Democrats vs. Republicans is a fake debate with fake political differences. These two parties are only different factions of the same American War Party.

And the more that the American Empire's war machine is depleted, the better.

The American military is a war criminal military with a track record of criminal wars from Serbia to Iraq to Afghanistan to Libya to Syria to yes even Ukraine in which is it responsible for murdering millions of people.

How Many Millions of People Have Been Killed in America’s Post-9/11 Wars? – Part One: Iraq


If America has shot its wad on Ukraine, too bad, so sad.

That means America will be less capable to wage war against other nations like China or Iran--to the pearl clutching fear of America media rags like the Wall Street Urinal.

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Those hoping for any sort of pushback of the Democratic War Party from the GOP will look in vain. The one-eyed pirate Dan Crenshaw is as vicious as a starving wolf and the one-time shadow of the warmonger John McCain (Lindsey Graham) are both propagandists in favor of Amerika's most recent war for world domination.

Joe Biden clings to power by decimating America's oil reserves, by bankrupting the nation, and by allowing our own military to become a shadow of what it once was.

If the USA does, in fact, reduce military aid to the Nazi's in Ukraine, it will only be because there is nothing left to give.

Yes, Biden faces challenges at the NY Tiimes and WaPo; but the power brokers in the actual party (i.e. Nancy Pelosi) would have us believe that nothing is real. America's power is exhausted and only its hollowed-out hegemony and imaginary leadership remain.

The times they are a'changing and the BRICS will control the world by 2030.

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If you are in USA and you want to see what your reps or any reps are voting for, you can go here and see who voted for what. I looked and I saw only 3 nay vote on funding Nazis from US Congress in 2022. There was 11 nay votes from Republicans in 2014.


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