one rather thinks the USA is ridiculous

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the us was, is and will be a banditic entity, which is blaming others for its own crimes. the us did not pay any compensation to Vietnam for murdering of 4.5 million Vietnamese citizens. in fact, it was us which started banditic war against Russia, using ukrainians bandits from ss stefan bandera division. Discussing and typical for us bandits.

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Vietnam historically has been more often at peace with China than at War (almost always China invading Vietnam). However, since China's capitals historically are located in the north or central part of China, Korea had suffered far more invasion from China (logistics from north China to Korea is easier than logistics to Vietnam). Therefore, while NK and SK are always alert about China's intention, Vietnam is better off to be at peace with China. Note China attacked Vietnam to obtain US aids, not because Chinese communists and Vietnamese communists have any historical feud. Many future NV leaders and generals were hiding or training inside China during WW2. If Putin is smart, he would also try to help China and Vietnam to reach a detente. China also needs Vietnam to be at least neutral between US and China conflicts. Vietnam needs US market. But if Vietnam also starts to adjust, Vietnam is also better off inside BRICS, or at least sticking with ASEAN while the entire ASEAN remains neutral.

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Oh. A country that murdered MILLIONS is offended.

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Other than servile West, most nations happy to dedollarise and deAmericanise given US warmongering DNAs

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Even more ridiculous coming from a country that should praise the gods that it even has a right to an embassy in a country it bombed and savaged for a decade of the 20th century. Vietnam is a very civilised and forgiving nation.

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