"...serves Polish interests by justifying its threatening military buildup along the Belarusian border. It could also be intended to exploit nationalist sentiment ahead of this fall’s elections in a bid to help the ruling party win re-election..."


Say no more.

"...Warsaw will definitely continue exploiting these fears for the abovementioned purposes."

Yeah, but that's pretty much a given. They're not on NATO's increasingly competitive payroll for no good reason.

"...civilizationally dissimilar migrants."

Hey, if it's good enough for the goose, let the gander suck it up too: what, did he think he might be able to make Poland rich and attractive enough to interest potential migrants, like Britain, Holland and other such dunce nations, AND not be compelled to sacrifice the gene pool? That's called, 'having massive fatty cake, stuffing greedy fat face AND hoping to lose weight'... Something about pigs flying, I believe.

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Long time no see.

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