The latest narrative is that the West should treat each ethno-regional rebel group as an independent actor on the pretext of coordinating with their security forces against the threat that Myanmar-based scammers pose to their citizens.
Now, why would the US Empire be interested in the former British colony where Orwell served his Empire for a few years? The CIA Factbook tells us, though they still call the country Burma:
Wanna bet me there's some tungsten or something under the land held by a rebel group being funded by the CIA? Please say yes. Putin won't send me any rubles and I'd like some because their value is going to go up in relation to the dollar.
Now, why would the US Empire be interested in the former British colony where Orwell served his Empire for a few years? The CIA Factbook tells us, though they still call the country Burma:
"Natural resources: petroleum, timber, tin, antimony, zinc, copper, tungsten, lead, coal, marble, limestone, precious stones, natural gas, hydropower, arable land"
Wanna bet me there's some tungsten or something under the land held by a rebel group being funded by the CIA? Please say yes. Putin won't send me any rubles and I'd like some because their value is going to go up in relation to the dollar.