My snowplow guy also does power-washing. The name of his company is "Ecowash." Sigh ...

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"...aimed at scaring the public into supporting the planned NATO-backed..."

I don't think it matters, nor are many concerned about maintaining the pretence, whether the public, or anyone else, support what NATO does or not.

"...they’ll turn into violent extremists en masse and thus pose an imminent threat to the whole world."

What, you mean like the Ukraine's Bandera lovers did, once Vicky had done her popularity grabbing Cookie Walk to open the floodgates for them?

"...to jointly fight..."

What, you mean like, rather than having someone else do it for them? Yeah, right!

"...French neocolonialism..."

What, you mean, like getting 20-odd % of their uranium from there?

What, you mean the over-abundance of military hardware floating around from the Ukraine, Libya, Afghan, etc., etc. and all the other misguided follies orchestrated to quell terrorism?

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