A plague on both the houses of the two Zees!

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Since it's looking like the Biden Administration will be unable to pry more funds for the Great Ukraine Grift from Congress, and is instead focusing on another big bout of MIC profiteering with Israel, it is no surprise to see this type of spin coming from what is effectively American state media.

It's not only that, you know. Russia has not done unto Ukrainians anything remotely resembling what Israel is doing unto children in Gaza, so much so that Vladimir Putin is starting to look like a nice, soft, cuddly Teddy Bear in comparison. Why, he didn't even cut off food, electricity, or water to Ukrainians!

Who is the genocidal villain now?

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You write on several occasions about "Ukrainian gains." What Ukrainian gains? Isn't Ukrainian collapse just a matter of (a short) time? Isn't the chaos around Zelensky a diagnostic symptom of that collapse?

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