Every time they've come up with a 'game-changer' — dozens and hundreds of old tanks, dozens of thousands of pocket rockets (now re-sold to everywhere outside the Ukraine), their very best air defence rockets with a fittingly silly name — 'Patriot', countless old-fashioned dollars — they shout their tits off about how the game will change, but the game doesn't change. Logically then, if they're saying the game won't change in a faux-adult, restrained-type manner, there could be something to worry about.

They've just been so desperate to unleash their nukes and working so hard for so long now to set up the legal framework first, now the supposedly 'real justification' to do so... Sooner or later, those deranged thugs in the swamp who control the deluded morons who believe they pull the strings could really hurt themselves. Unfortunately, they'll hurt a lot of other people in the process. Have they finally concocted the means — F16's — to make it all fly?

Please join me in praying for the most rapid defeat of NATO in the Ukraine.

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Having slept on it, I'd like to add a little something now: defeat is not essential.

It's such an emotive thing — losing face, hurting people, cutting off nose to spite face — all of these things are manipulated by the witches and warlocks who have come to control NATO.

Please don't pray for their defeat. It was wrong of me — the unwise child inside me — who asked you to do so. By doing so, you will contribute to the power of hate and revenge they rely on to 'punish the Russians'.

Instead, replace the word 'defeat' with the word 'demise'. The demise and end are natural and inevitable parts of any process. "Nothing ever lasts forever." ('Everybody Wants to Rule the World').

There may have been love and generosity, when NATO was founded, but the fear Eisenhower sensed, when he left office (And let's not forget: NATO came into being, to a large extent, because of his influence; however much he may have wanted to say he was sorry later, he was a primary instrument in its inception.) amplified itself throughout the process until it found itself in the hands of deranged thugs, who thankfully illuminated the process. In so doing, they have facilitated its demise. That's what we need to focus on.

Please join me in praying for the most rapid demise, and end to, NATO.

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Written, but not posted, on the day (May 29) this post (about f-16s) was published:

"I have been to Birnam Wood. I have been inside the Birnam Oak. I have been to Dunkeld Cathedral. They have a prayer request book there. I have left a request: "Please pray for the defeat of NATO in the Ukraine." We shall vanquish them.





https://dunkeldcathedral.org/church-halls-activities/ ("...the prayer diary in the Cathedral.")

As Russia rescues the Ukraine and saves the world (again!), this is a labour of love. "

I hadn't worked out what to do about this (above) at that point. You know the picture the Americans had the Ukrainians spread all over the Ukraine, the picture of the young soldier with a finger to his lips, gesturing, 'Keep mum!' as if they might have something worth hiding? My thoughts about the above were something akin to that idea at the time: better not to shout your tits off until you've got some idea what you're shouting about or, at least, why you're shouting. Then I published the 'Frustration and Patience' post on my Substack: https://mcddd.substack.com/p/frustration-and-patience. I think it's safe to put this here, where it belongs, now (28 June).

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