You didn't mention that Panama is allowing US Navy ships to traverse the canal for free once again, and the "crisis" is over. All that bluster about invasion was just an opening bargaining position, Panama immediately caved; game, set, match.

I'm pretty sure both Putin and Xi see the familiar pattern, and they already know how to deal with it.

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The free passage of US Navy ships remains unconfirmed and was only reported citing unnamed sources, plus I don't consider it to be the core of the dispute, China's influence over the canal is in my view:


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What about the Chinese influence of America's ports that are operated by the same Chinese firms?

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Letting military ships pass commercial passages for free is like giving police officers free meals. It is obvious discrimination against non-military users.

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And? A lot of countries have laws that allow military men or police to use trains for free.

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Which gives the military members the message that they are the rulers and the rest of us are subjects, like the Palestinians in Israel.

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It is exceedingly rare that subjects are paid to be hostile.

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It is exceedingly common when they have been oppressed under apartheid.

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There is no apartheid - they are not citizens. It's not even that someone needs their work - everyone prefers Thais and Philipinos as much, much less dangerous. Like Trump said: let's resettle them in Egypt and Jordan. Or even better, in 3 countries starting with I: Iraq, Iran and Ireland. Then, they won't be "oppressed".

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CK Hutchison is Hong Kong largest listed company and it's CEO who is the son of its founder is a Canadian citizen. The company is controlled by the family but has a global institutional investor base. Its ports division is not even listed in Hong Kong. It is a global company that is extremely diversified. It has significant investments in Hong Kong and China and it's possible the CPC could coerce it into acting against US interests but that would be committing suicide. It is in no way controlled by the PRC, though no doubt Victor Li abd his father are very well connected with the party.

Claiming Hutchison is a Chinese controlled company is a bogus accusation HSBC is a global bank also listed in Hong Kong with operations in China and it would be absurd to suggest it is a Chinese controlled bank.

US port operators are tiny and it's not clear an American operator would even be up to the task of managing all that traffic.

Not that I care who manages the canals ports. But American politicians should be accurate about their claims.

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Panama should begin rigging the entire length of the Panama Canal with explosives in case of invasion. Should an invasion occur, it should be comprehensively destroyed. It would take many years to rebuild, and the possibility of this would be a powerful deterrent against aggression.

The US seems to have completely lost its mind. I say this as someone who greatly admires the founding ideals of the US.

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China builds, US destroys. US has no strategy. Now that Little Marco under orders of Zion Don threatened Panama over a company running port infrastructure, China’s simple solution is yank all port infrastructure materiel out as much as possible. Does US have a plan or the means of running efficient port facilities? Doubt it. If it’s anything like riding a SLOW high speed train in the US where you get motion sickness, the US will close ITSELF out of the Panama Canal. You can’t fix STUPID.

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What about ports on America's coasts operated by Chinese firms, for years?

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Notice how fast the news quieted down after the Baltimore Harbor wreck. China's infiltration is way deeper than a few port management companies.

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Judging by your name, you are Japanese.

Is it not unusual for a Japanese to be working for the Chinese?

If you don't work for them, how would you know how deep their supposed infiltration goes?

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The Canal is critical for US Atlantic Fleet to move to the Far East. If the USA merely pushes for an American company to control the canal or remove China's influence, the acts would be easy for Panama to swallow, especially if the price is right. However, I suspect (1) some of the US aircraft carriers cannot pass through the canal. (2) A blown warship in the canal can cause major havoc even if the other land can sustain traffic. And do you need an anti-ICBM defense unit there? An ICBM with conventional warheads or a few hypersonic vehicles can damage the Canal's operational mechanism such that the USA can have complete control of the Canal but gets no use out of the control. (3) How will big bad ships fare under the hypersonic antiship missiles remains to be seen. (4) There is more than one way to repeat the actions in the Tsushima Strait in 1905.

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Land to ship hypersonic missiles can't do the job?

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Any hypersonic missile can be used, but they must have enough range to reach the Canal. It is a lot easier for China's hypersonic missiles to reach Okinawa than Panama. An ICBM is a term focused on range and trajectory. A hypersonic missile may have a ballistic initial phase or may not, and being hypersonic is no guarantee for the range.

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Usually, "hypersonic" is used as a term for missiles flying at very low altitude and facing high air resistance. The "son" in hypersonic refers to sound. An ICBM may be flying at very high speed but it is mostly in near vacuum and it has a very brief period of flying through dense atmosphere where there is sound.

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You should relearn what hypersonic means before you embarrass yourself further.

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Chances are good that some sort of reassurance will be given to Trump, both from Panama's gov't & the Hong Kong-based owners of the ports. It will look as though they backed down & paid homage to Trump while substantially nothing will materially change much. Optics are the aim of the game & Trump can claim to "win" as he did with Colombia. No one wants war.

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The EU has been ripping off the US forever all the while pushing their censorship through massive fines of our tech companies and even getting involved in our elections. It’s high time Europe gets reigned in. They need to remember without us they are all speaking German. Tariffs are a good starting point but I’d suggest negotiating an even higher national percentage going towards NATO and even sanctioning them for being late and penalties for those constantly slow with paying.

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Sorry, but without the USSR they'd all be speaking German.

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This is the opinion of the typical uneducated American. Get the hell out of Europe. Stop stealing from us.

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EU has an approx 20% value added tax, so everything imported in (e.g. from the US) gets it slapped on, while everything exported (e.g. into the US) is exempt. The US is welcome to follow suit by introducing VAT and reducing income tax at the same time.

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I suspect that Adolf Hitler would completely agree with you.

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Maybe Trump made a deal with China: Panama for Taiwan.

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Nope. Taiwan is already in the US column and Panama is half in that column by virtue of it has been created by US influence. Greenland is also half in by virtue of its US occupation during WW2.

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How many semiconductor fabs are there in Panama?

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