“Idealist policymakers didn’t realize that they were being exploited by Ukraine, Germany, and the US,”

Another great article. And hugely informative, evidenced and researched as always.

But re the above quote. How could they not? It’s been obvious the whole region was being exploited by the US since 2013 at least. In reality back to the 90’s and therefore it’s odd they ever trusted them to me.

If you do see this it would be interesting to hear your thoughts. If not, no worries and thanks again.

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Thanks! To your questions, Poland was under the false impression that they could become the US' top European ally for containing Russia. They thought that the US wanted to pivot towards them and away from formerly Russian-friendly Germany.

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Because, take away Russia, and Poland goes from America's Special Little Buddy (Poles *worship* all things American) to a rather yappy mid-tier backwater satrapy.

Like Colombia, if Colombia had delusions of grandeur but didn't have cocaine or anything else western elites care about.

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"...the whole region was being exploited by the US since 2013 at least."

Actually, you'd be better looking at what was going on about seven decades earlier. You don't still think Pearl Harbour was a 'surprise attack', do you?

Arguably, you'd need to go back to the British intervention in the Crimea in 1854 to see the bigger picture. It's all about denying Russia a warm-water port; and, if things go really well, dismembering the Russian state by starving it of the trade the Vikings instigated along their rivers.

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Ahhh I see. It may well prove to be a frustrating lesson that one.

Thanks for replying

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Oct 20Liked by Andrew Korybko

As they say in German: „Der Mohr hat seine Schuldigkeit getan, der Mohr kann gehen“ (“The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go.”)

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Ukraine's "assets" had been well booked before hand by big US capital groups. The cited annex is more like a recapitalization proposal to get additional investors into the project. While Poland can provide many kinds of viable help, money is what Poland is unable to spare. From the beginning to the end, Poland has always been the number two useful idiots, but they happily ride along. If the Polish people and leaders don't wake up quickly, Poland will become the number one designated hitter to take one for the team.

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Think, 'Black Rock'.

'Black Water' is (was) good for some too.

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"Idealist policymakers didn’t realize that they were being exploited..."

Yeah, right: they just woke up one morning to come to the hasty conclusion they must have been born with someone else's penis in the anus, right?

"...and there’s little they can do to rectify this even if they finally learn their lesson."

Yeah, well, maybe the trick is to be careful who you climb into bed with?

'Rectification of the Rectum' — a dilemma, I'm sure. Look on the bright side, though: it sounds good. Слово — серебро, а молчание — золото. Надо было больше молчать вовремя!

"...Friday’s meeting between Biden, Starmer, Macron, and Schulz in Berlin..."

Gang bang of the century! (Well, first part of an Exceptionally self-important century, anyway.) Who'd wanna miss it?!

"...when the so-called Minsk agreements were being negotiated, it was not only Kiev that did not want us at the negotiating table."

Meowww: scratch your eyes out, you b*tch!

"...stereotypical foreign policy idealism to get what they wanted from it before dumping it."

Hey, you get what you pay for: can't stand the heat; get out the kitchen.

If any of them were genuinely and sincerely stupid enough to hope for a moment they might win a war against Russia... Then they've got what they paid for and what they've deserved. And just 'strategically weakening' doesn't make it any better.

"...Germany is “implementing its over-a-hundred-year-old concept of Mitteleuropa..."

So, it's back to Ribbentrop, Molotov and the question of what to do with Poland?

"...the US’ grand strategic goal of relying on Germany to manage the EU on its behalf as it “Pivots (back) to Asia”."

This couldn't be anything like running away, tail tucked between legs, having made a mess impossible to sort out, to hide and cry? ('But, Mummy, it wasn't my fault!')

"This is a pitiful outcome."

And who could have known, right: 'What could possibly go wrong?!'?

"...a sea change in public opinion."

Every cloud has a silver lining!

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We've been through this before. A year or so ago, there were predictions that the West was seeking to cut its losses and end the war in Ukraine.

No such thing happened. The West will only continue to double down once the US elections are over.

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"The Spice must flow."

The Spice that improves I.Q., extends life, and can twist space-time (in some versions) apparently was just money.

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Polish government has adopted a wrong foreign policy. From the Polish point of view, the country should follow a friendly policy towards Russia and strive to become a constructive, peaceful junction between Russia and the rest of Europe. In the current geopolitical reality, Russia is the natural ally of Poland.

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There is nothing like Polish government, we don't have independent media and free election. Poland is a ball being played between Germany and Anglo-Saxons.

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Disagree. We have a government that we have chosen. It was our own stupid choice. Not that the previous one was much better, but also our options are what we choose. We, not the Germans or Anglo-Saxons.

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You have chosen nothing.

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No Polish government ever will do that.

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I know. And this is the Polish tragedy 😥.

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Poland has once again proved that it's Europe's hyena, only good for eating leftovers of game hunted by lions and it's lamenting on its own very visible character. Poland (not necessarily it's people) can go fvck itself.

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20

"Idealist policymakers didn’t realize that they were being exploited by Ukraine, Germany, and the US, and there’s little they can do to rectify this even if they finally learn their lesson."

Ouch, poor Poland, if their policymakers are that naïve. I'd always assumed they were on Washington and the UK's payroll, but stupidity is usually a more (edit: probable) answer.

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It's an important article as Mr Jurasz is a spook placed in media to voice Poland's Deep State statements.

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