want to meddle directly because all factions are so unreliable. This is not the first "civil war" because I have observed the previous one to conclude that the current one is almost the same as the last one. Tatmadaw has been extremely experienced of handling COIN situations like these for years, so this type of situation is not surprising for them.

With China heavily backs the Tatmadaw, I don't think that Myanmar will be as bad as Syria. After all Asian people are largely reasonably peaceful, they don't quite harbor brainrot radicalism as we see in the Middle East.

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US is meddling in Myanmar by sanctioning the army and supporting the rebels with money and guns, hell they even share religious affiliation with some rebels and want a xian country breaking India and Bangladesh

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My point is that the US doesn't directly interfere by putting their mercenaries on the ground much, unlike Ukraine. Many mercs in Myanmar are self-voluntary without US pay grade. The US rather focuses on successfully getting West Papua independence more than some crappy Xian states. The US doesn't have much money to spend stabilizing their puppet states like in Marshall Plan era. Russia has successfully done a corporate restructuring through the peaceful collapse of USSR, while the US is overdue of their own collapse of USSA.

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