Ignoring the decades-old political roots of the Baloch Conflict, their new economic dimension over the past decade since CPEC, and the latest Taliban connections via its TTP partners leads to inaccurate assessments about its latest manifestations and impedes work on a sustainable solution.
My specific concern is Andrew's conclusion about countries with multi-ethnicity and multi-languages. Even in the oold days, very few nations can keep straight one ethnicity and one language due to war, migration, and natural disasters. In the modern days, it seems to be more difficult to achieve that. Yet we know modern economy requires a larger nation with a more complete list of critical resources. But larger area guarantees different ethnicities and languages in a country. I have hoped that each nation has a single national language taught in all schools, plus a local language which is not suppressed. In Donetsk, for example, if the Ukraine government had only asked for teaching Ukrainian in schools but nothing against Russian spoken in local governments or Russian Street signs, things might have been different. Of course, this is possible only if foreign financial interests were not involved.
The latest update is that Russia, China, and Iran all officially agreed that Afghan-based terrorists threaten Pakistan and not a single one of them even implied that the CIA was to blame:
The decision of KPK's CM to send a delegation to Kabul to discuss TTP terrorist attacks with the Taliban further proves that the direct victims of Pakistan's recent terrorist upsurge blame that neighboring country and not the CIA like Pepe claimed was responsible for all of this:
It would be pretty condescending if anyone implied that they know better than the direct victims of these attacks who's responsible and the best way to resolve this crisis. I hope that those who fell under Pepe's spell reconsider their views on this subject and his conclusion accordingly.
This should settle it: Pakistan officially believes that the terrorists were former prisoners who were previously released and are now supported by Taliban-run Afghanistan
The US has been funding separatists throughout this region for years. They find legitimate divisions and foment chaos. Brian Berletic has mentioned how CIA backs the Baluchistani people.
I've written about it too, in fact I ever presented a detailed paper on this subject at Pakistan's National Defence University in 2017. You can read it from page 207 here:
But none of what you wrote has any relevance to my updated analysis about why that's not happening right now.
It's easy to shrug one's shoulders and blame everything that goes wrong on the US/Mossad/Soros/Stratfor/MI6/etc.
But the reality is that they usually only exploit preexisting conflicts, usually of an identity nature to some extent, after which they take on self-sustaining dynamics of instability.
What's happening in Balochistan right now isn't a CIA plot. They're not subverting their newly restored (albeit imperfect) regional vassal.
Pakistan already slowed down CPEC and lost 2,5 years' worth of opportunities, during which time China pioneered viable alternatives.
It's also letting the US conduct drone operations in Afghanistan according to the Taliban's acting Defense Minister.
Then we have it complying with the US' sanctions against Iran as I wrote and continuing to give Russia the runaround on a strategic energy deal.
Add to it The Intercept's report about the Ukraine arms-for-IMF aid quid pro quo and you have a pretty good situation for the US right now.
Where and how is the CIA supposedly still backing these Baloch groups? From Afghanistan? Iran? Pakistan itself? There's no realistic conduit for carrying out those aid ops.
That all ended with the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. Perhaps some black propaganda ops are still ongoing, but that's the maximum extent.
Right now the BLA gets their arms on the black market from Afghanistan, plus many Pakistanis of all ethnicities have always been highly armed as a rule, it's been like that for a while.
The Taliban has an interest in destabilizing Pakistan, hence its patronage of the TTP, which are many times worse than the BLA.
Hopefully the CIA (which should be blown up) can’t fund these people anymore. If USAID/NED is infiltrated through the US Embassy in Pakistan they probably have dark money funded through NGOs funding Baluchistan?? I’m not too familiar with that area of the world.
Pepe Escobar’s article was from May 2022.
This is from November 2022 mentioning “support for rule of law” in Baluchistan but like you said it’s probably to create problems for Afghanistan & the Taliban instead of CPEC and is probably already outdated.
The US officially dumped the BLA in 2019 when designating them as terrorists, though some political and perhaps financial ties might still secretly exist, but they're not responsible for the latest upsurge in terrorist attacks.
Where do you think the BLA Is getting its arms? From Iran? From across the Arabian Sea through strictly neutral Oman? Come on, they're coming from Afghanistan and are being funneled either by the Taliban and/or its TTP "little brothers".
I feel like you and some other commentators are just angry that I exposed the shallowness of Pepe's explanation and aren't actually interested in learning anything. If that's the case, then I'm done here, I've got much better things to do.
I think you are splitting hairs here. We know the CIA is reknown for creating or fueling chaos. Exacerbating tensions & hostilities with Afghanistan is reason enough to stoke these tensions & violence. Yes, there are ethnic & territorial disputes but "someone" seems to be there stoking it all.
Not really though since there's a huge difference between describing one of the worst terrorist sprees in modern Pakistani history as CIA-financed with all that entails for implying US control over the dynamics, even ignoring the fact that Pakistan and the US are buddy-buddy yet again, and clarifying the Taliban-backed and partially self-sustaining destabilization process at play.
The first is nothing but rhetoric, which actually misleads one's audience even if that's not the intent, while the second respects the audience's intelligence by summarizing a complex confluence of factors to educate them about a foreign conflict that might be on the cusp of massively worsening.
I have a PhD in Russian-Pakistani relations from the Russian MFA-run MGIMO, thus meaning that I'm literally a credentialed expert on that country. I don't claim to always be right, but I have deep expertise and I voluntarily share it with the public instead of gatekeeping it behind a think tank like many of my similarly credentialed peers do. I'd have thought I'd be shown more respect for this service that I provide to the Alt-Media Community.
But therein lies the rub, most folks just want to be told what they think they already know, and few want to have their over-simplistic preconceived notions challenged by a well-intentioned person with the expertise to argue against a top community influencer's casual dismissal of what's in reality a very complicated conflict that's transformed since 2021.
I respect the time & thought you put into your analyses. That's why I read your posts. You're correct that most all of us get hooked into a narrative or a habitual way of thinking & it is extremely difficult to get us to see anything else. I also suppose we've become inured to the story of endless separatist conflicts such that all seem interchangeable. Of course, the US backed coup in Pakistan is well known & therefore the puppeteering is obvious. For you to emphasize that point to indicate that meddling in the chaos is therefore unnecessary to USA seems unlike the USA tactics we know. That the separatist/ethnic tensions & violence surpass any USA meddling due to long-standing issues surpassing geo-politics is a point well taken. It's difficult to be the one who understands these deeper details when to most of us it ultimately doesn't matter to the situation as we see it.
The CIA is indeed funding the Baluchistan Liberation Army via dark money through American Embassies in Pakistan & India. This is AFTER Afghanistan pullout. https://thesoufancenter.org/intelbrief-2022-may-6/
Groups can share a goal without one being controlled or funded by the other. I already explained why ultra-nationalist BLA terrorists hate the Chinese.
I don't "hate" Pepe, I just fact-check him every time he lies to his audience.
The guy's one of the biggest BS'ers in the business.
Here, take a look at this where I proved how wrong he was about Russia-Gaza-Israel:
"Contrary to what the earlier cited top influencer previously wrote: Russia never considered a blockade-busting naval convoy with Turkiye that would be protected by its military assets in Syria; there’s no “near consensus” among the Russian deep state that “Israel may be a de facto enemy” of their country; Russia still remains neutral and never “pivoted to Palestine”; its aid to Palestine is purely humanitarian and doesn’t involve the “military spectrum”; and it’s not plotting to prosecute Israel for war crimes."
"It's premature to pop the champagne, however, since the US is expected to pivot to the Ivory Coast as was explained here in mid-March two weeks before a top Alt-Media influencer wrote the same here in a way that indisputably plagiarized some of the aforesaid analysis. It’s important to share a side-by-side comparison showing the three occasions where the second writer plagiarized the first, since those who were exposed to that later article might not be aware that its ideas were stolen from an earlier one:
* First Article: “Guinea is the top contender (to defect from ECOWAS) due to its recent political history and having the geographic capability to provide the neighboring Sahelian Alliance/Confederation with reliable sea access.”
- Second Article: “Guinea already offers the geographical capacity to provide the alliance with credible maritime access. That will lead to the progressive extinction of the western-controlled, Nigeria-based ECOWAS.”
* First Article: “[The Ivory Coast and Senegal] are thus considered possible ‘targets’ of the Russian-partnered Sahelian Alliance/Confederation, hence the need to ‘protect’ them more than Chad and Gabon. Regarding those last two, Chad has impressively recalibrated its previously Western-centric foreign policy to pragmatically balance between that bloc and Russia.”
- Second Article: “Ivory Coast is more strategic to Washington than, for instance, Chad because Ivorian territory is very close to the Sahel alliance. Still, Chad has already recalibrated its foreign policy, which is no longer Western-controlled and comes with a new emphasis on getting closer to Moscow.”
* First Article: “The stage is therefore set for the US to deploy drones to France’s Ivorian base on exaggerated anti-terrorist pretexts that really serve to keep the Sahelian Alliance/Confederation in check while also monitoring Russian activity there.”
- Second Article: “What lies ahead for Empire? Perhaps US 'anti-terror' drones shared with Paris at the French base in the Ivory Coast to keep the Sahel alliance in check.”"
You're welcome to continue overdosing off of his fake news and I'm sure you'll defend his plagiarism, but I'm the type of person that's disgusted by seeing people lied to by trusted influencers over and over again and I've never plagiarized anyone in my life.
Now do you have anything of substance to say in response to what I wrote or nah?
It seems to me that you have an obsession with Pepe. Leave him alone! I acknowledge that often he is a little “wishful thinking “. But in general he capture well the mood of the time.
Please don't insult me by imagining my intentions and feelings. I just call out his BS when I see it and have the time. With great influence comes great responsibility, but he regularly abuses by misleading his audience about very significant issues.
Most Alt-Media folks lack the courage to call others out because they fear being "canceled" seeing as how most of the "big names" are all friends with one another, whereas I could care less since my only interest is in accurately reflecting reality.
You haven't shared a single thing of significance in response to what I wrote, you're just reacting emotionally because you placed your trust in that guy and now my analysis seems to have gotten you to reconsider the wisdom of doing so.
And get real, "obsessed"? LOL Just because I fact-check him from time to time? Are you Pepe? Is this your alt? Who else would get that impression and scream "Leave him alone!" lol I'd be very amused if this was you, Pepe!
Have you tried talking to Pepe man to man about these issues instead of letting these things boil up like a pressure cooker? Honest question as I don’t know how long this has been going on. I hate to see people in the Alt-media bickering. The main goal is get the truth out & fight these evil shit stream media idiots & the governments they shill for instead of actually doing their job.
There's nothing to "talk about": he plagiarized me and is regularly wrong, which misleads well-intentioned but naive supporters of Russia into having false expectations that will inevitably lead to deep disappointment and possibly even influence some of them to sour on Russia as a result of what they experience.
You're also wrong about anything "boiling up like a pressure cooker": I just call the BS out when I see it and have the time. As a Russian MFA-credentialed expert on Pakistan (my PhD dissertation at the MFA-run MGIMO was on Russian-Pakistani ties), I just couldn't let this latest "over-simplification" slide.
I have the integrity to inform people that they're being misled by someone and the articulateness to explain why that person is wrong. I'm never going to apologize for doing that, nor will I ever stop. I'll continue clarifying reality in response to his twisting thereof (whether he does it deliberately or not) and that's that.
No one is always right, don’t be ridiculous, but honest analysts/commentators/experts/influencers/journalists/pundits account for why they were wrong.
I proudly do it on occasion, most recently with Bangladesh when I thought the coup wouldn’t succeed, but few folks in the Alt-Media Community do so.
You came at be claiming that I have some personal issue with him and am “boiling”, which was insulting: everything I do is because of professional integrity.
Many Alt-Media figures have enormous egos that prevent them from correcting their mistakes, but I’ve always been about producing accurate analyses, that’s it.
It’s disappointing seeing people like you get led by the nose by people like him, be none the wiser, then get angry when someone tries opening your eyes.
As you said, “With attitudes like that, people get turned off.” I hope you learned something from your time following me or at least from this last interaction.
One last thing though, don't forget how much he lied to you all and about what major things too, yet you don't care about any of that, eh?
"Contrary to what the earlier cited top influencer previously wrote: Russia never considered a blockade-busting naval convoy with Turkiye that would be protected by its military assets in Syria; there’s no “near consensus” among the Russian deep state that “Israel may be a de facto enemy” of their country; Russia still remains neutral and never “pivoted to Palestine”; its aid to Palestine is purely humanitarian and doesn’t involve the “military spectrum”; and it’s not plotting to prosecute Israel for war crimes."
Zero accountability for this dramatic but completely false predictions, yet zero negative feedback either, still nothing but complete trust from his audience.
Think about that and what it says about both you all and him: you all just lap up whatever he tells you because it's what you want to hear, and he knows it.
I don't do that: I regularly share "tough" analyses that constructively critique countries and causes that I support, because it's about truth, not propaganda.
I don't like seeing people get misled, but I also accept that most of them don't want it any other way because they "have" to believe for cultish reasons.
You can't accept that the CIA isn't behind every single thing that goes wrong, fine, and that's why my work goes over your head like it does many others'.
Thank You! I have learned something today.
My specific concern is Andrew's conclusion about countries with multi-ethnicity and multi-languages. Even in the oold days, very few nations can keep straight one ethnicity and one language due to war, migration, and natural disasters. In the modern days, it seems to be more difficult to achieve that. Yet we know modern economy requires a larger nation with a more complete list of critical resources. But larger area guarantees different ethnicities and languages in a country. I have hoped that each nation has a single national language taught in all schools, plus a local language which is not suppressed. In Donetsk, for example, if the Ukraine government had only asked for teaching Ukrainian in schools but nothing against Russian spoken in local governments or Russian Street signs, things might have been different. Of course, this is possible only if foreign financial interests were not involved.
Might not be the CIA but I'm sure MI6 are up to their necks in it. After all, the UK is now a colony of Pakistan.
I understand your suspicions, but right now Pakistan is plugged into the Anglo-American Axis after its post-modern coup.
It's an asset, not a liability, and CPEC is already pretty much neutralized in the strategic sense after all that's happened.
If there's an Anglo-American goal, it's to provoke an Afghan-Pakistani War, but the Taliban aren't helping to prevent that.
The latest update is that Russia, China, and Iran all officially agreed that Afghan-based terrorists threaten Pakistan and not a single one of them even implied that the CIA was to blame:
Yet more evidence continues to piling in proving that Pakistan blames the Afghan Taliban and not the CIA for the recent attacks:
Pakistan pushes UN for action as TTP terror attacks escalate from Afghan soil
The decision of KPK's CM to send a delegation to Kabul to discuss TTP terrorist attacks with the Taliban further proves that the direct victims of Pakistan's recent terrorist upsurge blame that neighboring country and not the CIA like Pepe claimed was responsible for all of this:
It would be pretty condescending if anyone implied that they know better than the direct victims of these attacks who's responsible and the best way to resolve this crisis. I hope that those who fell under Pepe's spell reconsider their views on this subject and his conclusion accordingly.
This should settle it: Pakistan officially believes that the terrorists were former prisoners who were previously released and are now supported by Taliban-run Afghanistan
The US has been funding separatists throughout this region for years. They find legitimate divisions and foment chaos. Brian Berletic has mentioned how CIA backs the Baluchistani people.
I've written about it too, in fact I ever presented a detailed paper on this subject at Pakistan's National Defence University in 2017. You can read it from page 207 here:
But none of what you wrote has any relevance to my updated analysis about why that's not happening right now.
It's easy to shrug one's shoulders and blame everything that goes wrong on the US/Mossad/Soros/Stratfor/MI6/etc.
But the reality is that they usually only exploit preexisting conflicts, usually of an identity nature to some extent, after which they take on self-sustaining dynamics of instability.
What's happening in Balochistan right now isn't a CIA plot. They're not subverting their newly restored (albeit imperfect) regional vassal.
Pakistan already slowed down CPEC and lost 2,5 years' worth of opportunities, during which time China pioneered viable alternatives.
It's also letting the US conduct drone operations in Afghanistan according to the Taliban's acting Defense Minister.
Then we have it complying with the US' sanctions against Iran as I wrote and continuing to give Russia the runaround on a strategic energy deal.
Add to it The Intercept's report about the Ukraine arms-for-IMF aid quid pro quo and you have a pretty good situation for the US right now.
Where and how is the CIA supposedly still backing these Baloch groups? From Afghanistan? Iran? Pakistan itself? There's no realistic conduit for carrying out those aid ops.
That all ended with the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. Perhaps some black propaganda ops are still ongoing, but that's the maximum extent.
Right now the BLA gets their arms on the black market from Afghanistan, plus many Pakistanis of all ethnicities have always been highly armed as a rule, it's been like that for a while.
The Taliban has an interest in destabilizing Pakistan, hence its patronage of the TTP, which are many times worse than the BLA.
Hopefully the CIA (which should be blown up) can’t fund these people anymore. If USAID/NED is infiltrated through the US Embassy in Pakistan they probably have dark money funded through NGOs funding Baluchistan?? I’m not too familiar with that area of the world.
Pepe Escobar’s article was from May 2022.
This is from November 2022 mentioning “support for rule of law” in Baluchistan but like you said it’s probably to create problems for Afghanistan & the Taliban instead of CPEC and is probably already outdated.
The US officially dumped the BLA in 2019 when designating them as terrorists, though some political and perhaps financial ties might still secretly exist, but they're not responsible for the latest upsurge in terrorist attacks.
Where do you think the BLA Is getting its arms? From Iran? From across the Arabian Sea through strictly neutral Oman? Come on, they're coming from Afghanistan and are being funneled either by the Taliban and/or its TTP "little brothers".
I feel like you and some other commentators are just angry that I exposed the shallowness of Pepe's explanation and aren't actually interested in learning anything. If that's the case, then I'm done here, I've got much better things to do.
I think you are splitting hairs here. We know the CIA is reknown for creating or fueling chaos. Exacerbating tensions & hostilities with Afghanistan is reason enough to stoke these tensions & violence. Yes, there are ethnic & territorial disputes but "someone" seems to be there stoking it all.
Not really though since there's a huge difference between describing one of the worst terrorist sprees in modern Pakistani history as CIA-financed with all that entails for implying US control over the dynamics, even ignoring the fact that Pakistan and the US are buddy-buddy yet again, and clarifying the Taliban-backed and partially self-sustaining destabilization process at play.
The first is nothing but rhetoric, which actually misleads one's audience even if that's not the intent, while the second respects the audience's intelligence by summarizing a complex confluence of factors to educate them about a foreign conflict that might be on the cusp of massively worsening.
I have a PhD in Russian-Pakistani relations from the Russian MFA-run MGIMO, thus meaning that I'm literally a credentialed expert on that country. I don't claim to always be right, but I have deep expertise and I voluntarily share it with the public instead of gatekeeping it behind a think tank like many of my similarly credentialed peers do. I'd have thought I'd be shown more respect for this service that I provide to the Alt-Media Community.
But therein lies the rub, most folks just want to be told what they think they already know, and few want to have their over-simplistic preconceived notions challenged by a well-intentioned person with the expertise to argue against a top community influencer's casual dismissal of what's in reality a very complicated conflict that's transformed since 2021.
I respect the time & thought you put into your analyses. That's why I read your posts. You're correct that most all of us get hooked into a narrative or a habitual way of thinking & it is extremely difficult to get us to see anything else. I also suppose we've become inured to the story of endless separatist conflicts such that all seem interchangeable. Of course, the US backed coup in Pakistan is well known & therefore the puppeteering is obvious. For you to emphasize that point to indicate that meddling in the chaos is therefore unnecessary to USA seems unlike the USA tactics we know. That the separatist/ethnic tensions & violence surpass any USA meddling due to long-standing issues surpassing geo-politics is a point well taken. It's difficult to be the one who understands these deeper details when to most of us it ultimately doesn't matter to the situation as we see it.
The CIA is indeed funding the Baluchistan Liberation Army via dark money through American Embassies in Pakistan & India. This is AFTER Afghanistan pullout. https://thesoufancenter.org/intelbrief-2022-may-6/
Groups can share a goal without one being controlled or funded by the other. I already explained why ultra-nationalist BLA terrorists hate the Chinese.
Everyone knows by now that you hate Pepe and everything he says.
I don't "hate" Pepe, I just fact-check him every time he lies to his audience.
The guy's one of the biggest BS'ers in the business.
Here, take a look at this where I proved how wrong he was about Russia-Gaza-Israel:
"Contrary to what the earlier cited top influencer previously wrote: Russia never considered a blockade-busting naval convoy with Turkiye that would be protected by its military assets in Syria; there’s no “near consensus” among the Russian deep state that “Israel may be a de facto enemy” of their country; Russia still remains neutral and never “pivoted to Palestine”; its aid to Palestine is purely humanitarian and doesn’t involve the “military spectrum”; and it’s not plotting to prosecute Israel for war crimes."
He also plagiarized me too:
"It's premature to pop the champagne, however, since the US is expected to pivot to the Ivory Coast as was explained here in mid-March two weeks before a top Alt-Media influencer wrote the same here in a way that indisputably plagiarized some of the aforesaid analysis. It’s important to share a side-by-side comparison showing the three occasions where the second writer plagiarized the first, since those who were exposed to that later article might not be aware that its ideas were stolen from an earlier one:
* First Article: “Guinea is the top contender (to defect from ECOWAS) due to its recent political history and having the geographic capability to provide the neighboring Sahelian Alliance/Confederation with reliable sea access.”
- Second Article: “Guinea already offers the geographical capacity to provide the alliance with credible maritime access. That will lead to the progressive extinction of the western-controlled, Nigeria-based ECOWAS.”
* First Article: “[The Ivory Coast and Senegal] are thus considered possible ‘targets’ of the Russian-partnered Sahelian Alliance/Confederation, hence the need to ‘protect’ them more than Chad and Gabon. Regarding those last two, Chad has impressively recalibrated its previously Western-centric foreign policy to pragmatically balance between that bloc and Russia.”
- Second Article: “Ivory Coast is more strategic to Washington than, for instance, Chad because Ivorian territory is very close to the Sahel alliance. Still, Chad has already recalibrated its foreign policy, which is no longer Western-controlled and comes with a new emphasis on getting closer to Moscow.”
* First Article: “The stage is therefore set for the US to deploy drones to France’s Ivorian base on exaggerated anti-terrorist pretexts that really serve to keep the Sahelian Alliance/Confederation in check while also monitoring Russian activity there.”
- Second Article: “What lies ahead for Empire? Perhaps US 'anti-terror' drones shared with Paris at the French base in the Ivory Coast to keep the Sahel alliance in check.”"
You're welcome to continue overdosing off of his fake news and I'm sure you'll defend his plagiarism, but I'm the type of person that's disgusted by seeing people lied to by trusted influencers over and over again and I've never plagiarized anyone in my life.
Now do you have anything of substance to say in response to what I wrote or nah?
It seems to me that you have an obsession with Pepe. Leave him alone! I acknowledge that often he is a little “wishful thinking “. But in general he capture well the mood of the time.
Please don't insult me by imagining my intentions and feelings. I just call out his BS when I see it and have the time. With great influence comes great responsibility, but he regularly abuses by misleading his audience about very significant issues.
Most Alt-Media folks lack the courage to call others out because they fear being "canceled" seeing as how most of the "big names" are all friends with one another, whereas I could care less since my only interest is in accurately reflecting reality.
You haven't shared a single thing of significance in response to what I wrote, you're just reacting emotionally because you placed your trust in that guy and now my analysis seems to have gotten you to reconsider the wisdom of doing so.
And get real, "obsessed"? LOL Just because I fact-check him from time to time? Are you Pepe? Is this your alt? Who else would get that impression and scream "Leave him alone!" lol I'd be very amused if this was you, Pepe!
Have you tried talking to Pepe man to man about these issues instead of letting these things boil up like a pressure cooker? Honest question as I don’t know how long this has been going on. I hate to see people in the Alt-media bickering. The main goal is get the truth out & fight these evil shit stream media idiots & the governments they shill for instead of actually doing their job.
There's nothing to "talk about": he plagiarized me and is regularly wrong, which misleads well-intentioned but naive supporters of Russia into having false expectations that will inevitably lead to deep disappointment and possibly even influence some of them to sour on Russia as a result of what they experience.
You're also wrong about anything "boiling up like a pressure cooker": I just call the BS out when I see it and have the time. As a Russian MFA-credentialed expert on Pakistan (my PhD dissertation at the MFA-run MGIMO was on Russian-Pakistani ties), I just couldn't let this latest "over-simplification" slide.
I have the integrity to inform people that they're being misled by someone and the articulateness to explain why that person is wrong. I'm never going to apologize for doing that, nor will I ever stop. I'll continue clarifying reality in response to his twisting thereof (whether he does it deliberately or not) and that's that.
Is everyone correct 100% of the time all of the time?
With attitudes like that people get turned off. Goodbye.
No one is always right, don’t be ridiculous, but honest analysts/commentators/experts/influencers/journalists/pundits account for why they were wrong.
I proudly do it on occasion, most recently with Bangladesh when I thought the coup wouldn’t succeed, but few folks in the Alt-Media Community do so.
You came at be claiming that I have some personal issue with him and am “boiling”, which was insulting: everything I do is because of professional integrity.
Many Alt-Media figures have enormous egos that prevent them from correcting their mistakes, but I’ve always been about producing accurate analyses, that’s it.
It’s disappointing seeing people like you get led by the nose by people like him, be none the wiser, then get angry when someone tries opening your eyes.
As you said, “With attitudes like that, people get turned off.” I hope you learned something from your time following me or at least from this last interaction.
One last thing though, don't forget how much he lied to you all and about what major things too, yet you don't care about any of that, eh?
"Contrary to what the earlier cited top influencer previously wrote: Russia never considered a blockade-busting naval convoy with Turkiye that would be protected by its military assets in Syria; there’s no “near consensus” among the Russian deep state that “Israel may be a de facto enemy” of their country; Russia still remains neutral and never “pivoted to Palestine”; its aid to Palestine is purely humanitarian and doesn’t involve the “military spectrum”; and it’s not plotting to prosecute Israel for war crimes."
Zero accountability for this dramatic but completely false predictions, yet zero negative feedback either, still nothing but complete trust from his audience.
Think about that and what it says about both you all and him: you all just lap up whatever he tells you because it's what you want to hear, and he knows it.
I don't do that: I regularly share "tough" analyses that constructively critique countries and causes that I support, because it's about truth, not propaganda.
I don't like seeing people get misled, but I also accept that most of them don't want it any other way because they "have" to believe for cultish reasons.
You can't accept that the CIA isn't behind every single thing that goes wrong, fine, and that's why my work goes over your head like it does many others'.
Chill out… did I not state in my original question “Honest question as I don’t know how long this has been going on.”?