G'day Andrew, the trade angle of this agreement seem very positive and beneficial for both parties but if Iran's economy perishes and regime change takes place from attacks by Isreal or the US through lack of obvious deterents then how could the pipeline or benefits be obtained. An inferred military pact as in Article 5 NATO could not hurt.
G'day Andrew, the trade angle of this agreement seem very positive and beneficial for both parties but if Iran's economy perishes and regime change takes place from attacks by Isreal or the US through lack of obvious deterents then how could the pipeline or benefits be obtained. An inferred military pact as in Article 5 NATO could not hurt.
G'day Andrew, the trade angle of this agreement seem very positive and beneficial for both parties but if Iran's economy perishes and regime change takes place from attacks by Isreal or the US through lack of obvious deterents then how could the pipeline or benefits be obtained. An inferred military pact as in Article 5 NATO could not hurt.