It seems obvious to me that the Administration's goal for the war is to destabilize the Russian government in the hope that Putin will be overthrown. If that were to lead to a period of chaos that would ultimately lead to the Russian Federation coming apart into its constituent parts, well, so much the better is their belief. Indeed, shortly after the SMO began General Austin said that the goal is to weaken Russia. He was forced to backtrack on this at the time, since the official line was that as long as Kiev wanted to keep fighting we would supply them with weapons, etc. This is obviously not something that Biden, Blinkin et. al. are willing to come right out and say, given that it amounts to a declaration of war on the Russian Federation, on the one hand, and admits that the number of Ukrainians who die to achieve this goal does not matter, on the other.

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"...getting their hopes unrealistically high..."

I think this is the crux of the problem for people like Biden and others who rely on maintaining their long-long-outdated mask of democracy: there was never a majority with high hopes for the success of America stretching out its unipolar moment. Sure, there are still lots of low-IQ McCain-type morons dragging their knuckles through the corridors of power, but any illusion they may have once been able to nurture about their majority is fast shimmering away, like a mirage in the desert.

As more and more people become more and more familiar with the machinations required to maintain the military-industrial complex of the American Century, fewer and fewer are willing to thump their chests and get behind the idea that this was ever a good idea in the first place.

The hope eluded to above is an illusion: no-one hopes to drag this out any longer, with the exception (1%?) of those who have no other way of making so much money. It is NOT a democratic proposition. See what the Global South thinks of it!

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LOL! The only "strategy" the Blinken & Sullivan(B&S) Administration has for Ukraine is to keep the grift flowing for as long as possible and to hope against hope that somehow Russia will magically collapse.

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Transparency should have been a by-law for most of the government actions except as related to diplomatic, military, and national security issues. The spokespersons were supposed to be a channel for transparency, but now these folks are simply professional liars. POTUS should have the right to classify and declassify. However, Congress should make its own decisions on any classification on decisions and documents out of Congress.

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Why do you think American people care what's happening in Ukraine (or Gaza for that matter)?

It's so far removed from them.

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