I went through this short comment section and agree completely with your points, Mr. Korybkow, as far a the West Asia aspect is concerned. Obviously the »Axis« lost. Your argumentation concerning the gas, I find convincing, too. And of course, from a realist point of view that always should be applied to international relations, this gas…
I went through this short comment section and agree completely with your points, Mr. Korybkow, as far a the West Asia aspect is concerned. Obviously the »Axis« lost. Your argumentation concerning the gas, I find convincing, too. And of course, from a realist point of view that always should be applied to international relations, this gas-policy is far-reaching in time to come and thus much more shaping the geopolicy-chessboard than the genocide in Gaza, which makes me simply mad. That, of course, is an emotional reaction and does not count at all, I admit. I appreciate, finally, that you point out the Russian realism with respect to the Chinese. I am still not sure who might turn out to be the die-hardest realist, the Russians or the Chinese. Would appreciate your opinion on that non-alliance someday.
I went through this short comment section and agree completely with your points, Mr. Korybkow, as far a the West Asia aspect is concerned. Obviously the »Axis« lost. Your argumentation concerning the gas, I find convincing, too. And of course, from a realist point of view that always should be applied to international relations, this gas-policy is far-reaching in time to come and thus much more shaping the geopolicy-chessboard than the genocide in Gaza, which makes me simply mad. That, of course, is an emotional reaction and does not count at all, I admit. I appreciate, finally, that you point out the Russian realism with respect to the Chinese. I am still not sure who might turn out to be the die-hardest realist, the Russians or the Chinese. Would appreciate your opinion on that non-alliance someday.
The only country that did things with a focus of improving other countries was Bush/Cheney America….still the dumbest 8 years in recent human history.