Ukrainian-backed. Now I know where our money to Ukraine has been going. The CIA/MIC/NSA, etc. has been using Ukraine as a slush fund for their world hobbies/activities/meddling.

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Where are they getting all the bodies from? Who are they conscripting when few are left to conscript?

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Mercenaries: 'Money, money, money makes the world go round!'

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Indeed. Here's another aspect of money making the world go round.. Mexico's people eat a great deal of corn. So, there's this: Let us all be vigilant together.




U.S. Government Paid PR Firm to Track and Vilify Critics of GMOs and Pesticides


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Chossudovsky (Prof Michel Chossudovsky) is the man for that. See, e.g. https://www.globalresearch.ca/sickening-profits-global-food-system-poisoned-food-toxic-wealth/5844502; and https://www.globalresearch.ca IS the place.

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C’mon Natalie,

Deny, Defend, Dipose

If that shooting had anything to do with his wife dying or his child or even himself, that caused his family harm by their denial of coverage, then that was fucking righteous vigilante justice.  You ought to read Johnny Got His Gun, or some of Malcolm X.

Don’t tell me we operate by law and rules in this country cause those weren’t made for the little guys, those laws were made to protect the elite and the elite never pay for their crimes.

These elites assholes pardon each for high crimes and they don’t give a fuck about us or our children. What about all the wives and children and fathers this country has murdered and for what reason, to take their bloody hands that stuff their banks accounts and pockets with the profits of war, with death and denial and they do not give a fuck who they harm.

The words on that bullet are fighting words.  I too, am sick and tired of these m-frs sending our soldiers to war who have wives and children at home too, just to die in their useless wars, their wars without reason or cause so they can place the profits of war in their back accounts.

And what about the mothers and fathers and children of Palestinians, the Syrians, the Afghanistan's, the Iraqis, the Iranians, the Libyans, the Lebanese. Do you have any idea how many people these master of men have killed, including our own in all these wars? 231 million since 1914 and its likely much higher; and 4.7 million in the Middle East alone and counting people and that’s not counting those they killed with vaccines or denial of care. You live in a lawless country, a lawless world of elites who own the justice system, the banks, the healthcare, the hospitals, the prisons, the agriculture that they poison and feed to us as toxins and all for profit and they keep making us sick while denying us the health care we need after they’ve made us sick, milking us of our treasure and now our loved ones for their fucking profits. Moving our industry and good jobs out of our country to make more profits because they don’t want to pay living wages, they don’t want unions, they don’t want to share the profits of that wealth off our labor.

We are an apartheid state, we’ve got one set of laws for the wealthy and another set of laws for the poor. USA is no different that Israel, and who knows that best? Israel.

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Thanks for this. Where would you go to warn people about how their assets are being used and guess who is given first rights if banks should fail? It’s built into each state’s Uniform Commercial Code in a subsection of Section 8, if they are all similar. People will lose their homes, land, retirement funds, securities and other assets. For more info, take a look at these sites were legislators are actually addressing with author present and answering their questions and concerns, esp. in Oklahoma posting. I arranged these in order of importance to those who are just being introduced.







Posted on January 17, 2024 by Ellen Brown

David Rogers Webb, author of The Great Taking


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Another response to you and money making the world go round is the UCC in states across the USA. The following is testimony to the fight. What the fight will expose is in each state who their representatives really represent.






Posted on January 17, 2024 by Ellen Brown

David Rogers Webb, author of The Great Taking


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"Where would you go to warn people..."

Actually, Paula, without wanting to sound too pretentiously pious, nowhere: I try not think about money any more than I absolutely have to, and avoid people who do. I don't 'own' a home mortgage, but live in social housing; nor do I own any land, retirement funds, securities, and the only other asset I've got, apart from my computer, is a 17yr.-old car, which costs about £1000 (and runs a treat — I love it!). Consequently, and most fortunately I genuinely believe, I couldn't give much less of a poo-poo about Oklahoma, Kansas or Ellen Brown (whoever she may be). Hopefully, I should be able to maintain this fortunate financial/spiritual state until the day I die, and, increasingly it looks as if there's a pretty good chance of that working out for me. Just lucky, I guess!

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And here's another thing, if ordinary people lead to ask their legislators to strike that paragraph from the UCC, wouldn't it tell the people who their legislators represent; the people or the banks? It's a lovely fight that shows a great paradox and might have very good, very great repercussions.

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I am in same situation. Wouldn't it be funny if people who already own nothing lead the way for others? It would definitely catastrophic if billions of people lost their assets all at once? You and I might lose our social housing.

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I prefer not to think about it. Without ignoring it to a dangerous or irresponsible extent, I am aware how easy it is to get sucked into a mindset which is more about fear than using time (life) more constructively. If there is any organising 'force' causing misery in the world generally, I think money, and using people's lives to worry about it, is one of its most effective tools. I'd rather not participate.

I have no fear of losing social housing because the circumstances I can foresee in which that might be possible would involve many, many hundreds and thousands of people being in the same situation as me — social collapse. I hope to be run over by a bus or die of some more lingering health issue before that. In any case, I try not to think about it TOO much.

AND the way our foolish politicians are handling the states' purses at the moment (as soon as they've finished lining their own pockets) it's probably more likely they'll force population reduction through nuclear culling, anyway. I do what I can (share my view) to forestall it as much as I can, and I'd really rather not let the most common lure — money — work to distract me. That's about the best I can do, I'm afraid.

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And wars because to have them they must fund both sides.

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As repeatedly admitted in the article, it seems to me a very fr fetched scenario.

President Assad knows very well that he's still in office largely thanks to the support he received from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. If he betrayed them, he'll be on his own from then on. And once he's on his own, he'll be sure to fall, sooner or later.

A 10 km advance in the first 3 days of this surprise-attack, is just that: first gains of a surprise-attack. My guess is that within a few more days the front-line will be stabilized again, after which HTS will be pushed back again. Russia has plenty of drone-experience to teach the Syrian Army, to counter the Ukraine's drone technology taught to HTS. And with that, the situation will get even again.

Russia, Iran and Hezbollah will not back down and Syria cannot afford to betray the only REAL friends it has.

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Those terrorist are the perfect target for a next Orsehnik test, imvho.

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"Erdogan might thus ultimately regret approving this offensive."

Isn't if funny: that's how this whole Crimea(>Donbas>Ukraine) business started in the first place (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_War#Eastern_question "...Nicholas recanted and prepared for war.")

Ищи la Turk! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherchez_la_femme)

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Let me count, Turkey, HTS, Kurds, Syria, and Israel as the main players. Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah are the secondary players. Damascus is undefendable without Goland Heights. Agriculture and energy riches are concentrated in Kurds' controlled areas. Aleppo is the third economic center. The rest of Syria is desert, and in the center of the desert is the American-controlled area. Once again, it is another randomly cut map, if not maliciously cut this way. Assad does not have much choice but to hold Aleppo. However, if the Syrian Army had not gotten used to drones, traditional desert warfare based on cavalry action and tanks would not work. There is no easy camouflage in the desert from low-flying drones. I think Russia has to divert some airforce bombing to Syria to buy time to train the Syrian Army. The bulk of the fight, however painful, would have to be taken by the Syrian Army. After all, Assad has to prove that he is a worthy leader to his people, and to Russia.

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Jeez, how much proof do you want, already; how many pounds of flesh?

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I think I understand what should be done. But most of the time I am more concerned about what most likely would be done. Yes, I confess I am brutal, very brutal.

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"...I confess I am brutal, very brutal."

Nature is a cruel master!

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I think you would enjoy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao_Te_Ching very much. I was told there are many English Translations, but I have not specifically checked on any oneof them.

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Yes, I have (enjoyed it, very much). Translation (and oral production) is my forte in Russian. Chinese is beyond me, I'm afraid, but I understand the upcoming generation(s, both Russian and Chinese) have adopted an approach similar to mine in approaching Russian (from English). So, let there be more hope for upcoming generations!

If you're interested (in my work), I hope to have quite a significant clear-out and a couple of new works uploaded to (my) Substack this weekend (by Monday).

Thanks for your reply! I appreciate your attention.

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I am afraid there are no good options, only the bad and the worse ones. Russia will be able to hold its naval base and peace around its base. Turkey would dominate northwest Syria. Americans will happily stay where they are. Kurds will be suppressed but not destroyed. In a way, Syria will become another Lebanon, with more deserts and less sea. A strong government becomes impossible. If Russia helped to build one up, he would be portrayed as a Russian puppet. Therefore, the only viable option is for Assad to maintain the status quo or a successor designated by Assad or selected by a method picked by Assad. I don't know Syria enough to know if there is any viable candidate. My guess is there is no comparable candidate to Assad.

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There are those in the Arab world who say that Erdogan had nurtured neo-Ottomanist ambitions in his heart for much of his political career. The Turkish state under his leadership had become an unapologetic irredenrist legacy bearer of the Ottoman Sultanate which for hundreds of years had carried out mass enslavement, rape and massacres with exterminationist fervour in a vast expanse ranging from the Hijaz and Levant to the Balkans. Erdogan's family were kingpins of an overland tanker transport racket profiteering from supply of petroleum robbed from oil fields in northern Syria to countries of Europe. In cahoots with Israel, he had stationed tens of thousands of hard core Uieghur militants in northern Syria in Turkish occupied territory, and supplanted populace of entire villages with those ethnic Turkic Uieghurs after ethnic cleansing the original Kurdish, Yazidi and ethnic Turkoman denizens via massacre or mass expulsion. Close to 150,000 Uieghur desperadoes originally from Sinkiang province of China, had been sourced by Erdogan via Malaysia by exploiting loopholes in China-Malaysia visa-free regimen, who provided commando training to them in Istanbul under Mossad tutelage, and then pushed them into Syria for manning the ISIS contingents and theTurkish militias disguised as ethnic-Turkoman Syrians in northern Syria.

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The ISIS was originally founded in training camps in the basalt desert of Jordan by the Mossad, with active assistance from Gulf Oil Sheikhs who are lackeys of America, and Hijazite Muftis aligned with the Jordanian Hashemite and/or the Saudi Wahabi Al Saud dynasties. The Hashemite royals had preached lengthy motivational sermons to the first batch of graduates from the ISIS terror academy established by Israel on Jordanian soil, all the while claiming supposedly hallowed sanctity for their exhortations by dint of purported descent from the clan of Muhammed, telling the uncouth brutes that they have been handpicked by God for establishing the last Caliphate which would last till doomsday, which will span entire Asia from Komi and Taimyr peninsula in the Russian Arctic, to the Bosphorus and the Atlas Mountains; but for that errand to materialise, they must first conquer Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan enroute to India and Myanmar, in order that the entire civilian populace of these realms might be forcibly conscriped into its ranks to suitably equip it for the Herculean task of onward march to Eurasia. The ISIS manifesto speaks about resurrecting the medieval imperalist Khanate of Sibir in Eurasia, and the sub Caliphate of Khurasan in South Asia. To give the savage cadre a taste of the delights to come after their projected conquest of Central and Western Europe, the Mossad in cahoots with corrupt governments of some East European countries and in liason with human traffickeering rackets active in Holland and Germany, supplied literally thousands of blonde and brunette females of East European stock to the ISIS to serve as pleasure companions for carnal release in their desert tents. Needless to say, the idea of being able to conquer entire Asia and Europe was nothing but a grandiose pipe dream, but that mirage seved its purpose nevertheless like a pivot magnet for entraining the murderous energies of the brute and ferocious ISIS cadre and redirecting them in all of their holocaustic brutality on the hapless populace of Syria. In effect, this brilliant and meticulously planned grand scheme of the Mossad envisaged wiping out Arabs and Islam from Syria via blood curdling holocaust in the very name of Islam. Such an objective is clearly borne out from the writings of an Israelite think tank very close to Benjamin Netanyahu, which have deliberated on a hostof reasons reasons why supporting the ISIS with moral backing, arms and with funds for sustenance, is in the best geostrategic interests of Israel and the western powers aligned with it. For one, the ISIS would serve as a gargantuan accretional vacuum cleaner to scour and scoop up and sequester from US theatres the whole lots of wannabe jihadists from all over the world who might otherwise well become potential 9-11 ers and redirect all of their destructive energy on Arabs instead. Two, this would afford a means for the CIA, MI5 and Mossad to keep tabs on emerging trends and drifts within the global jihadist community and raising Red flags where warranted, simply by tailing the community of ISIS recruits and their families, thus saving phenomenal intelligence work and its attendant costs. But the motive which was of most and direct significance to Israel, however, was that the ISIS militancy promised a lucrative prospect to Israel for annexing entire Syria and possily Lebanon, which has long been on future agenda of Israeli planners alarmed by dwidling freshwater reserves in the Sea of Gallilee who also deeply covet Syria's newly discovered oil deposits.

With this end in view, the Mossad and Israeli Directorate of Military Intelligence established a complex chain of command over ISIS cadre, keeping themselves at the helm and employing Turkic Army Special ops Officers loyal to NATO and Hijazi Muftis as intermediaries. The lowest rung cadre never really got to fancy any inkling of this state of affairs, not for once realising that they were pawn in the hands of Ziofascists, deluded as they remained under inebriation to lunatic limits of carnal frenzy by a generous dosing of East European concubines from Czechia Bulgaria Romania and psychedelics like Captagon. Those that ever ventured anywhere close to sane insights during their lucid intervals were promptly put to summary execution by Turkic Army officers supervising them. However, on occasions, things went askance from plans, and in one such instance, a maverick commander named Baghdadi got word of this grand charade, and he broke off from the main body to lead a renegade splinter faction comprising about 20 percent of the parent body in numerical strength. It is such splinter factions alone, which anyways shared all of the ISIS ideology they had inherited from the parent body save subservience to Israel, which happened to come under aerial bombings in Syria and Iraq from the American Airforce and its Allies such as Britain and France. Needless to say, the assassinations carried out by these western nations mattered little in respect of ramifications on overall ISIS operations in the Syrian and Levantine theatre, faring no better than drops in a pitcher, and it was not until the heroic Syrian defenders backed by Russian Aerospace forces with their mammoth Tupovlev strategic bombers took on the ISIS in full earnest that any signs of imminent defeat appeared in ISIS ranks. The ISIS has been the worst scourge of mankind which deserves annihilation by all means at mankind's diposal; nevertheless, given its importance to the geostrageic designs of Israel in its capacity as a pliable protege of the latter, the Mossad and the EuroMerican Zio-oligarchic deep state were always willing to go the extra mile to nurture and preserve the ISIS. The media arm of western Zio-oligarchy, on its part ran a colossal disinformation campaign worldwide, pretending that the ISIS was but a minuscule part of the overall insurgency raging in Syria, and this media conjured up fantastic designations for contingents of the ISIS dispersed across Syria, labelling some of them as Al-Qaeda affiliated Al Nusra, and Syrian Democratic Resistance, Al Sham defenders and the like. 85 percent of the arms and ammunition recovered by Syrian government forces from the hands of captured ISIS terrorists bear Hebrew markings attesting to their Israeli origin. Many of such weapons had been put on display by the Syrian government, and this had been widely reported in the Syrian media as well as in Russian news outlets such as Sputnik. To buttress the dwindling fortunes of the ISIS in Syria in face of impending rout under relentless assault from Russian Aerospace forces during the dying days of ISIS, Israeli Airforce flew more than 1000 unannounced sorties over Syria, wantonly firebombing civilian and military targets with fire bombs to avenge the losses faced by Israel's ISIS handmaiden. Not only that, Israel also made umpteen unsuccessful attempts to directly bomb Russian military bases at Tartus and Homs using sophisticated drones remotely piloted from Israel. Israel reached secret agreements with its Jordanian partners, under which Jordan was supposed to facilitate the swift whisking of Syrian or Russian military personnel as might be captured by ISIS fighters in Syria, to special rendition prisons on Israeli soil via transit through Jordanian territory with the objective of subjecting them to stern debriefing unto death. Turkey remained a faithful ally of Israel for much of the early part of Mossad's proxy terrorist war in Syria, in tune with its obligations vide Mediterranean dialogue and Istanbul Conference, among other pacts with Israel.

The 1000 + unprovoke Israeli aerial bombardments of mainland Syrian territory, which included the pulverisation of a biotech plant dedicated to producing import substitution vaccines and anti-cancer drugs with Indian technical collaboration, were interspersed with grander transgressions, such as the shipment of hundreds of tonnes of chemical weapons precursors sourced from Germany and UK which were thankfully intercepted by Syrian security after an intelligence tip-off before ending up in the intended ISIS hands. That consignment was meant for enactment of false flag nerve gas carnages which could then e falsely blamed on the Assad government. (The Trump administration aerial bombed Syrian civilians on the pretext of punishing Mr Assad for allegedly planning chemical attacks, nevertheless). For much of the tenure of ISIS terrorist insurgency in Syria, militias allied with the Syrian government such as Hezbollah did not fire even a single missile into Israel from Syrian territory, so all of the 1000 + airstrikes conducted by Israel on Syria in support of ISIS were entirely unprovoked. Actual and eligible Israeli nationals continue to have a formidable presence in the Zelensky regime of Kiev and its various militias imbued with NeoNazi ideologies such as the Azov battalions. A number of Israelis who have served in militias affiliated with the Zelensky regime and become tired and weary from drudgeries of combat are now slated to relocate to Israel for rest and rejuvenation. Israel thus has the advantage of being able to draw on the Ukrainian experience in drone combat for possible incorporation in support of its Islamist Nusra prixies on the Syrian theatre. After the capitulation of ISIS, Mossad's subsidiaries in the Pentagon salvaged something between an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 of surviving remnants of ISIS cadre of Uieghur Turkic stock, by translocating them to the Hindukush mountains where they have been retained on standby to mount pressure on India by overstretching Indian security forces in street fighting at America's bidding in near future. Given Israel's recent track record, prospects of Tel Aviv collaborating with Damascus to flush out Al Nusra militants in lieu of withdrawl by Iranian proxies from Syria, appear scant at best, though not entitely implausible!

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"It can therefore be interpreted as an Israeli victory". This is an important point. I can't understand why Hezbollah agreed to a ceasefire since to my knowledge they did not suffer any strategic losses. Do you have any insights here?

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Hezbollah has concerns about the people of Lebanon, as Hezbollah is part of Lebanon.

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What in the hell are they fighting over?, territorial gains? Though I don't know for sure, I would tend to agree with Mick.

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To McDdd in case it didn't reach you: We all have choices. My background is Irish and for me, it's fight or flight. Sometimes I choose flight because this issue isn't worth fighting over. In this "brave new world" there's plenty to engage my Irish propensity for fight especially with a good pint or two of Irish beer under my belt. I accept your stance, but I do not respect it. And I certainly do not insist we all have he same views. Peace be with you. It's not luck, it's spirit that counts. I don't need luck; I need heart like all the journalists who have been killed in Gaza hoping the world takes notice of Gaza's plight and all the resilience Palestinians have shown in the love for the land of their birth. I do hope when the world sorts itself out in a proper way, there's some thing for America's indigenous who knew they needed to concede or face a total genocide like the Palestinians are. In a better world perhaps "never again" will be true.

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As always the key to stability in the Middle East is Russia. The covenant between Syria and Russia should be such that Moscow could say: You strike or attack Syria it is as if you are attacking the Russian Federation. All unwanted, uninvited actor have 48 hours to leave or lay down arms. The unfulfilled prophecy remains - "Moscow will sit (be seated) in Damascus."

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As always the key to stability in the Middle East is Russia. The covenant between Syria and Russia should be such that Moscow could say: You strike or attack Syria it is as if you are attacking the Russian Federation. All unwanted, uninvited actor have 48 hours to leave or lay down arms. The unfulfilled prophecy remains - "Moscow will sit (be seated) in Damascus."

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"Israel leveraged its influence inside the US and especially within Trump 2.0 to ensure sanctions relief in exchange for kicking Iran and Hezbollah out of the country"

That will never happen. Israel will never help bolster Syria's situation, and will always want Syria down, given Golan Heights...

The question here is how many troops Iranians are willing to throw in and weather the Russian AD systems are willing to shoot at the Israeli planes targeting Iranian troop concentrations. In this instance the troops are not there to threaten Israel... so...

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Traditionally, Iranian troops inside Syria had formed the first line of defence for Russian military bases at Tartus and Homs against Israel's ISIS proxy

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Iran does have drones and missiles to use.is it not? Assad should request help from iran,iraq and Hezbollah

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Iran can try and dissuade Turkey via engagement at multilateral Islamic fora where it enjoys good rapport with Turkish leaders.

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Mmm no . There is no such thing. No reason for turkey other than as member of NATO/ EU to support destruction of syria and this was going for over 13 years.

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The so-called HTS offensive against Aleppo is nothing other than an ISIS regrouping under yet another pseudonym, comprising of ultratyrranical hard-core hideous savages grounded in old stone age ethic, especially trained to have become insensitive killing machines by Turkish and Israeli officers. Many of them are Uieghur remnants from the 2019 ISIS debacle, who have behind them a history of perpetration of brutal tyrrany on very diffuse scale, such as for example the butchering of thousands of innocent Syrian women by methods including the splicing the latters' abdomens and stuffing smouldeing embers inside. Being the scourge of mankind that they are, they deserve complete liquidation by all means possible. They deserve special treatment as would shame Guantanamo Bay hospitality. Oreshnik type strikes with thermobaric and high yield explosives might be the best option to break their advance, after imposing no-fly zones and debarring all human movement during dark, and temporarily directing civilian residents to avoid movement beyond designated parallels and even between villages, on the lines of the curfew imposed by Israeli occupation forces in southern lebanon post ceasefire with Hezbollah. Any third country national, no matter wherever on earth or whichever organisation he be from, who ventures into the war zone with evil designs of espionage on or sabotage of this humanitarian operation of saving civilisation, must be summarily executed without compensation under special military statutes. No implied or express immunities of any kind must be allowed to save them from being meted such deserved justice. During the heydays of ISIS onslought on Syria only about less than a decade ago backed by the FUKISRAEL axis ie. Airforce of France, UK and Israel, the IDF made ample use in the vanguard, of drones bearing special explosives designed to embed millions of filings of very fine shrapnel in internal organs of human victims, such as the brain, eyes and liver, and to subsequently cause death via excruciating suffering of undousable severe systemic inflammation, for killing heroic Syrian defenders. The HTS onslought on Aleppo must be stopped by annihilation in its tracks while there is still time and the paleolithic militants are at a distance from the city and before they can avail the oppportunity to disperse within or mingle with the city populace, and before they have gotten so close to the city as to afford the IDF of Israel a ruse to use drone swarms featuring those hideous shrapnel in the fake name of HTS, much as the USA and Germany have been bombing Russian targets forva year now with drones directly piloted from command centres in EU under the bogus pretence that those drones belong to and are piloted by Ukraine. Any anti-Syrian counter-offensive launched from any of the foreign EuroMerican bases on ocupied Syrian soil, must be dealt with decisive carpet nuclear bombing of those bases to obliteration, undaunted by bogus scruples of the western media juror circus. Act whilst there is still window of time; Else, all that shall remain would be hope against hope for human civilisation.

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Further proof, if any were needed, that Erdogan cannot be trusted and that Russian intel is not all it's cracked up to be.

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