And thank you Andrew for the first I've seen Jill Stein mentioned anywhere.

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Same for me so I’ll add my thank you too!

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I'm voting for a candidate that does not support genocide or war. I think there is a good number of people who are so disillusioned by both parties that we are nearing a time we're finally and at last that our vote counts even if anti genocide and anti war doesn't win, it sends a message to all the war profiteers pay some damn attention. Vote for life. Vote Green.

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It goes beyond disillusionment of party. I now know we actually have no viable formal gov’t

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— K SMALLA — “ T O O

L I T T L E , … T O O

L A T E … “


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"The fact of the matter though is that those who support Stein are already aware of these two information warfare narratives against her but don’t care since they see their vote for her as a form of protest against the Democrats and the US’ political system more broadly."

The WI Supreme Court had to mandate that the Dems allow both Stein and Cornell West to be placed on the ballot. I live in WI and will vote for Stein come November for the EXACT reasons you note here. If I had to pick between Trump and the DEI hire, I'd likely write in Putin. If a gun was held to my head and I absolutely had to choose between Kamala and Trump, I'd hold my nose and pull for Trump. With that said, please note that I despise the grifting Trump. Biden's two stupid wars are a non-starter for voting Dem going forward. Ever.

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Was already going to vote for Stein; now, with Democrats smearing her as a Kremlin pawn gives her, in my mind, EVEN MORE reason to vote for. 😉😜 Will be hilarious if Trump (he’s going to win) picked her as his ambassador to Russia😎

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I don't know what the democrats are so concerned about. It's not like Trump's actually going to do anything, even if he could. As they say in Texas, all hat, no cattle.

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"...Tulsi Gabbard endorsed him..."

She's shrewd, perhaps even wise. Keep an eye on her.

If America survives (in anything like its current incarnation) and eventually finds some way to return to health, I suspect she'll play an increasingly significant part in it.

"...backup plan is to attack..."

Like they attacked Russia, through the Ukraine? Yeah, good plan (NOT)! Offence is NOT a justifiable means of defence. Бог все видит. Some never seem to learn; something about old dogs and new tricks?

"...“a useful idiot for Russia”..."

Which addresses the big question: has the past few decades of increasingly intensified dumbing down paid off to the extent that enough people are stupid enough to give this idea any traction?

"...they see their vote for her as a form of protest against the Democrats and the US’ political system more broadly."

Because if this gets 'too big to rig' it could lead to demand to kill the system in the hope of a Phoenix being created as a result. Ideally, the population behind such a movement would be highly intelligent and well educated. Can the dumbed-down do it?

"...efforts are underway to concoct another Russiagate..."

Old dog, new tricks... ?

I think it was Einstein rather famously defined it as insanity: 'doing the same thing over and over again in the hope of getting a different result'. Personally, I'd have thought 'stupidity' would be a better definition, but 'dumbed-down', as an explanation, may be more kind.

"...a sportsmanlike manner."

"We came, we saw, he died!" accompanied by a revealing laugh-type vocalisation, an expression of delight in death; anally raped with a broken bottle by a 17-year-old boy in a 'Yankees' baseball cap. Good sport!

"It remains to be seen..."

Whether or not the Great Dumbing-Down has achieved the aims for which it has been employed.

Quite. Just have to wait and see, I guess.

I understand the curse is Chinese(?): 'May you live during interesting times.'

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Back in 2016, Jill Stein drew enough votes away from HIllary Clinton in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to tip the election to Trump. With an equally tight election coming up, it is rational politics for the DNC to marginalize Stein and herd her supporters toward Harris.

As for the FBI intimidation of dissenting analysts and journalists, that action indicates to me that the pro-Ukraine, pro-Israel propaganda campaign is breaking down. Although the mainstream media continue to trumpet that Putin is the reincarnation of Stalin (or the incarnation of Satan), the public is getting tired of watching Ukraine lose men and territory. Even the journal Foreign Affairs now has an article that doubts Ukraine's chance of victory.

Meanwhile, Israel's systematic ethnic cleansing operation is out in open view, and Israel is pulling out all the stops to drown out any dissent against US support for the slaughter of Palestinians. The latest exmple is the announcement by Attorney General Merrick Garland indicting Hamas officials for murder under US law for the deaths of US-Israeli dual citizens in the Gaza war. Again, I see that as a signal of weakness, not strength; it's a desperate act because it is so transparently engineered by the pro-Israel lobby.

I guess it can all be seen as part of the campaign to put Harris in the Oval Office. But I don't see it as playing dirty tricks against Trump.

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RFK junior endorsed Trump, not RFK.

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The Democrats did absolutely nothing to stop the fascists, it was just business as usual. Now they're using fascism as a campaign talking point🙄 Vote blue or else. Well, if Garland wasn't complicit, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Seeing as Garland dropped the ball on arresting and prosecuting the heads of the Jan. 6th insurrection, they've had 4 years to learn and make plans for the next one.


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@Jasmine Wolfe

The near inevitable shakeout from a successful insurrection and regime change is installation of some group or leader who came up through the military or security services. Yo, General George Washington ring any bells? GW was an anomaly, not more repressive than HM Gov't., these successors usually are MORE repressive, knowing full well how easy a coup can be.

So a sheriff's cabal would be right about what I'd expect. Probably a fairly violent one, with death squads as needed.

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Too big to rig so the election train has to go off the rails.

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