The "West" - aka. the anglofascist alliance led by the USofA - are doing their very best to lead the world into an all-out armed conflict.

New "front-lines" are being opened on an almost daily basis, the most recent being Syria and Georgia.

Which will be next? Belarus? Taiwan?

One thing is clear. The upcoming war will again not take place on US homeland territory.

Others will pay the price - as usual.

It is time for the world to change this unbearable and cowardly situation.

It is time to bring bloodshed to the USofA.

It is time for the world to stand together against anglofascism and anglo-imperialist oppression.

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no, you're wrong. there will never be an invasion of Russia or Belarus without a massive and unmistakeable response directly to the perpetrators, and that might include the USA. And well deserved retaliation for the corrupt puppets who got us here, except they have bunkers. The rest of us around the world will pay the price equally.

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I hope you are right! But history shows us another picture.

That of insular and cowardly pirates, who have never been called to justice as yet!

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Have a look at my comment at the top! It may have a solution to cripple the US. The UK is a lot easier with the Celtic nations wanting Independence from Westminster!

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The Georgian Government should arrest and deport her to her homeland, France. And let that be a lesson to all of you aspiring members of the EU or NATO -- they are prisons, not paradise. If you let their agents through the door, they will NEVER want to leave and will wreck your house if you try to evict them.

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Why not just arrest her & give 'er that old-time Georgian-Stalin treatment?

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Georgia doesn't do that to women. Even if the woman is very bad. And on that we agree -- she is just another person born into a country not her parents' homeland (or who knows, maybe her mother was French) who talks about "back in the old country" as if it were just a nostalgic myth. She is not a Georgian, never met a Georgian of any political stripe who wasnt first a Georgian and she has lived there now and STILL doesn't get it. I say send her home to the land of the First Ever Freak Olympics. Perhaps they can recycle her as a Moldovan or something.

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Sexists !

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I'm have that President on the way out arrested or thrown out of the country in advance. I even saw a report that Western backed Georgian mercanaries sent to Ukraine were on their way back to Georgia to support these "protesters." They should also be barred from returning to the country with the threat of fatal reprisals. I hope the Dream get a bit more aggressive in their defense of the nation.

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Thank you for your lucid explanation of the current unrest in Georgia.

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Of course. What does anyone propose to do about it? "We'll coup anyone we want. Deal with it!" E. Musk

Anyway, you may recall the Georgian protests had fizzled to a trickle around the time of the US presidential elections. Now thst this is resolved, the CIA and its poodles can get cracking once more.

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iceman cometh

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A couple of things they can do in Georgia !) throw out the president by force and deport her and 2 be prepared to ally with the drug cartels with weapons and they will hit the USA! Not to do it when Trump is in office as he wants a deal with Russia but if the Neocons depose him and assume power then it will be a weapon to bring down the US establishment. After all the Neocons and Neoliberals will keep the Southern border porous!

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The West merely followed the lines from Lenin to attack the fortress from within. The fight against imperialism has never been easy, and only those with sufficient internal strength can achieve that. In China's history, multiple invasions of Korea or Vietnam were canceled simply due to Korea or Vietnam at the time were strong while China could not field large enough armies across the long distance and difficult terrain.

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