The most important part of the article is what I have been advocating for some time now as demonstrated vividly in the Burkov US attempted sabotage incident in 2019

these two really aren’t as close as their representatives claim nor what popular perceptions across the world are about their relations. Second, this development confirms that the Biden Administration doesn’t trust Bibi, or rather, that it doesn’t expect him to be their anti-Russian puppet.

Third, the preceding insight in turn reinforces the perception of this three-time premier as a truly independent and pro-sovereign leader. From this understanding, the fourth one is more understandable whereby there shouldn’t be any doubt that he’ll continue his pragmatic foreign policy course in spite of the newfound US-orchestrated Color Revolution pressure against him.

To get the Israeli or American Jewish media to discuss the obvious almost doesn't exist as too many are benefiting from the status quo without looking at developing realities.

I would ask the author to look at the symbiotic relationship between King Abdullah of Jordan and the US as chief agitator/bulldog both against Israel but also trained on KSA as well. This is directly related to the subject at hand

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Thanks to its ill-advised partnership with the Biden administration, Israel seems to have chosen to leave itself defenseless against Jihadis and the murderers sponsored by its existential enemy Iran. The Machiavellian strategies of aggressive Nazis like Victoria Nuland, Fiona Hill, and Alexander Vindman now dominate Washington, DC and it is determined to bring all its power to bear in its Blitzkreig towards Moscow.

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