Sadly, Kyiv’s fascist ideology of what, Viking superiority?, dictates ethnic cleansing of Russians, Poles, Hungarians, et al.

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Hungary is demonized in the Western world because it wants to preserve its traditions and society. The globalists aim to destroy our humanity and Christianity.

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'Annexed by Stalin" - for goodness sake! Any adult analysis of this needs to set out from the start - do we accept the UN system of inviolable borders as the basis of the present international system or not? Austria and Hungary lost World War I, in which they were basically or the aggressors. That's the way it went back then, but I hope we can agree that it isn't allowed now - that's what the UN Charter says. Austria moved on from that to become one of Europe's most prosperous countries with an exceptionally high standard of living. Orban has taken this loss of over 100 years ago as part of a package of grievances (together with things like 'the rights of gays not to get beaten up for no reason') to bolster his populist platform, and now he seems to be saying that all bets are off. "Today's borders aren't the rules we have to live by". This is a recipe for the next great war, and it is Russia - not NATO - that is instigating it.

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