This case is one of Biden’s two time bombs that are meant to inflict continued damage to Indo-US ties, and especially to India’s international reputation, long after he’s already left office.
Thank you Mr Andrew Korybkos for this contribution, especially since it is a point I did not know yet.
I think that Trump and the neoconservatives behind him are not driven by a short-term agenda, but should be considered in the medium and long term. According to everything you read, the keyword is Trump’s agenda, the people he brings into his government etc. It remains to be seen how he wants to achieve all this, especially since the democrats in the states are already calling for resistance and the government apparatus probably should also be cleaned up so as not to repeat mistakes from his first term of office Stichwort Ukraine etc.
Trump will probably focus mainly on the domestic area and the international hotbeds to get this under control. At the same time Vance should be built up as his successor and then complete the next 8 years, what he started, that would be if everything runs in this sense 12 years in which you can actually achieve a lot.
If he can still find a reasonable deal with RF, that’s at least a good start. In this context, we should remember 1989.
Just as the former USSR let down its socialist brothers, today one would say vassals, so will the EU states. That’s my forecast, because the EU economy is to migrate to the USA and Blackrock has already done a very good piece of work. If DE continues its de-industrialization, the largest net contributor to the EU will eventually fail and the EU will collapse. This will not happen today or tomorrow, but it will happen.The next Chancellor Merz is former European head of Blackrock.
Let’s remember George Orwell and his book 1984, he speaks of 3 power centers, the USA, China Asia and RF Europe with changing relations. Even if it is only at the beginning, but Biden has with his strategy on the one hand brought China closer to India and strengthened rather than weakened India’s role in the BRICS+.
Trump as a deal maker has no interest in this, he wants the USA to be number one. 1 and for this it requires, as Zbigniew Brzezińskis described in his book, the world’s only power, a dispute among the other countries. The author wrote not for nothing of the USA, its vassals and tributary countries.
Apparently the route for freight traffic RF - India has already started in some way. The FR has gained a high degree of recognition and influence due to its wise foreign policy and the associated contacts with China, India, Pakistan and Iran as well as Saudi Arabia. But it uses this very discreetly.I also think there are people in the USA who envy the RF about his foreign minister Lavrow. Think of the G20 summit at which Macron, the French head of government, is going to Lavrov to greet him.
The neoconservatives in the US who stand behind Trump probably admire Putin’s policies both internally and externally. Domestic because the "old" values are in the foreground. as we have learned in the GDR, the family (man+woman+child(er)) as the smallest cell of society are the highest good that it is necessary to protect. LBGT genders and all this stuff but now applies to every sensible person no matter what sexual orientation he has not.
India also has a long tradition, with only the Value West throwing traditions into the garbage heap of history.
The United States of America, in concert with its European quislings in the EU, has been consistently projecting extraterritorial overeach of its domestic laws and judiciary on India in blatant super-hegemonic disregard of Indian sovereignty and the freedoms guaranteed to Indian citizens on Indian soil by the Indian Constitution. Mascots like English first lady Akshata Murthy and Usha Chilukuri, both of brahminist priestcrafty Dravidian heritage which is alien to hundreds of millions of Hindi-speaking Vedic Indian masses as well as the natives of India's expansive North eastern hills, have been groomed and fielded by their EuroAmerican sponsors to serve as conduits for projection of this illicit hegemony of the super-feudalist corpimperialist Zio-oligarchic deep state ensconced in western bourses, on India. Their job is to hoodwink Indian political leadership by flaunting fake ethnocultural camarederie and evincing unguarded trust by dint of herd mentality in minds of their Indian counterparts in New Delhi , in the process hoping to shortchange India to the detriment of Indian straregic interests and furtherance of American global hegemony in the course of American dealings and bilateral or multilateral discourse with Indian government interlocutors. The spouse of the erstwhile First Lady of English Empire in the British Isles, a charming tawny Dravidian damsel Akshata Murthy, a corpomaniac veteran named Rishi Sunak, is in practice little more than a peon of his Anglo Saxon handlers, who had appointed him to a ceremonial office for upholding the time-honored status quo of feudalist racist hegemonic corpocratism which characterises British foreign and domestic policies. Regardless of whichever incumbent holds office in the oval office, certain trends are likely to continue as consistent components of American foreign policy.
I fail to see any point in the obsessive eulogisation of the likes of the impending incumbent second lady of America, Usha Chilukuri Vance by their Dravidian clansmen residing in southern India. Fooling oneself with delusional unreal expectations despite the fact that in reality, Usha Chilukuri does not care a two penny damn about them. Any independent audit will certainly fail to demonstrate even an iota of benefit which might have been brought upon India by Usha Chilukuri, Kamala Harris and Akshata Murthy in their capacity as second or first ladies, so all of the grandiose jubilation may well turn out to be an exercise in self deceit. Another fallacy being propagated is that Usha Chilukuri Vance is doing her Dravidian Brahmin community proud by proving her steadfast loyalty to the establishment in her adopted country , an establishment whose strategic imperialist goals incidentally are at undeniable odds with India's strategic and national interests. What follows is the superstition that it is kind of morally incumbent upon her clansmen in South India to take pride in and own up all of Usha Vance's political intrigues, and to fool themselves that it is their moral communal responsibilty to ensure smooth sailing for her amidst her travails in the USA, even if her machinations for furthering American geostrageic hegemony be at direct variance with Indian strategic autonomy and sovereignty and the multipolar world order. There is no merit in making the case for Indians to subsidize her endeavours at the cost and detriment of Indian national interest. Usha Chilukuri Vance is not Indian, everything about her demeanour from her style of smooching a man in public view and her way of walking and talking, to her ideological leanings and world view, is typical American. No tangible benefits will be gained by India in concocting or forging a "connection" with her.
Meanwhile, Usha Vance the ceremonial mascot, and her EuroAmerican principals, are but having the last laugh at the impressionability of those of her Dravidian Brahmin clansmen in India who are felicitating themselves on her political success as if it is ipso facto tantamount to their own emancipation. They want Indians to stand with Usha Vance under the spell of misperceived ethno-cultural camarederie or herd-mentality, but she has no plans to stand with India, so their exhortations basically boil down to unrequited one-way submission before a foreign power, something which is not in tune with a nation's self-respect. As regards the question of Usha Vance doing her Dravidian clansmen in India "proud" by dint of her feats, I think it is premature to jump to any conclusions. If in the course of next few years it turns out that Usha Vance has followed in the footsteps of her predecessors and forebears who have upheld the status quo of imperialist ravages across the globe abroad and repressive persecution of innocent rank and file American citizens at home on an epidemic scale by trigger happy policemen enjoying qualified immunity which characterise the corporatic American political set-up, then there will be nothing in such of Usha Vance's deeds for her co-ethnicist Dravidians residing in Southern India to own up, much less take pride in.
For all I know, the consensus among Usha Vance's supporters is that she undertook her interracial nuptial liason with Mr Vance out of considerations of love instead of becoming enamoured of his wealth, learning, power or stature. As such, her marriage has been an individual private affair between two individuals. She has married an individual who happens to be a European-origin American in private pursuit of a quest to find her true love, and she has not married the entire American nation or the white race for that matter. By exactly the same token of reasoning, I seem unimpressed by whole throngs of her clansmen in India throwing their lot in unison behind her, seeking to own up her political intrigues as well as unauthorised participation in her political fortunes in America, as if those endeavours were somehow imbued with patriotism towards India which is obviously not the case. It is foolhardy to pretend as if by virtue of tying the nuptial knot with her, Mr Vance has somehow become the son-in-law of her entire Dravidian clan back home in southern India. It is best to treat her as an individual, an American national, as they say, by respecting her private space and not pretending as if Indians residing in India collectively owe her any favour whatsoever on account of her personal successes in a foreign land.
Former ceremonial English premier Rishi Sunak, and his spouse Akshata Murthy, had tried various ingenius tricks to harm India for pleasing their Anglo Saxon bosses who were the ones actually in charge during Sunak's figurehead tenure, under the pretext of disincentivating India from undertaking economic liason with Russia. In reality, those anti-India measures were deliberately calculated to harm Indian economy, and would have been put in place nevertheless under one pretext or the other regardless of whether or not India was involved in business dealings with Russia. The underlying reason driving such policies is the manifest racist hatred towards the Indian public ingrained in the psyche of the EuroMerican feudalist elite. Dravidian brahminist beauty Usha Chilukuri Vance, who has put in a spectacular effort in acculturation within the US by virtue of her tireless effort in mastering rituals such as juicy smooching of the opposite gender in public view to the best of her ability in aping western etiquette (fashioned after her peer Rishi Sunak locking cheeks with blonde women like Georgia Meloni) while having little else to show by way of any meaningful contribution to the American host society, will in all probability follow suit in the footsteps of her co-ethnicist peer Akshata Murthy in respect of her attitude towards India, continuing to undermine Indian national interests underneath a superficial facade of deceptive sweet talk. This lady has no reason to be appreciative of, much less to respect, the inalienable unitarian cultural and spiritual bonds which have existed from time immemorial between Russia and the Vedic Indian masses, because she herself remains culturally alienated from the vast majority of the Indian masses in the first place and does not identify herself or her clan with them at all.
Ethnic Dravidian Vivek Ramaswamy of immigrant Brahminist heritage, who is posturing himself as the poster-boy of "Hindu" political consciousness in Anerica, is an ardent advocate of evangelization and pseudo-Christianisation of America which he deems crucial to his understanding of moral emancipation of America. He is just another underdog of the staunchly Zionist evangelical establishment. There is nothing to be proud of in him for the Hindu community and more especially Hindi speakers, other than a colonial-hangover urge to own him out of inferiority complex. This might be news to those who have not had the opportunity to access his speeches and statements.
In overzealous self-shaming eagerness to ingratiate and validate himself before his European-American peers, Vivek Ramaswamy blames the "black" government of Zimbabwe for inflicting "racist" torture on European settlers and of divesting the latter of the extensive land holdings which the former Apartheidist colonial European rulers had bequeathed to those white farmers after snatching them from native Africans.
Dravidian mascots getting appointed to managerial posts in EuroAmerican MNC's is no remarkable feat. Quite often, Dravidian Brahminists are appointed to such posts as nothing more than ceremonial figureheads who in reality have to rubberstamp the directives emanating from their handlers from among the actual Zio-oligarchic top brass. What is even more shameful, however, is that such appointees often go out of their way in trying to ingratiate themselves with their handlers or bosses of European extraction, and in an overzealous bid to appease the latter, they start disowning even their Dravidian home society and roots in trying to prove themselves more European than the White Man, more royalist than the king himself, servile zombie serfs of those European bosses who would not bat an eyelid before taking orders from the real dons in charge. These figureheads are oft times injected into the hierarchy on purpose for relatively brief periods of time, during phases in which the real top brass controllers of those Zio-oligarchic corporations are going to implement some quasi-colonial strong anti-Asia policies for plundering the global South, with the specific motive of fending off genuine accusations of racism against the company. The presence of untouchability-monger Dravidian-brahminists as nominal appointees in the managerial hierarchy serves to water down allegations of racism against the MNC company which has just embarked on a pillage spree in Asia and Africa. It is noteworthy that in much of the Occident, corporate firms are not "agents" of the US government; rather, things are completely the other way round. Many Zio-oligarchic corporations are integral parts and parcel of the Ziomaniac deep state syndicate which exercises water tight suzerainty over the US government and Pentagon, and is the actual arbiter and impetus driving all of EuroMerican military ravages across the globe which are geared towards enriching the coffers of Ziooligarchic dons from corporate loot. So called Dravidian-Brahmin-gener CEO's etc in EuroMerican MNC's are oft times "political appointees" handpicked by the real bosses not because of any academic merit but because of the formers' exceptional resilient ability to play servile second fiddle to the latters' diktats, and play Yes Men even to the ridiculous limits of self-shaming as exemplified by the ignominous "Shilpa Shitty" syndrome. This is a tendency dating back at least to the medieval days when Portuguese Conquistador Francis Xavier was greeted by throngs of Dravidian Brahminists, who had sought to impress him into co-opting them into his own clan or cartel, by telling him that they regarded Portuguese men like him as great sages, but that Indian commoners were wretched downcasts who were not worthy of socialisation with the exclusivist elite comity of those Dravidian and Portuguese sages. The latent urge to seek validation from the European man, even if he be a vile imperialist out to enslave and exterminate Indians, a sign of very deep rooted inferiority complex, lurks in the innate psyche of the untouchability-monger black-colonist punditist since the gory days of remote antiquity when black colonists had joined hands with European Neolithic foragers in inventing a caste system for perpetual racial enslavement of the rank and file Aryan masses of India.
I do not think that in the case of Kenya, the general populace sees no need for them to consider the greater geopolitics of the Adani matter. They see corruption, a giveaway of state assets and crony induced capitalism. Parting gift by Biden or not, Adani’s indictment and thr cancellation of the deal was good thing for Kenya
In the post-1991 era, the basic principle of Western diplomacy is: "You little chicken, come here, do this. Otherwise, I will hit you really bad." At the best of times for the West, it worked. Putin changed all that almost single-handedly. Yes China eroded US economic power. Had China not existed at all, some other countries would have eroded US economic power because the cause of the decline of the USA was the USA's fiscal policy and manufacturers going off-shore. If Trump does not change US foreign policies and global strategies significantly, the USA will have no choice but to become a tariff fortress and smoldering inside. The situation is no different from the story of the north wind and sun competing to get a person to remove his coat.
India sending assassin team to Canada wasn't well liked in addition to supporting russia There was a Bofors case announced by Swiss radio in 1990's which was helpful to opposition bringing down congress party as the bribers were linked to Rajiv Gandhi
The regime of defacto American supremo Anthony Blinken, unofficial Regent-Suzerain of the Ziofascist deep state over senile ceremonial president Joe Biden, is using mafiosi tactics to browbeat the Indian government into submission before its anti-Russia diktats. It is jettisoning the deep state's deep rooted influence in judicial circles inside the USA, to blackmail Indian firms by threatening them with dire consequences in form of mobster terror disguised as illegitimate punishment from kangaroo courts based on American soil. This is not the first time political murders and dacoitery disguisesd as judicial execution or imprisonment have been perpetrated illegally on American soil. The judicial murder of Ethel and Rosenberg, racially motivated and botched up exquisitely painful sparky electrocution of an underaged African American teenager on trumped up charges of having raped and assasinated a female European settler after kangaroo trial. This time, the American gameplan is to terrify the Adani group top brass and management executives with potential imprisonment and fines, in order to armtwist them into volunteering to become CIA assetts in lieu of waiver of kangaroo prosecution in American courts, and to spill the beans on Indian state secrets pertaining to Adani group's involvement in Indian defence projects in tandem with Indian state owned enterprises such as DRDO and BEL, and to surrender all relevant technological secrets to interrogators from the Pentagon. If Biden thinks India will take such browbeating lying down, then his senility is undeniably already past him. During the time when the United States and its EU NATO allies had been enforcing a holocaustic decade long air sea blockade of Iraq to emaciate its populace from malnourishment, a Nordic stooge of the Pentagon named Volker had tabled an infamous report which sought to impose punitive measures on all such countries which had voted at any multilateral forum against the genocidal blockade of commercial naval and air traffic to and from Iraq in lieu of having received oil at discounted price in comparison with the price at which Iraqi oil was being sold to the EU-American bloc which had been engrossed in aggression against that country. Volker and his surrogates at the UN from the cabal of countries built on lands stolen and expropriated from natives across the new world by settlers from crime ghettos of Europe, the self styled international community, argued that such concessions amounted to bribe, an argument that would naturally seem insensible to anyone save the high priests of Valhalla. However, be that as it may, the United States' darling sweetie, Italian born Sonia Antonio Maino who wielded extraconstitutional authority over the government of the day in India, seized on the Volker report as it were the 11th commandment for her, and mercilessly hounded and harassed India nationals who had undertaken post war economic collaboration with Iraq. Calls were even made to arrest and extradicate Mr Vladimir Zhirinovsky to the USA to face trial in kangaroo courts controlled by the Pentagon. History is coming full circle now, and Blackrock, Tempton, Morgan now face the prospect of fines and seizure of assetts for having swindled Ukrainian land and mineral resources on a platter from Zelensky, and for having created hedge funds in America to facilitate that loot. The Pentagon is powerless to stop the prosecution, indictment and penalisation of these rapacious corpimperialist entities outside the borders of the United States, and will be in for really pleasant surprises in days to come soon.
The regime of Joe Biden, in which deep state Rep and defacto supremo Anthony Blinken calls the shots while Biden is a figurehead puppet encumbered by senility issues who can bearly carry himself along at international summits, uses the euphemism "sanctions" to connote a broad spectrum of draconian measures embodying racist imperialism towards Asiatic nations which amount to outright highway robbery. For example, the US regime is illegally threatening Indian companies and Indian nationals residing in India with punitive counter-measures, unless the latter dissociate and isolate themselves from social and economic interaction with other Indian conpanies and Indian nationals who figure on a list drafted by the US deep state about entities doing business directly or indirectly with Russia. In effect, the USA, and at the moment its quisling the Japanese ruling dynasty, in the fashion of street thug mafiosi mobsters, are blackmailing Indians residing on Indian soil under threats of illicit punishments with directives to boycott and ostracise fellow Indian nationals on Indian soil, failing which the USA and Japan are confiscating properties and money legitimately owned by those Indians throughout the domain of western jurisdiction. It is noteworthy that the Indian Constitution forbids Indians from ostracising fellow compatriots at the behest of hostile foreign powers, and enjoins upon the incumbent government in New Delhi to take all counter-measures to protect this right-cum-obligation of Indian nationals. The likes of Dravidian first and second English and American ladies of priestcrafty heritage, viz. Akshata Sunak and Usha Chilukuri, have been tasked with incentivating those actions of illegitimate hegemonic bullying of India on part of their spouses, by rewarding them with the coquetish sensuous delights of their person, as and when they are able to spare time from overdoing their bit in mimicking western etiquette by "overacting" in smooching or romancing their spouses in public view, almost to the brink of looking outright stupid and substantially bereft of self-respect. The Ziomaniac regime of Anthony Blinken, which harbours deep anti-Hindu bias towards the civilisation of rank and file Hindi-speaking Indian masses, has seized assetts of close to a dozen and a half Indian firms and individuals in this illegal fashion of transcontinental banditry, besides instituting criminal proceedings against them in kangaroo courts.
To understand what these illegitimate actions of American policy hawks are tanamount to, just imagine if suppose some hotel in India were to forefeit 100 percent advance booking payments received from American clients, and then suddenly tell them they are not welcome and are being evicted due to personal political prejudice of the hotel owners. In fact, an Israeli couple raised a very rowdy ruckus at a shop in a southern province of India recently after the shopowner informed them he does not serve Israeli nationals. At the instance of Israeli consul general Akiva Tor, attorney Avi Lipman has filed lawsuits in America seeking damages for the Olympia cooperative's decision to boycott purchase of Israeli merchandise. And yet, Israel's sugar daddy USA expects Indians to ostracise fellow Indians who refuse to shun business with Russia, and the US goes so far as to brandish illicit threats of punishment from American courts in case of non compliance with such imperialist diktats, in the fashion of jurists in depraved Sodom and Gomorrah who robbed expat sojourners of their chastity via group rape under the ruse of "recovery" for toll road fees, in face of laws which outlawed receiving payments in cash from foreigners.
India needs to stand its ground no matter who's in charge in the US. The hegemon is cracking at the seams, slowly falling into a debt-doom loop abyss towards impotence even Cialis can't erect. Modi's been bending over to the US so much he can't stand straight. But then again, India needs those Western paid call centers like the Dell computer company uses, which takes a long time to buy anything due to communication barriers and occasionally get double billed as happened to me. So keep on sucking the US baseball through a 100 feet hose, India until the eventual day you'll swallow it. Ya ain't ready for the big leagues yet. lol
Thank you Mr Andrew Korybkos for this contribution, especially since it is a point I did not know yet.
I think that Trump and the neoconservatives behind him are not driven by a short-term agenda, but should be considered in the medium and long term. According to everything you read, the keyword is Trump’s agenda, the people he brings into his government etc. It remains to be seen how he wants to achieve all this, especially since the democrats in the states are already calling for resistance and the government apparatus probably should also be cleaned up so as not to repeat mistakes from his first term of office Stichwort Ukraine etc.
Trump will probably focus mainly on the domestic area and the international hotbeds to get this under control. At the same time Vance should be built up as his successor and then complete the next 8 years, what he started, that would be if everything runs in this sense 12 years in which you can actually achieve a lot.
If he can still find a reasonable deal with RF, that’s at least a good start. In this context, we should remember 1989.
Just as the former USSR let down its socialist brothers, today one would say vassals, so will the EU states. That’s my forecast, because the EU economy is to migrate to the USA and Blackrock has already done a very good piece of work. If DE continues its de-industrialization, the largest net contributor to the EU will eventually fail and the EU will collapse. This will not happen today or tomorrow, but it will happen.The next Chancellor Merz is former European head of Blackrock.
Let’s remember George Orwell and his book 1984, he speaks of 3 power centers, the USA, China Asia and RF Europe with changing relations. Even if it is only at the beginning, but Biden has with his strategy on the one hand brought China closer to India and strengthened rather than weakened India’s role in the BRICS+.
Trump as a deal maker has no interest in this, he wants the USA to be number one. 1 and for this it requires, as Zbigniew Brzezińskis described in his book, the world’s only power, a dispute among the other countries. The author wrote not for nothing of the USA, its vassals and tributary countries.
Apparently the route for freight traffic RF - India has already started in some way. The FR has gained a high degree of recognition and influence due to its wise foreign policy and the associated contacts with China, India, Pakistan and Iran as well as Saudi Arabia. But it uses this very discreetly.I also think there are people in the USA who envy the RF about his foreign minister Lavrow. Think of the G20 summit at which Macron, the French head of government, is going to Lavrov to greet him.
The neoconservatives in the US who stand behind Trump probably admire Putin’s policies both internally and externally. Domestic because the "old" values are in the foreground. as we have learned in the GDR, the family (man+woman+child(er)) as the smallest cell of society are the highest good that it is necessary to protect. LBGT genders and all this stuff but now applies to every sensible person no matter what sexual orientation he has not.
India also has a long tradition, with only the Value West throwing traditions into the garbage heap of history.
The United States of America, in concert with its European quislings in the EU, has been consistently projecting extraterritorial overeach of its domestic laws and judiciary on India in blatant super-hegemonic disregard of Indian sovereignty and the freedoms guaranteed to Indian citizens on Indian soil by the Indian Constitution. Mascots like English first lady Akshata Murthy and Usha Chilukuri, both of brahminist priestcrafty Dravidian heritage which is alien to hundreds of millions of Hindi-speaking Vedic Indian masses as well as the natives of India's expansive North eastern hills, have been groomed and fielded by their EuroAmerican sponsors to serve as conduits for projection of this illicit hegemony of the super-feudalist corpimperialist Zio-oligarchic deep state ensconced in western bourses, on India. Their job is to hoodwink Indian political leadership by flaunting fake ethnocultural camarederie and evincing unguarded trust by dint of herd mentality in minds of their Indian counterparts in New Delhi , in the process hoping to shortchange India to the detriment of Indian straregic interests and furtherance of American global hegemony in the course of American dealings and bilateral or multilateral discourse with Indian government interlocutors. The spouse of the erstwhile First Lady of English Empire in the British Isles, a charming tawny Dravidian damsel Akshata Murthy, a corpomaniac veteran named Rishi Sunak, is in practice little more than a peon of his Anglo Saxon handlers, who had appointed him to a ceremonial office for upholding the time-honored status quo of feudalist racist hegemonic corpocratism which characterises British foreign and domestic policies. Regardless of whichever incumbent holds office in the oval office, certain trends are likely to continue as consistent components of American foreign policy.
I fail to see any point in the obsessive eulogisation of the likes of the impending incumbent second lady of America, Usha Chilukuri Vance by their Dravidian clansmen residing in southern India. Fooling oneself with delusional unreal expectations despite the fact that in reality, Usha Chilukuri does not care a two penny damn about them. Any independent audit will certainly fail to demonstrate even an iota of benefit which might have been brought upon India by Usha Chilukuri, Kamala Harris and Akshata Murthy in their capacity as second or first ladies, so all of the grandiose jubilation may well turn out to be an exercise in self deceit. Another fallacy being propagated is that Usha Chilukuri Vance is doing her Dravidian Brahmin community proud by proving her steadfast loyalty to the establishment in her adopted country , an establishment whose strategic imperialist goals incidentally are at undeniable odds with India's strategic and national interests. What follows is the superstition that it is kind of morally incumbent upon her clansmen in South India to take pride in and own up all of Usha Vance's political intrigues, and to fool themselves that it is their moral communal responsibilty to ensure smooth sailing for her amidst her travails in the USA, even if her machinations for furthering American geostrageic hegemony be at direct variance with Indian strategic autonomy and sovereignty and the multipolar world order. There is no merit in making the case for Indians to subsidize her endeavours at the cost and detriment of Indian national interest. Usha Chilukuri Vance is not Indian, everything about her demeanour from her style of smooching a man in public view and her way of walking and talking, to her ideological leanings and world view, is typical American. No tangible benefits will be gained by India in concocting or forging a "connection" with her.
Meanwhile, Usha Vance the ceremonial mascot, and her EuroAmerican principals, are but having the last laugh at the impressionability of those of her Dravidian Brahmin clansmen in India who are felicitating themselves on her political success as if it is ipso facto tantamount to their own emancipation. They want Indians to stand with Usha Vance under the spell of misperceived ethno-cultural camarederie or herd-mentality, but she has no plans to stand with India, so their exhortations basically boil down to unrequited one-way submission before a foreign power, something which is not in tune with a nation's self-respect. As regards the question of Usha Vance doing her Dravidian clansmen in India "proud" by dint of her feats, I think it is premature to jump to any conclusions. If in the course of next few years it turns out that Usha Vance has followed in the footsteps of her predecessors and forebears who have upheld the status quo of imperialist ravages across the globe abroad and repressive persecution of innocent rank and file American citizens at home on an epidemic scale by trigger happy policemen enjoying qualified immunity which characterise the corporatic American political set-up, then there will be nothing in such of Usha Vance's deeds for her co-ethnicist Dravidians residing in Southern India to own up, much less take pride in.
For all I know, the consensus among Usha Vance's supporters is that she undertook her interracial nuptial liason with Mr Vance out of considerations of love instead of becoming enamoured of his wealth, learning, power or stature. As such, her marriage has been an individual private affair between two individuals. She has married an individual who happens to be a European-origin American in private pursuit of a quest to find her true love, and she has not married the entire American nation or the white race for that matter. By exactly the same token of reasoning, I seem unimpressed by whole throngs of her clansmen in India throwing their lot in unison behind her, seeking to own up her political intrigues as well as unauthorised participation in her political fortunes in America, as if those endeavours were somehow imbued with patriotism towards India which is obviously not the case. It is foolhardy to pretend as if by virtue of tying the nuptial knot with her, Mr Vance has somehow become the son-in-law of her entire Dravidian clan back home in southern India. It is best to treat her as an individual, an American national, as they say, by respecting her private space and not pretending as if Indians residing in India collectively owe her any favour whatsoever on account of her personal successes in a foreign land.
Former ceremonial English premier Rishi Sunak, and his spouse Akshata Murthy, had tried various ingenius tricks to harm India for pleasing their Anglo Saxon bosses who were the ones actually in charge during Sunak's figurehead tenure, under the pretext of disincentivating India from undertaking economic liason with Russia. In reality, those anti-India measures were deliberately calculated to harm Indian economy, and would have been put in place nevertheless under one pretext or the other regardless of whether or not India was involved in business dealings with Russia. The underlying reason driving such policies is the manifest racist hatred towards the Indian public ingrained in the psyche of the EuroMerican feudalist elite. Dravidian brahminist beauty Usha Chilukuri Vance, who has put in a spectacular effort in acculturation within the US by virtue of her tireless effort in mastering rituals such as juicy smooching of the opposite gender in public view to the best of her ability in aping western etiquette (fashioned after her peer Rishi Sunak locking cheeks with blonde women like Georgia Meloni) while having little else to show by way of any meaningful contribution to the American host society, will in all probability follow suit in the footsteps of her co-ethnicist peer Akshata Murthy in respect of her attitude towards India, continuing to undermine Indian national interests underneath a superficial facade of deceptive sweet talk. This lady has no reason to be appreciative of, much less to respect, the inalienable unitarian cultural and spiritual bonds which have existed from time immemorial between Russia and the Vedic Indian masses, because she herself remains culturally alienated from the vast majority of the Indian masses in the first place and does not identify herself or her clan with them at all.
Ethnic Dravidian Vivek Ramaswamy of immigrant Brahminist heritage, who is posturing himself as the poster-boy of "Hindu" political consciousness in Anerica, is an ardent advocate of evangelization and pseudo-Christianisation of America which he deems crucial to his understanding of moral emancipation of America. He is just another underdog of the staunchly Zionist evangelical establishment. There is nothing to be proud of in him for the Hindu community and more especially Hindi speakers, other than a colonial-hangover urge to own him out of inferiority complex. This might be news to those who have not had the opportunity to access his speeches and statements.
In overzealous self-shaming eagerness to ingratiate and validate himself before his European-American peers, Vivek Ramaswamy blames the "black" government of Zimbabwe for inflicting "racist" torture on European settlers and of divesting the latter of the extensive land holdings which the former Apartheidist colonial European rulers had bequeathed to those white farmers after snatching them from native Africans.
Dravidian mascots getting appointed to managerial posts in EuroAmerican MNC's is no remarkable feat. Quite often, Dravidian Brahminists are appointed to such posts as nothing more than ceremonial figureheads who in reality have to rubberstamp the directives emanating from their handlers from among the actual Zio-oligarchic top brass. What is even more shameful, however, is that such appointees often go out of their way in trying to ingratiate themselves with their handlers or bosses of European extraction, and in an overzealous bid to appease the latter, they start disowning even their Dravidian home society and roots in trying to prove themselves more European than the White Man, more royalist than the king himself, servile zombie serfs of those European bosses who would not bat an eyelid before taking orders from the real dons in charge. These figureheads are oft times injected into the hierarchy on purpose for relatively brief periods of time, during phases in which the real top brass controllers of those Zio-oligarchic corporations are going to implement some quasi-colonial strong anti-Asia policies for plundering the global South, with the specific motive of fending off genuine accusations of racism against the company. The presence of untouchability-monger Dravidian-brahminists as nominal appointees in the managerial hierarchy serves to water down allegations of racism against the MNC company which has just embarked on a pillage spree in Asia and Africa. It is noteworthy that in much of the Occident, corporate firms are not "agents" of the US government; rather, things are completely the other way round. Many Zio-oligarchic corporations are integral parts and parcel of the Ziomaniac deep state syndicate which exercises water tight suzerainty over the US government and Pentagon, and is the actual arbiter and impetus driving all of EuroMerican military ravages across the globe which are geared towards enriching the coffers of Ziooligarchic dons from corporate loot. So called Dravidian-Brahmin-gener CEO's etc in EuroMerican MNC's are oft times "political appointees" handpicked by the real bosses not because of any academic merit but because of the formers' exceptional resilient ability to play servile second fiddle to the latters' diktats, and play Yes Men even to the ridiculous limits of self-shaming as exemplified by the ignominous "Shilpa Shitty" syndrome. This is a tendency dating back at least to the medieval days when Portuguese Conquistador Francis Xavier was greeted by throngs of Dravidian Brahminists, who had sought to impress him into co-opting them into his own clan or cartel, by telling him that they regarded Portuguese men like him as great sages, but that Indian commoners were wretched downcasts who were not worthy of socialisation with the exclusivist elite comity of those Dravidian and Portuguese sages. The latent urge to seek validation from the European man, even if he be a vile imperialist out to enslave and exterminate Indians, a sign of very deep rooted inferiority complex, lurks in the innate psyche of the untouchability-monger black-colonist punditist since the gory days of remote antiquity when black colonists had joined hands with European Neolithic foragers in inventing a caste system for perpetual racial enslavement of the rank and file Aryan masses of India.
Not to mention Sino-Indian rapprochement.
I do not think that in the case of Kenya, the general populace sees no need for them to consider the greater geopolitics of the Adani matter. They see corruption, a giveaway of state assets and crony induced capitalism. Parting gift by Biden or not, Adani’s indictment and thr cancellation of the deal was good thing for Kenya
In the post-1991 era, the basic principle of Western diplomacy is: "You little chicken, come here, do this. Otherwise, I will hit you really bad." At the best of times for the West, it worked. Putin changed all that almost single-handedly. Yes China eroded US economic power. Had China not existed at all, some other countries would have eroded US economic power because the cause of the decline of the USA was the USA's fiscal policy and manufacturers going off-shore. If Trump does not change US foreign policies and global strategies significantly, the USA will have no choice but to become a tariff fortress and smoldering inside. The situation is no different from the story of the north wind and sun competing to get a person to remove his coat.
India sending assassin team to Canada wasn't well liked in addition to supporting russia There was a Bofors case announced by Swiss radio in 1990's which was helpful to opposition bringing down congress party as the bribers were linked to Rajiv Gandhi
This looks a bit like that
The regime of defacto American supremo Anthony Blinken, unofficial Regent-Suzerain of the Ziofascist deep state over senile ceremonial president Joe Biden, is using mafiosi tactics to browbeat the Indian government into submission before its anti-Russia diktats. It is jettisoning the deep state's deep rooted influence in judicial circles inside the USA, to blackmail Indian firms by threatening them with dire consequences in form of mobster terror disguised as illegitimate punishment from kangaroo courts based on American soil. This is not the first time political murders and dacoitery disguisesd as judicial execution or imprisonment have been perpetrated illegally on American soil. The judicial murder of Ethel and Rosenberg, racially motivated and botched up exquisitely painful sparky electrocution of an underaged African American teenager on trumped up charges of having raped and assasinated a female European settler after kangaroo trial. This time, the American gameplan is to terrify the Adani group top brass and management executives with potential imprisonment and fines, in order to armtwist them into volunteering to become CIA assetts in lieu of waiver of kangaroo prosecution in American courts, and to spill the beans on Indian state secrets pertaining to Adani group's involvement in Indian defence projects in tandem with Indian state owned enterprises such as DRDO and BEL, and to surrender all relevant technological secrets to interrogators from the Pentagon. If Biden thinks India will take such browbeating lying down, then his senility is undeniably already past him. During the time when the United States and its EU NATO allies had been enforcing a holocaustic decade long air sea blockade of Iraq to emaciate its populace from malnourishment, a Nordic stooge of the Pentagon named Volker had tabled an infamous report which sought to impose punitive measures on all such countries which had voted at any multilateral forum against the genocidal blockade of commercial naval and air traffic to and from Iraq in lieu of having received oil at discounted price in comparison with the price at which Iraqi oil was being sold to the EU-American bloc which had been engrossed in aggression against that country. Volker and his surrogates at the UN from the cabal of countries built on lands stolen and expropriated from natives across the new world by settlers from crime ghettos of Europe, the self styled international community, argued that such concessions amounted to bribe, an argument that would naturally seem insensible to anyone save the high priests of Valhalla. However, be that as it may, the United States' darling sweetie, Italian born Sonia Antonio Maino who wielded extraconstitutional authority over the government of the day in India, seized on the Volker report as it were the 11th commandment for her, and mercilessly hounded and harassed India nationals who had undertaken post war economic collaboration with Iraq. Calls were even made to arrest and extradicate Mr Vladimir Zhirinovsky to the USA to face trial in kangaroo courts controlled by the Pentagon. History is coming full circle now, and Blackrock, Tempton, Morgan now face the prospect of fines and seizure of assetts for having swindled Ukrainian land and mineral resources on a platter from Zelensky, and for having created hedge funds in America to facilitate that loot. The Pentagon is powerless to stop the prosecution, indictment and penalisation of these rapacious corpimperialist entities outside the borders of the United States, and will be in for really pleasant surprises in days to come soon.
The regime of Joe Biden, in which deep state Rep and defacto supremo Anthony Blinken calls the shots while Biden is a figurehead puppet encumbered by senility issues who can bearly carry himself along at international summits, uses the euphemism "sanctions" to connote a broad spectrum of draconian measures embodying racist imperialism towards Asiatic nations which amount to outright highway robbery. For example, the US regime is illegally threatening Indian companies and Indian nationals residing in India with punitive counter-measures, unless the latter dissociate and isolate themselves from social and economic interaction with other Indian conpanies and Indian nationals who figure on a list drafted by the US deep state about entities doing business directly or indirectly with Russia. In effect, the USA, and at the moment its quisling the Japanese ruling dynasty, in the fashion of street thug mafiosi mobsters, are blackmailing Indians residing on Indian soil under threats of illicit punishments with directives to boycott and ostracise fellow Indian nationals on Indian soil, failing which the USA and Japan are confiscating properties and money legitimately owned by those Indians throughout the domain of western jurisdiction. It is noteworthy that the Indian Constitution forbids Indians from ostracising fellow compatriots at the behest of hostile foreign powers, and enjoins upon the incumbent government in New Delhi to take all counter-measures to protect this right-cum-obligation of Indian nationals. The likes of Dravidian first and second English and American ladies of priestcrafty heritage, viz. Akshata Sunak and Usha Chilukuri, have been tasked with incentivating those actions of illegitimate hegemonic bullying of India on part of their spouses, by rewarding them with the coquetish sensuous delights of their person, as and when they are able to spare time from overdoing their bit in mimicking western etiquette by "overacting" in smooching or romancing their spouses in public view, almost to the brink of looking outright stupid and substantially bereft of self-respect. The Ziomaniac regime of Anthony Blinken, which harbours deep anti-Hindu bias towards the civilisation of rank and file Hindi-speaking Indian masses, has seized assetts of close to a dozen and a half Indian firms and individuals in this illegal fashion of transcontinental banditry, besides instituting criminal proceedings against them in kangaroo courts.
To understand what these illegitimate actions of American policy hawks are tanamount to, just imagine if suppose some hotel in India were to forefeit 100 percent advance booking payments received from American clients, and then suddenly tell them they are not welcome and are being evicted due to personal political prejudice of the hotel owners. In fact, an Israeli couple raised a very rowdy ruckus at a shop in a southern province of India recently after the shopowner informed them he does not serve Israeli nationals. At the instance of Israeli consul general Akiva Tor, attorney Avi Lipman has filed lawsuits in America seeking damages for the Olympia cooperative's decision to boycott purchase of Israeli merchandise. And yet, Israel's sugar daddy USA expects Indians to ostracise fellow Indians who refuse to shun business with Russia, and the US goes so far as to brandish illicit threats of punishment from American courts in case of non compliance with such imperialist diktats, in the fashion of jurists in depraved Sodom and Gomorrah who robbed expat sojourners of their chastity via group rape under the ruse of "recovery" for toll road fees, in face of laws which outlawed receiving payments in cash from foreigners.
India needs to stand its ground no matter who's in charge in the US. The hegemon is cracking at the seams, slowly falling into a debt-doom loop abyss towards impotence even Cialis can't erect. Modi's been bending over to the US so much he can't stand straight. But then again, India needs those Western paid call centers like the Dell computer company uses, which takes a long time to buy anything due to communication barriers and occasionally get double billed as happened to me. So keep on sucking the US baseball through a 100 feet hose, India until the eventual day you'll swallow it. Ya ain't ready for the big leagues yet. lol