Andrew's broad-based geopolitical knowledge and the volume at which he writes articles are impressive. Thanks for the insights and stimulating discussion on various topics, Andrew.

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Many thanks, Denis, I deeply appreciate that!

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The attack on Syria is a direct result of the ceasefire, which the Zios are already violating with the usual impunity, which will continue and escalate.

The CF was a huge mistake. Gazans will be murdered faster in greater numbers. WW3 is already here as hybrid war, color revolution in Georgia, hot war in Syria, attack on the ruble, and missile provocations in Kursk.

Russia, China, and Iran need to take off the gloves together at once. Putin must end the SMO w max force. Iran must attack the Zios without mercy, collateral damage be damned. And the PLA put Taiwan in a tight strangulation blockade.

We must RISK nuclear war.. because the Hegemon will escalate to WMD and go for broke with a coordinated Samson Option first strike by the US, NATO, and Ziohell. We are NOT dealing w normal, self interested humans, but with rabid zombies infected with deadly brain worms. Only maximum, immediate, overwhelming force will stop them.

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I doubt one can negotiate fairly with the zio-neo-talmuds. Better to neutralize them before it is too late as extreme as this sounds. Indeed, "only maximum overwhelming force can stop them"

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Sounds extremist , like , really extremist .

--- except it is the conclusion I have myself come to. ☹️

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For someone who is claimed to be a paranoid schemer, Putin sure seems trusting and almost pathologically naive.

Russia keeps getting caught flatfooted, over and over again. This is a serious problem that must be addressed.

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Not even his alcohol addled predecessor managed to make Russia appear so weak and militarily inept as Putin has during these past 2+ years. Pity that Prighozhin's abortive putsch didn't persevere all the way to Moscow, instead of petering out.

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I am hardly a Putin fanboi, but:

1. You apparently don't remember the First Chechen War, or how entire Russian regions basically ignored the central government whenever they felt like it.

2. Since Prigozhin had no institutional support, his coup attempt was bound to fail.

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Well, I'm sure you remember what Russia did to Chechnya during the second war. Yet now, he's mister "go soft" on all enemies. Something's rotten in Denmark.

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Something indeed is rotten in Denmark, the rapidly unfolding debacle in Syria is only adding to the stench! 🤬

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I wonder if--in hindsight given all that has occurred geo-strategically in the Russo-Ukrainian War, the Caucasus, and now Syria--there may be another mutiny or coup in the offing?

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It won't matter, without institutional support and trusted subordinates who understand and share the leader's vision.

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I have an ever deepening sense of foreboding regarding what may be in the offing for the Russian Federation. 😪

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You are not the only one.

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I do remember the First Russo-Chechen War, and the ignominious ambush of the armored column sans infantry that entered Grozny. I recall too that the Russian Army regrouped, and razed the city, eventually killing Dzhokar Dudayev.

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Chechnya was de facto independent following the First Chechen War, and Grozny was razed as a result of the Second War.

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I'm looking forward to seeing the final picture once the Ukraine issue is settled. I understand what you're saying, but I'm curious to see how things look when the conflict ends. I sense Russia is going to go soft when they have a golden opportunity to force a surrender in Ukraine, but let's see what comes of it. We might be surprised.

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Oops, I made the comment below relating to a different article—silly me.

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Maybe it being impossible for him to print money limitlessly, unlike a certain other country/group, contributes to the _lesser awareness_.

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My eyes were all on Ukraine as I had no imperialist intention. Erdogan is different. He is always looking for something. If Mr. Assad forgets that he is the president of a besieged country, then he should suffer loss. To be fair to him, There is no easy way out for Syria or for Mr. Assad. The portion of Syria under the government of Assad does not have suitable geographic boundaries or sufficient agricultural assets to sustain its population. Syria after losing the Golan Heights is similar to Jordan losing the West Bank. The reality is that it is difficult to survive in the desert, even with all the modern technologies. When you count the total population versus the total agriculture production in the Middle East, there is a clear shortage. This is why Omar Sharif said in the movie Lawrence of Arabia that so much blood had been shed in the desert. He saw and knew it all too well personally. Malthus' theories still fit the ME today fairly well. Some countries can pump oil to buy stuff they don't have. Jordan has none. Syria has some but not under the control of Assad's government. Even Damascus as a city-state in the sea of desert is not an easy case.

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"Someone", and probably some Ones, haven't yet realized this is a world war, which will not be solved by meekness and the submissive "deals" and moves even this channel advocates consistently.

That is of course my reading of the present.

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For the first time tonight, I am getting a queasy feeling that Russia will actually lose this thing. They cannot protect their proxy, and this is going to delegitimize Putin in the eyes of the world, especially in the Global South, where such things really matter. I simply cannot understand the no-balls approach Russia has taken to this ostensibly "existential" conflict. There is no explaining it and there is no excusing it.

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They can’t or they won’t? Andrew linked to his article on why Syria doesn’t use its air defense system. Worth a read.

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Where is the proof of Iran/Russia rivalry? Russia’s mandate in Syria is to protect President Assad from ISIS and terrorists sponsored by the US. It was agreed upon that Russia would not interfere with the Iran Israel issue.

There definitely was a major intelligence failure. Syria has been severely weakened by US illegal occupation stealing their oil, the illegal “Caesar sanctions” and on top of that the earthquake damage a few years back.

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Good points, Pete. I find the article totally unconvincing because there are other points that make no sense, as I pointed out in my own comment above.

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Thanks for linking to the article on Russia letting Syria use its air defense system. Or rather not letting them use it.

My jury is still out on Putin.

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These undisciplined retards that have entered Syria don’t stand a chance. They’re the scum of the earth, hired by jews to destroy the Axis of Resistance because jews couldn’t manage it themselves. They have no defence against Russian air strikes and are armed with nothing more than truck mounted machine guns at best. They’ll be toast in no time, because they have no coherent ideology, and they are ragtag bunch of raging psychopaths that are simply hired help, fighting for shekels.

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The sixth reason is the very precarious economic situation of Syria, which undermines any meaningful possibility of retrenchment, reinforcement, reconstruction, and further mobilization of forces. While Russia can pay handsomly to those enlisting to fight in the SMO, poor Syria can barely feed its population, living hand to mouth from hand outs from Iran and Russia.

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"Disaster" is too loud and it is not even clear what it is .Nothing has been heard about the thousands of dead Assad fighters and , in general , about losses on both sides . Suddenness ? Hmm...Maybe unexpectedly , or maybe not at all . I will not be clever and build versions , but - you can do with the existing facts . Sooner or later , this was bound to happen : the threat emanating from the terrarium in Idlib , Al-Tanf , and the prostituted Turks constantly hung over Assad and , it remains to be seen , when there would be a reason to return the entire territory of Syria to Damascus' control. Well, the "case" has apparently come?! Let them get involved and , preferably , with even greater forces ...

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Imagine if German NAZI's were to capture Ashkelon and Ashdod cities in Israel, but fall short of the capital Tel Aviv. Without a shred of doubt, Israel will use nuclear weapons to decimate the invaders.

Israel has been relentlessly bombing Syria for five days now, to provide aerial cover to its holocaustic ISIS proxies who have infiltrated Syria and are on a rampage through the north, capturing airbases and executing disloyal civilians after stage managed kangaroo trials. Turkish regular army troops and officers are present in those HTS legions which have invaded Syria. Like Attila the Hun, these invaders are not merely political adversaries of Syria, but incredibly depraved genocidal maniacs grounded in paleolithic ethos who are the very antithesis of humane values. For the sake of preserving all that human civilisation stands for, it is imperative to stop these genocidists and their sponsors whilst there is still time, using all means whether nuclear, biological, chemical or conventional. The ISIS has left an indelible mark on Syrian society by dint of its attempted but botched up holocaust during its previous tryst with tussle for power grab in that country. Syria under ISIS will be nothing short of a veritable hell hole.

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In so far as the question of reconciliation among warring parties in Syrian insurgency is concerned, the government of President Bashar Al Assad had reached out to his adversaries several years ago, with the Russian centre for Syrian reconciliation facilitating such overtures and the accompanying dialogue in all earnest. Much impressive headway has since been made from all sides in this direction, and points of major contention among various stakeholders have largely been resolved, leading to major compromises and permanent rapproachment , and peaceful detente in instances where lasting compromise could not be achieved. However, with regards the Tahrir Hayat Al Sham, it will be well to remeber that this outfit does not have an independent nervous system of its own, but is largely a proxy for joint invasion and colonial occupation of Syria by Israel and its faithful NATO ally Turkey as part of the double agenda of creating Greater Israel and banishing Russia from the latter's sole military base in the entire mediterranean. No amount of compromise on part of the Assad government could possibly ever have placated the HTS enough to induce it to pursuing peace with Syrian government, because that outfit is after all, a proxy, howsoever frighteningly ferocious and uncouth in its own right though it might be. In all probability, ceding ground to this incredibly depraved ISIS analogue, will not bode well for the Syrian people, and could well nigh result in the same calamity as had befallen almost all of the leaders of socialist South Yemen who had been murdered by North Yemeni government hitmen soon after the south had approved a merger with the north in Arab-league sponsored rapproachment out of naive trust. The fact that Uieghur desperadoes amongst ISIS cadre had butchered umpteen Syrian women by splicing the latters' abdomens and stuffing smouldering embers inside, for having ignored diktats to enlist their sons for conscription into ISIS ranks, epitomises the ultratyrranical paleolithic culture of the ISIS which is the very antithesis of everything humanity stands for. That culture remains the collective inheritance of all of the offshoots and jihadist affiliates of the ISIS, which deserve liquidation by all means at mankind's disposal. Iraqi public had to suffer an unenviable fate of gruesome humiliation and neck breaking repression at the hands of wayward and trigger happy American occupation forces, once its destiny had been sealed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's reluctance to use maximum force at his disposal against the aggressors out of fear of embarrasment before western public opinion which is shaped by a biased newsmongering MSM that forms part of the Zio-oligarchic deep state driving American ravages worldwide. There is no stopping the Ziofascist hegemon and its ultratyrranical proxies unless determination and willingness to deploy decimating force is demonstrated to send a clear message to ISIS's Ziofascist sponsors. It would be all the more inadvisable to shy away from such use of force despite possessing the capability. No cost of human casualties inflicted on the adversary is too high on any moral ground when survival of civilisation and its humane values is at stake from a sea of paleolithic marauders of indescribable savagery. The numbers of the beasts liquidated in battle should not matter to or deter Russia. If the regime in Tel Aviv and its NATO lackey Turkey treat the use of drastic measures against ISIS avatars by Russia as a Red Line, then they deserve a taste of the same treatment as befits the ISIS. Russia must bear in mind that it is pointless to fight a war whilst abiding by rules framed and modified in real time by the enemy, and especially one that is anathematous to all humane civilisational values at that! There is an appropriate occasion for everything, and those who fail to use means at their disposal when required to do so for the cause of service to humanity whilst they still have the opportunity, are fated to lose those capabilities one day from laws of nature, because ultimately everything is ephemeral. Else the weapons would one day wither from disuse into museum specimens in an Arctic Liberia, a paper tiger. Despite having entered into ceasefire with Hezbollah, Israel asserts that it reserves what it calls the right to mount military strikes against any power or country attempting to rearm Hezbollah on Lebanese or Syrian soil. It follows that the very least that Russia should do is to eradicate any Israeli or Turkish mercenaries or agent saboteurs that might have set foot on Syrian soil. Israeli military doctrine stipulates authorisation to use nuclear weapons even in the event of enemy intrusion and occupation within one kilometer of the international border.Likewise, Russia can follow suit by proclaiming 1 km occupation to be the Red Line for using nuclear deterrence gainst the ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

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A Ziofascist strategic think tank has observed that Muslims worldwide are hopelessly idiotic, and amenable to manipulation in the name of their religion. This think tank says that Islam by its very nature renders its practicising adherents susceptible to subtle brainwashing by western entities, provided this is accomplished through the agency of Islamic clerics as intermediaries, because the process of imbibing Islam over the years of its practice since childhood, "kills" the natural spark of scepticism which characterises a rationalist mind, and this is a vulnerability which can be exploited to the hilt by western neocons for vanquishing Arab societies and even harnessing them as unwitting zombie cannon fodder proxy footsoldiers for maiming and mauling other civilisations, the way hunters in America employ ferocious hounds for mauling and incapacitating fawn prey before the unfortunate animal finally dies from the hunter's bullet. It is in accordance with such considered convictions, that the CIA, FBI and Mossad founded the ISIS in Jordanian desert, for not only decimating the Arab society in Syria and Iraq via holocaustic fratricide in name of jihad, but also as proxies for wreaking blood curdling genocide on emerging economies of Asia for sanitising the latters' natural defences in the prelude to subsequent projected direct conquest by NATO by means of nuclear assault with ICBM's. The end game consists in annexation of Syria and Iraq with their stupendous fresh water and mineral oil resources to Israel, and colonial subjugation of South Asia by Zio-oligarchic corpimperialist syndicates which seek to transmogrify South Asian populace into a gargantuan serf farm or sweat shop. The CIA landed in Syria in 2011 to nudge ISIS affiliates under Abu Mohammad Jolani (an Al Baghdadi loyalist) to found the Hayat Tahrir Al Sham in collusion with those of Al Qaeda factions which had been wooed and entrained as accomplices by NATO during the latters' invasion of Libya. The ISIS itself for its part had been co-founded on a somewhat earlier occasion by Mossad, Directorate of Israeli military intelligence and Gulf Oil Sheikhs with tacit support from Mossad lackey the Hashemite monarch of British-Scandinavian descent. Col Richard Black of the US Army had publically admitted that the CIA armed these pseudo-jihadist proxies to the teeth under operation Timber Sycamore with anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft guns, eventhough international conventions prohibit such ammunitions from being supplied to terrorist outfits or being used against civilian targets. Jake Sullivan reiterated in an E-mail to former American First Lady Hillary Clinton, that things were progressing smoothly in Syria with the Al Qaeda regiments doing the CIA's bidding in its tyrranical ravages on Syrian civilian populace. Some of the brute and ferocious cadets from the ISIS terror academy, trained in Jordan and grounded in the abyssymal depravity of paleolithic ethos, were offloaded and relocated by the Mossad and CIA to Myanmar in cahoots with Malaysia, where they have since been waging a genocidal insurgency for regime change as dictated by the Pentagon. It is noteworthy that the Mossad and Pentagon exercise water-tight suzerainty over the ISIS cadre by means of a complex chain of command, featuring Turkish Army officers loyal to NATO and Hijazi Muftis loyal to Wahabbiist Saudi Sheikhs as intermediaries. The bottom rung cadre, for the most part remains deluded that it has been handpicked by Alla for the holy jihad of establishing the third Islamic Empire as vouchsafed for by the pseudo-Hashemite Royals, and never gets to realise that it is a pawn or handmaiden of the Zio-oligarchic corpimperialist syndicate's (as embodied by Israel's Mossad) hideous geo-political intrigues. So much so, that even Ali Khameini, the supreme temporal and spiritual authority in Iran, had lashed out at the government in Myanmar and called upon Muslims world over to rise in vengeance against that country for its alleged mistreatment of Rohingya insurgents, without even pausing to think for one minute or appreciating the fact that the Rohingya insurgency is the handiwork of the same Mossad which created the ISIS and unleashed it on Syria's hapless populace, and that ISIS veterans who had perpetrated gruesome soul revolting carnages in Syria are at the helm of atrocities committed by Rohingya batralions on natives of Myanmar. And, in fact, Islamic clerics have been preaching sermons in Gulf countries aligned with the west, that Muslims should not allow the strength of their faith to be "weakened" by spontaneus emergence of sympathy for Russia which is an "infidel" nation, eventhough Russia has been battling forces which are inimical to Muslims as well, because Ala in his inscrutable omnipotence has "goaded" infidel Russia to cross the paths of "infidel" western powers, and as such now the two infidels will themselves sort one another out without need of any intervention from Muslims who must remaim aloof from those rivalries like disinterested bystanders. Such imbecile beliefs and the impressionability of their adherents make meaningful cooperation with Muslims very challenging for any sensible well-wisher.

All said and done, fact remains that the ISIS with its unshakeable grounding in paleolithic ethos, is the worst scourge ever of mankind, and deserves liquidation by all means at mankind's disposal, conventional, nuclear, chemical or biological. Under the ruse of phony ceasefire with Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israel has only bought time for rejuvenating its ISIS and allied Nusra proxies in Syria and refurbishing their deadly arsenal, while denying the same right of recuperation and rearmament to Hezbollah whose toughened cadre serve as the first line of outer rung defense of Russian military bases in Syria. Towards this end, Israeli warplanes have already started harassing Iranian transport planes plying Syrian airspace in an attempt to impose a blockade of Damascus on the lines of starvation-blockade imposed by US and its NATO allies on Iraq in the 1990's. One only needs to recollect that during the four years of heydays of Israel's terrorist invasion of Syria via its holocaustic ISIS proxies, Israel had mounted 1000 plus unprovoked aerial bombing sorties in Syrian skies targetting civilians, besides firing missiles at Syria on two separate occasions from the occupied Golan heights, all of this solely to buttress the prospects of a military victory by the ISIS; eventhough the Hezbollah and IRGC which formed the vanguard of defence of Russian bases in Syria had maintained utmost restraint and desisted from firing a single missile or rocket at Israel during that entire period, as evidenced from relevant records of satellite surveillance data.

The right thing for Russia to do in respect of its military policy vis a vis the ISIS and the latters'affiliates masquerading under myriad pseudonyms under tutelage of the Turkish Army, is to solely rely on its own nervous system in decision-making, without getting bothered by fear of embarrasment in face of pseudomoralist protests from disciples of the British lackey Muatma MoinDess Ghandy ensconced in countries such as India, who hail from priestcrafty punditist untouchability-monger familial backgrounds and have been groomed into rabid Russia-haters by dint of persistent indoctrination in educational institutions controlled by quasi-imperialist western Churches during the formative years of their character. Such self styled conscience-keepers only impersonate India and do not speak for its people; and as for the Indian masses, Russia does not ever need to seek validation or approval from the latter because they have been forged into inalienable solidarity with Russia by immutable default by God since before the beginning of time. The minds of Indian masses remain in unison with Russia by virtue of complex quantum entanglement, immune to the chatter of ubiquitous western disinformative propaganda. Russia must not allow the significance of this truth to be lost on itself, and should gird up its loins in action mode without the temptation to appease the pseudomoralists who parrot scripts dictated by Zio-oligarchic corpimperialists. Israel in its capacity as a vociferous arbiter of grand corpimperialist hegemony of Zio-oligarchic corpimperialists ensconced in western bourses, functions more as a shell company or corporate office of those entities rather than a country in the true sense. Under this phony system of governance, the populace of Israel have been rendered permanent footsoldiers hostage to the corpimperialist ambitions of this Zio-oligarchic cabal under a permanent state of artificially contrived emergency.

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Andrew that’s all good and well so to speak but what I really want to know is who ? why ? objective and end achievement , you see I have read few comments on this topic but I seem to have not clarity about it, or maybe it’s just me 🇷🇺☦️🇷🇺

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It is a well-written article, but I remain unconvinced by your arguments.

> To make matters even worse for Syria, the terrorists’/“rebels’” advance on Aleppo came precisely at the moment when Russia is distracted with the special military operation (SMO) and Iran has been crippled by its West Asian Wars with Israel.

That does not make sense. The SMO has been ongoing for nigh on 3 years, so it is not a "moment" that Russia is distracted.

Iran has been "crippled" by its West Asia Wars with "israel"?

Crippled in what way?

"israel" is not crippled? Its Gazan quagmire and Hezbollah's intense missile attacks have been like water off a duck's back?

Wars: why plural? And you call a few mutual rocket launches a "war"?

> ... but in hindsight, this could have finally resolved the conflict and thus averted the ongoing fiasco in Aleppo.

Nonsense. The U.S. and some of its Western lackey doormats have a major impact on the dynamics of the war there and the last thing Uncle Sam wants is to resolve the conflict with Assad remaining in power.

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