I don't get why they said anything at all. It's easy to propagandise by just not showing stuff. China is like 80 years ahead of the US in technology, but you wouldn't know it because they never show you actual images or video from China.

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I visited China when the Three Gorges Dam was just completed. I thought I'd been transported ahead in time. I visited a 7-story department store in Shanghai that sold nothing but electronics. America reached its peak when our Interstate highway system was completed and we have been in freefall ever since.

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Well, that's what happens when you have a financialized economy where all real economic growth is immediately converted to financial assets.

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The turning away from an "abusive" partner like America, is the only logical path to follow. Breaking the chains of subservience is not easy but necessary.

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Much of this was made possible by the Caspan Sea agreement between the (exclusively) Caspian bordering countries in 2018 I believe.

Its very strange that Bloomberg breaks this news to its readers, presumably investors, as if it is new when there has been years of reporting on this initiative.

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