Oct 22Liked by Andrew Korybko

Not only Poles are fed up with Ukrainians.

Except for "bleeding heart" SJW's and politicians seeking attention the people of Europe - imcluding Switzerland - are tired of the overbearing manner and sense of entitlement of these "refugees".

Most of them affluent, even rich, they still garner every social benefit they can lay their hands on. Some are even returning to the Ukraine for a vacation.

Meanwhile, the foolish western governments are throwing billions into the "Ukrainian Cause" while blatantly neglecting their own citizens and putting these at an unfair disadvantage.

Switzerland alone - for example - is throwing a massive 1.5 billion francs into the insatiable gorge of the "Ukruins" while whining about and postponing a tiny raise of the old age pensions of it's own senior citizens. For being too expensive!


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Oct 22Liked by Andrew Korybko

Welcome to the Rules-Based Order, saved from demographic demise by a never-ending flood of refugees from NATO-victim countries!

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"Rules‐Based Order"?

Newspeak for "anglofascist orders"!

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Hey, call it what you want... The girls just can't get enough of it, apparently.

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Oct 22Liked by Andrew Korybko

Hey... he's right isn't he?

".... if it were not for this Polish help, they would not have reached the stage they are at today."

Yep. Coming up 600,000 dead; untold injured, crippled for life; the economy in tatters; half the population gone forever; in debt for generations to come; much most prized land/assests sold off; crooks, liars, swindlers, criminals more deeply ensconced than ever; power infrastructure wrecked..... etc. etc... Yep. Without Poland it might never have happened.

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Oct 22Liked by Andrew Korybko

"...a little more than half of Poles (53%) support accepting more Ukrainian refugees..."

That may well be but isn't it, for the most part, because they believe taking refugees from the Ukraine may somehow work to allow them to take fewer refugees from victim regions of NATO wars, e.g. every one Ukrainian is worth at least one or more from Syria or Lybia, etc., etc. (now with the 'healthy' (ethnically-cleansed) additions of Gaza and Lebanon, etc., etc); ESPECIALLY if the victims of NATO's wars have found their way to Poland from the other side of the new (NATO fence) iron curtain?

"...two-thirds of Poles want to deport conscription-aged Ukrainian males..."

Wow, talk about человек ненавидит родственников!

Mind you, to be fair, we have no idea what proportion of those killed in the Ukraine were Polish mercenaries. I suspect rather more than anyone would like to admit, bearing in mind how человек ненавидит родственников.


Вот, видишь?

"He himself also expressed resentment ..."

Yeah, you just wait till his daughter comes home with a Ukrainian's baby in her belly! Still, gotta be better than the prospect of holidays to meet the family in a NATO-victim country, I suppose.

"Poles are a generous people..."

《Когда‑то были союзники!》just like the Ukrainians is how I'll always remember them; until the likes of Fats Nuland and the Morons of McCain convinced them it was all about 'the economy(, stupid!)' and a few bucks, or hundreds of billions, from America and 'ascension' into the United States of (WOKE!) Europe would be good for them. Just gotta get them NATO nukes on our soil! They have, after all, proven such a healthy way to administer and control the one-and-only exceptionally rules-based order forever and ever. (NOT!)

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TL:DR Poles never really liked Ukrainians all that much in the first place. I recall pre-war Polish opinion polls showing that Ukrainians were disliked even more than Russians.

And the easiest way to make any group of humans into instant assholes, is to give them rights and no responsibilities.

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Of course they are. Guests don’t become popular when they hang around and take jobs and apartments.

The Polish government should realize that the only way out here, is to cut support for Zelensky, and deport them back once there’s peace.

Hey, it worked on Syrian refugees!

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