But isn't it true that these require a trained operator with years of experience? This was the US excuse for not sending them earlier. Does this mean, however, that the US has officially entered the war if they're supplying personal now?

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The curtain is finally wide open. The US is not only financing its puppet government, it is training and arming its troops. Although we will never be told the truth, it is likely CIA and/or Special Ops that are committing all the assassinations (starting with Darya Dugina four months ago).

The march to invade Moscow has begun.

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Agree. Patriot didn't protect Jerusalem / Tel Aviv in 2006 nor Saudi Arabia in 2020.

Meanwhile my country, impoverished occupied Greece, has been forced by its US-Israeli overlords to give away its precious S-300 system and buy shitty and overpriced Patriot. A calamity for Greece militarily but also diplomatically: we had the S-300 under strict treaty agreement with Russia which forbids us to sell it on or give it away.

US Ambassador Geoff Pyatt was sent to Greece straight from his triumphant Ukraine coup d'etat to 1) cut off Greece off from Russia and 2) fill Greece with US bases. Mission accomplished - yet - 82% of Greeks support Russia in this war and have no love for "West" and "EU" and "NATO" in which we are imprisoned.

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Dec 26, 2022Edited
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Hello Derek.

I don't see how you can say there is no evidence when you go ahead and provide evidence. I agree that DM Panagiotopoulos has not formally agreed - but - you seem to assume that Greek security (the S-300) is one and the same as American security ie the US & Israeli bases at Souda where the Patriot system will be installed to protect those bases . No, it is not and protecting US-Israeli bases in the south Aegean is hardly a Greek priority [to make that clear: not at all) while supposedly "integrating it into the Greek national air defence system" is nonsense since only the Americans would have control over it, therefore it is not "national" at all, and no use to the Greeks. American-Israeli priorities and Greek priorities are totally different.

Furthermore what the Americans propose is that Greece break its treaty obligation with Russia concerning our most precious military asset [the S-300] to send that asset illegally to Russia's enemy US proxy Ukraine , in other words to involve ourselves into the Ukraine war and betray what is in truth our closest ally Russia. Worse, laughably, that Greece strip itself of its most important military asset and rely instead on the US partriot system which protects only the US and Israeli bases at Souda, the 2 most dangerous and treacherous "allies" any vassal state can have, let alone Greece which has been horribly attacked by the Americans 3 times in 78 years. And lately by Israel (Installex scandal).

Naturally Greece's leadership is weak and useless. ALL EU countries bar Hungary have weak useless "leaders" - Washington wouldn't have it any other way and would never tolerate an Erdogan, who scares them. BUT for a country with 4 layers of predators controlling / looting it - the US State Department and its partner Israel; NATO; the EU led by Germany; and daily control by the Bundesbank (not to mention the usual infestation of Soros NGOs, USAid etc), Greece and Cyprus have managed to keep a discreet distance from the Ukraine war, even outright refusing Victoria Nuland's face to face demand for weapons.

US Ambassador Geoff Pyatt was sent straight to Greece from Kiev in 2016 with 2 missions 1) separate Greece from Russia and 2) fill up Greece with US military bases. That Greece still holds on to its S-300 system is a provocation for the neocons at the State Department. Thus the pressure, perfectly timed to coincide with purported Greek reliance on NATO against Turkey (whose Blue Mediterranean sabre-rattling is to reassure the Americans, who've been offering the eastern Aegean as a bribe)....and to coincide with Turkey-Russia rapprochement which so worries Greeks.

I hope this provides some clarification.

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The business of America is business. Naturally bribery has been made legal in Washington, so this is nearly all about the money, most Americans could not find Ukraine on a map.

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I think people have missed the point. The US just moved a ton of equipment into Poland. Now they've put a missile defense system in Ukraine. The Pols are mobilizing and Biden is making cryptic statements about supporting the military and veterans. Put it together people. The US will enter the war when Russia starts its big offensive because they know the Ukrainian army will fold. The Patriot missiles are to defend the forward base for the American/Polish troops.

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> when Russia starts its big offensive

That already happened?

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