It is evident that if the Ukronazi advance continues after the Russian withdrawal from Kherson, the Crimean peninsula will be in grave danger, even if the Ukronazis and NAFO lack sufficient amphibious means to assault the east coast in addition to a ground attack.

How will Russia react in this case? Moscow cannot afford to even temporarily lose Crimea. It seems to me that the moment of the great definitions is approaching and they may involve a greater danger for the whole world.

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First interpretation assumptions are incorrect; Ukraine does not need to cross the Dnieper to show that they are successfully pushing back Russian forces. Russian withdrawal already proves this; Only thing they had to do was bomb for months 2 lifelines + communication and transportation knots so to force Russian command into conclusion that they have to withdraw-and that was their intent, to capture the city without bloody infighting. If option 2-3 doesn't happen and Ukrainian forces in near future take the city with no opposition then they are fulfilled their initial goal and 1 is more than true.

Propagandist Arestovich was talking about this for months, it seemed like bs but if Russian public stance is true, he was right. So, you pointing out impossible task (as it seems at least for now) looks more like coping and trying to eliminate first assumptions unpleasant fact by tying it to impossible standards. I don't see how they could cross Dnieper so fast and so soon with no big amphibious capabilities to force an enormous river like Dnieper. Even as incompetent as Russian command has showed to be I assume this retreat was planned a bit when Surovikin had his address to public ~ month ago. But by all that happened already, maybe they surprise us again and it's even worse situation and reason for withdrawal and they can't even make a defensive line on one of the widest European rivers.

If option 2 is true it will also show itself quickly, because Ukrainians will either be bogged down in city itself or refuse to enter. Same goes for option 3, if they either don't go into the city or they do but it's followed by public diplomatic actions and talks.

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How do you analyze this comment, just a couple of months later?

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Dit is oud Nieuws

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Volledig achterhaald Kiev wordt PLATGEWALST... DESTROYED Navo is a Dwarf..no more money no more weapons.. EU is falling into pieces....

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There might be a 4. option. Another revolution in Russia when the patriots galvanized by SMO will get rid of Russian globalist elite. While strugling inside Russia will loose on the outside.

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