Who cares what the fat f...k says? We all know they can't!

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China should capture Taiwan right now just for laughs. Shouldn't be too hard if so many of the weapons are being water in Ukraine

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Slava Roccy…ZZZ

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Biden was always the fall guy, just he's too thick to get it.

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The combined GDP of Ukraine's western allies is roughly 20 to 30 times that of Russia. So long as the Ukrainians wish to fight, we can afford to help them.

From the beginning Putin has been counting on just this kind of defeatist division talk in the West to save his butt. Let's cut that out please, be patient, keep on the pressure, and systematically undermine Russia's ability to invade it's neighbors.

Putin's clearly stated goal is to rebuild the Soviet empire. He's going to keep on coming until somebody stops him. Saying we can't win accomplishes nothing other than putting off the day that we will have to.

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