The problem with Trump is that nothing will change in regards to Russia. The ONLY reason he’ll dump Ukraine is to pivot to Asia. He will simply sacrifice Europe as he will demand they replace USA.

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We should have never meddled in Ukraine with election interference and trying to get NATO membership; we knew Russia would react. That directly makes our national security LESS safe, and the American taxpayers get no benefit. And IF the neo-cons had got their wish of breaking the Russian Federation into pieces, there would be nuclear war. Putin clearly said that if Russia was no longer, there would be no world. IMO, we should let Europe handle the conflict and we should GTFO.

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Ukrainian sovereignty is none of Putin's business PERIOD! Putin talks a good game but he's not suicidal so your doomsday just is not going to happen much as you likely pray for it. Of course the world is safer, this war is the war of Russian disarmament so Putin gets no Moldova, no Baltics, no Poland. He can at this point only beat up on much smaller neighbors being the bully he really is. The Russian Federation is more likely to be broken up after this Putin fiasco but not from any neo con boogey men but more likely from China..

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Ukraines sovereignty is none of OUR business, period. As for disarmament, Russia has denuded almost all the weapons provided to Ukraine, including ATCMS and other “long range” precision missiles, air defense, tanks, armored vehicles, etc. We - meaning USA and all of NATO - cannot even produce as much artillery ammo as Russia produces; and arty is a basic commodity. Russia produces 3 times the arty ammo as the entire “west”. So i think you have it upside down.

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Keeping free peoples from enslavement by a criminal dictator/tyranny is the business of every like minded peoples. Russia has denuded nothing other than their own armed forces. FYI ATACAMs is NOT a long range missile except in the overly vivid imagination of the stupid. If Russia can out produce in artillery shells then why go to North Korea hat in hand for their junk? Regardless Russia shot guns shells all over the place with unmaintained systems versus a more scalpel approach the west takes. The one thing you don't address is NATO delivers a lot of its ordinance from the air and very accurately. Typical of a Russia sycophant to be enamored of artillery but live it up they're losing artillery systems at an unsustainable rate, artillery shells don't shoot themselves and Russia does not manufacture artillery faster than they're losing it.

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First of all, Ukraine is not a democracy, if that is what you meant by “free people” . Zelensky cancelled elections to stay in power and is violation of the Ukrainian constitution. And in 2014 the democratically elected president, Yanukovyh, was ousted by a “revolution” financed by the USA. He had to flee for his life. The Rada did not follow the Ukrainian constitution when it vacated his powers. Ukraine is a pawn in a great-power game and is literally being destroyed. It has lost 10 million people who have fled, the birthrates are far lower than the death rate, and 18 year-old and younger cohorts are minuscule (that’s why they aren’t conscripting 18 year olds, they would only get about 200,000 from that cohort).

Second, your sophomoric statement, “Keeping free peoples from enslavement by a criminal dictator/tyranny is the business of every like minded peoples” implies never ending war all over the world. There are dictators and tyranny ALL OVER THE WORLD. Don’t be naive about saving Ukraine; that’s not our objective. We are using Ukraine to fight Russia until the last standing Ukrainian dies.

Third, don’t condescend to me about weapons, such as ATACMS being long range; that’s what the proponents called it even though in reality it was compliant with the Missile Technology Control Regime. Europe is being denuded of weapons and munitions, they admit it. France, England, and Germany COMBINED cannot rustle up 600 working MBTs. The UK army can literally sit every soldier in a soccer stadium. France admitted they have 2 weeks of artillery shells if they had to fight Russia.

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I heard some Trump lackey saying one of his buddies serving in South Korea was complaining about lack of munitions there because we were sending them to Ukraine…Ukraine is literally killing North Korean soldiers and an American in the USFK complaining about us helping Ukraine!?! Seems like they should be complaining about our defense manufacturing capacity!!

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Uh, we’ve spent $2 trillion this century preparing for a war with Russia. Now Russia invaded a sovereign nation and we are helping them out. We are actually getting value for our defense spending by helping Ukraine unlike all of the trillions we flushed down the toilet in the GWOT.

How did I get my $2 trillion number? Well, in the 1990s Clinton slashed defense spending after the collapse of the USSR. So we have a pretty good idea of how much we are spending with respect to Russia since Putin came to power and started flexing his muscles because we significantly cut defense spending when we didn’t believe Russia posed a threat to the NATO.

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Why are there so many people assuming that Russia is keen for a ceasefire once Trump takes over WH?

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can you say basket case? No modern economy if you want to call barbarian Russia's that can sustain itself on a war economy. Add in their demographics going from horrible to pathetic because of the war along with their severely diminished manufacturing base and poof bye bye Russian Federation as we know it.

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Not sure what military aid we're giving Ukraine that would NEVER (the authors hyperbole) allow us to fully pivot to Asia, that's just ludicrous and some absolutist rhetoric. Ukraine is a land war and any dust up with China will be a naval/air war. Not much cross over there. If Taiwan is not prepared for a Chinese invasion by now well then shame on them and our pols for not making that so.

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There is almost no downside to America helping Ukraine defend itself from Putin’s asinine invasion. And the upside is we are energy dominant having taken Russia’s natural gas market share in Europe AND by exposing Russia as a “paper bear” we will spend significantly less than the trillion per decade we have spent this century preparing for a war with Russia. Bottom line—thanks to Ukraine’s bravery in the face of Putin’s aggression we are actually getting value for defense spending for the first time this century and Ukraine’s soldiers are making Ukrainians and Americans safer in the future.

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Andrew mentions a ceasefire...

What ceasefire?

Russia will not agree with a ceasefire until ALL its conditions stipulated several times are met, by Putin, Lavrov and Peskov, much less now that Russia is clearly dominating all battlefronts...

Trump childishly, ignorantly has said that if Putin does not agree with his terms to end the conflict, he will "threaten" him with more weapons and sanctions, as if Biden had not thrown everything the US has, for one and second, Trump seems to ignore the obvious fact that Russia CANNOT be threatened any longer by anything the US possibly can, including nuclear war.

US citizens, NATO militaries, the Blob or Deep State, all US Congress members and MSM MUST know the hard TRUTH:

That Russia CAN easily win THE Nuclear War against all of them... and Survive !

Russia, by law and by MORAL PRINCIPLES, will NEVER attack with nuclear weapons, FIRST.

ONLY if dangerously attacked. KEY sentence in the new Law signed by Putin autorizing the immediate USE of their nuclear weapons: "Confirmed SERIOUS threat to National Security".

As for response to a US/NATO ATTACK, Russia not only has more modern nuclear weapons:

Russia has the BEST ways to deliver them, something USA/NATO are still just dreaming of having:

UNSTOPPABLE hypersonic missiles, launched from many sources and places, land, air, submarine based (located on both coasts of the US and around Europe)... with several models (Avangard, Iskander, Kinzhal, Tsirkon) including the NEW monster, the also hypersonic RS-28, Yars, Sarmat-2 (Satan) ICBM with up to 10 MIRVs and the newly USED Oreshnik (9M792)...

AND, to top it to demonstrate that Russia could evaporate ALL NATO cities, right now, with near total IMPUNITY (no more MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction Concept, already rendered obsolete De Facto by Russia with all these advanced military technologies pushed by Putin) is the coverage (I of course ignore the quantities and deployments), PROTECTION provided by its highly advanced, sophisticated S400s, S500s (and S550 Air Defense Systems designed to take down satellites) designed to TAKE DOWN any incoming missile/ICBM, which imho guarantees Russia, though bruised, would SURVIVE a full nuclear war which would last perhaps 2 hours, maximum !!!

BUT rest assured Russia WILL NEVER do it !

Russia, according to President Putin, will NEVER strike FIRST !

Why? Because Russia HAS MORAL VALUES based on their true, strong, popular, active Christian Orthodox Faith which would NEVER allow it.

If the opposite Nuclear Military Power would be happening, you can bet your house that the Evil, Nutty United States Leaders, which have NO moral values whatsoever ("exceptional" people obsessed with money and worldwide Projecting Power), would have already obliterated, without ANY feeling of remorse, all Russian Cities...

Proof: They already did it with Hiroshima and Nagasaki CIVILIANS, instead of targeting military installations. There are NO MORAL VALUES left inside the US Government nor the Deep State for many decades...

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Are you high? No one survives a nuclear war including and especially Russia. Putin's Russia has no moral principles with Russians being paranoid by nature, who are you kidding fool. Russia has a table top arsenal and not much more. The vaunted and untested S500 system you brag about, they have one operational unit. According to Gerasimov it took months for them to set up that one Oreshnik shot Russian cities are more naked than those in the west and in fact are completely naked. Having hypersonic missiles, real ones unlike the ones Russia has shown to date, only means Moscow is vaporized 15 minutes after Washington DC. Yea, another great Russian victory. BTW all ICBMs including ours, the British and the French's are hypersonic in their terminal phase but never let the facts or details get in the way of a good Russian fable. Dreaming is free Ivan and that' is most of what you have...pathetic Russian troll.

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You're projecting about Russia again Ivan.

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— NO … N O T A T

A L L •••••• 👁️👁️👁️👁️

— ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


ET. AL. , ••••••• 👁️👁️👁️👁️


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Trump likes to look like a winner--not a loser. And that's true of the entire US political/media class.

Any assessment of what Trump might or might not do in regard to Ukraine should most definitely keep that in mind.

It's not obvious--at least not to me--how both sides can come out of this as "not-losers" which is the sine qua non of a negotiated peace.

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It's actually an interesting question: How can Trump wind down a war he may not be interested in, without being taken apart by the Russophobic Uniparty in the US? There are several avenues that can work in parallel:

(1) Supporting European natcons. There is lots of pressure points all over Europe - in UK, France, Germany, Lowlands, Scandinavia and Poland that will make left, center and liberal-conservative parties scream. Musk has already started this.

(2) Insisting that all frozen Russian assets are completely sold from the word go and used for Ukraine. The vast majority of these assets is in the EU (Belgium, Luxembourg), Switzerland and UK, and NOT in the US. Such action will specifically harm these countries if they do as asked by the US, so they will balk at that. To achieve compliance, higher tariffs on imports of these countries by the US and regulatory pressure on Swiss and British bank interests in the US will probably be needed as a threat.

(3) Forcing Turkey to stop buying Russian gas and let it flow to South-West Europe or else suffer the same fate as Nordstream. Europe then will have no choice other than to buy even more of the substantially more expensive US LNG.

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You do know the US is not the only producer of LNG...right. As to the Nordstream pipeline incident, any proof? Of course not because there are two Nordstream pipelines and only one was damaged. Germany refused to certify the other but never let a conspiracy theory have to stand up to facts.

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Trump will do no such thing. For one thing, the howls of "Putin puppet!" would be deafening and the ghost of St. Winston ritually invoked.

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Trump does not like Putin and no sane person would either.

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Now that Biden has made us energy dominant and American fracking industry and LNG industry have overperformed since Feb 2022 (with an assist from the weather) there is really no downside for America to help Ukraine. But Putin did invade out of desperation so he saw the writing on the wall with respect to the global LNG market in which America and Qatar and Australia dominate.

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Who are you kidding, Biden has done everything to make us energy dependent that was in his power. What are you smoking???

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Check out the stats—we are energy dominant!! And a lot of our energy dominance has to do with Biden’s leadership on Ukraine and NATO as we are now the leader in LNG exports.

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We were energy dominant when Trump left office. All those LNG export facilities were being build way before Biden. Typical Dem taking credit for NOTHING they did, coasting with it but trying to undermine it behind the scenes. He opens the permit process and people like you consider that a good thing, however he also approves no permits. That is how the game is played, check the stats your own damn self.

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No, we were energy independent when Obama left office. In 2020 the oil and gas industry suffered the most bankruptcies from a dollar value in history. Trump obviously supports LNG but Putin’s asinine invasion of Ukraine turbocharged the American LNG sector. So Europe built LNG import terminals very quickly and America built the export terminals very quickly in the aftermath of Putin’s invasion because of Biden’s leadership and the fracking industry’s ingenuity. Speaker Johnson quickly changed his position on Ukraine upon gaining power because the natural gas being exported to Europe comes from his district.

And the problem with Republicans’ position on LNG is they want a global spot market that will end up benefiting China and can only harm American consumers. Biden supports American LNG for our NATO partners and Japan and SK but believes we need to go slowly so as not to benefit China as Bush/Cheney did from 2001-2008.

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“Mr. Trump has vowed to end the war quickly and will not lack leverage to do so — he can halt military aid to Ukraine if it won’t negotiate and increase it if Mr. Putin refuses to come to the table.” (From the NYT article linked in this piece.)

This logic has an obvious failing: If both parties refuse to negotiate, Trump cannot simultaneously halt and increase military assistance.

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Excellent. Thank you!

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