India's assets as one of the pillars of a multipolar world include location and geography, size (population and market), and capabilities (technology and manufacture). For Modi's voters or voters of his party, it is important to improve the domestic economy and control the population growth. A stronger domestic economy would also help to lessen the dependence on exporting to the West. USA wants to control or manipulate India because of mostly its geolocation. As long as the Indian people love their country, Americans cannot take away that advantage. My 2-cent advice is do not hire anyone who graduated from the London Economics School.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Andrew Korybko

"...the US’ true intentions as revealed by the Khalistan issue and the Bangladeshi coup."

Perhaps they might be wise to consider similarities between their 'Delhi-designated terrorist-separatist' and yet another colour revolution, so wilfully-longed for by the perpetrators, using crimes against humanity and perceived genocide against the Uyghur population as the pretext, however fanciful, for grounds. The thin edge of a wedge?

"...hoping that the US’ games will soon end."

What, you mean like a leopard might change its spots?

"It now appears as though there’s much more to this..."

Any colour you like (as long as we get to choose it)!

"...a trend towards more active containment."

Colours are SO old hat. What should we call the new-and-improved revolutions? How about an 'NGO revolution', 'Soros Revolution'; how about 'Woke Revolution'?

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Seems like Modi has done about as much rebalancing with Russia as he can. The EU and Japan will follow the US lead so not much opportunity there. Iran, Pakistan and China would seem to be the main opportunities for rebalancing with China being the biggest. Maybe Modi should emulate Nixon and "go to Beijing."

Time to get over 1962. India has much bigger problems and needs Chinese investment to help it grow. And it's not as though the Aksai Chin is really some critical real estate for India.

Maybe Modi thinks he needs China as a quasi-enemy to provide centripetal pressure on fractious India and provide a tail wind for Hindutva.

But India does have a lot to gain from a closer relationship with China.

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The west has no good intentions with India.

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India is going to feel the bit sharper in its mouth as a BRICS participant speaking for multipolarity, trade deals with Russia, trade agreements in currencies other than U$D, trade corridor with Russia, etc.

But surely Modi knows this. None of the BRICS leaders are naive about U$a, its intentions, tactics or ruthlessness. Why is India feeling emboldened? What agreements have been made? There also must be some calibration as to the rate U$a is weakening. The world seems to be waiting patiently for the fall of the bully, partly from its own instability, partly to a tank on the rug under it.

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