Geographic reasons make this a practical necessity if he wants to restore the US’ military presence at Bagram Airbase and/or return some of the equipment that Biden left there during the withdrawal.
It just looks to mean like Trump's mental illness is just as bad as Biden's. This is yet another case of Trump's over inflated ego getting the better of him.
If he were a man of peace he wouldn't be even contemplating this. There's zero reason for it but it seems that he roo is consumed with a madness.
He is obsessed with China as an enemy. He has zero capacity for any self reflection. He certainly can't see the historical downside to these chess piece moves or this game of RISK that govern U.S. military and foreign policy.
Reclaiming that abandoned U.S. military equipment isn't his true goal. It's just a cover for getting America's foot in the door in preparations for war with China and to stop China's Belt and Road initiative.
How the same man who said that America and China could solve many of the world's problems if the got together behave in such a contradictory manner on such a consistent basis?
The problems are hubris, a lack of morals and inability for self reflection. This whole President of peace thing is a total contradiction job. Trump's true colors are that he's a spiteful and manipulative man.
Seems unlikely that DJT will get anywhere in Afghanistan. Russian leaders will soon meet with CIS, SCO & BRICS leaders to discuss comprehensive issues of interest to all. This includes leaders of Central Asian States (the "stans," though not Afghanistan}. Russia & China have been actively courting & working with the Taliban since USA withdrawal as you well know. If anyone has been giving meaningful support to the war-torn country, it is they, not the USA which stole Afghanistan's gold reserves. It would be amazing if the Taliban even gave DJT any recognition whatsoever.
US politicians and military mandarins just don't get it! The US will not allow any foreign nation (even Canada) to establish an autonomous military base on US territory yet they do not see the moral hazards associated with their notion of "exceptionalism" and the imposition of "rules based order" when applied to other independent nations. The US electorate will not tolerate it so why expect there would not be a deleterious local reaction when B-52s fly out each morning over foreign peaceful neighbourhoods. The simple answer is to recognise that no European nation has ever achieved colonialism over Afghanistan, Pakistan or the mid-Asian nations and that the US has no justifiable reason to be involved or to influence the governance of any other nation. The World will be a better place when this is finally accepted.
It is very difficult to imagine that there is anything of value at the Bagram Airbase that can be moved and sold after all these years. If we are really paying billions a year to the Taliban that means we are their taxpayers. Moral of the story is, America should not go to war if it does not want to be enslaved. Trump starts to come across as a forward looking military strategist. He wants to keep Bagram as it is very close to the Western Chinese borders and will accumulate nukes there to check mate Western China. On the other hand he might get his way in Greenland very soon as well. BBC tells us that the Danes sterilized there a large number of local women; the whole thing is out in the open and the majority of the voters want to get away from Dania. This is the “Extermination Factor” that radicalizes people for generations, just like the early 1930s events in Ukraine. Greenland is wanted for the major strategic value. Missile defenses against Europe can be set up there and at least one air base is already functional there for F-35s. An F-35 with an extended fuel tank set up can fly to Russia from Greenland with a single aerial refuel. Just what does the Orange Man has on his mind?
That's not anything that any of that would even be about; Trump isn't any different than Biden, Obama, or both Bush's, other than that he might know how to spell his own name; something that we haven't had since Carter left office, after having given the keys to Fort Knox to the Mafia.
Reagan came after Carter and he might have been a reasonable modern president. He went a bit weak on the illegal alien issue but at least he tried to deal with it.
It just looks to mean like Trump's mental illness is just as bad as Biden's. This is yet another case of Trump's over inflated ego getting the better of him.
If he were a man of peace he wouldn't be even contemplating this. There's zero reason for it but it seems that he roo is consumed with a madness.
He is obsessed with China as an enemy. He has zero capacity for any self reflection. He certainly can't see the historical downside to these chess piece moves or this game of RISK that govern U.S. military and foreign policy.
Reclaiming that abandoned U.S. military equipment isn't his true goal. It's just a cover for getting America's foot in the door in preparations for war with China and to stop China's Belt and Road initiative.
How the same man who said that America and China could solve many of the world's problems if the got together behave in such a contradictory manner on such a consistent basis?
The problems are hubris, a lack of morals and inability for self reflection. This whole President of peace thing is a total contradiction job. Trump's true colors are that he's a spiteful and manipulative man.
Seems unlikely that DJT will get anywhere in Afghanistan. Russian leaders will soon meet with CIS, SCO & BRICS leaders to discuss comprehensive issues of interest to all. This includes leaders of Central Asian States (the "stans," though not Afghanistan}. Russia & China have been actively courting & working with the Taliban since USA withdrawal as you well know. If anyone has been giving meaningful support to the war-torn country, it is they, not the USA which stole Afghanistan's gold reserves. It would be amazing if the Taliban even gave DJT any recognition whatsoever.
US politicians and military mandarins just don't get it! The US will not allow any foreign nation (even Canada) to establish an autonomous military base on US territory yet they do not see the moral hazards associated with their notion of "exceptionalism" and the imposition of "rules based order" when applied to other independent nations. The US electorate will not tolerate it so why expect there would not be a deleterious local reaction when B-52s fly out each morning over foreign peaceful neighbourhoods. The simple answer is to recognise that no European nation has ever achieved colonialism over Afghanistan, Pakistan or the mid-Asian nations and that the US has no justifiable reason to be involved or to influence the governance of any other nation. The World will be a better place when this is finally accepted.
It is very difficult to imagine that there is anything of value at the Bagram Airbase that can be moved and sold after all these years. If we are really paying billions a year to the Taliban that means we are their taxpayers. Moral of the story is, America should not go to war if it does not want to be enslaved. Trump starts to come across as a forward looking military strategist. He wants to keep Bagram as it is very close to the Western Chinese borders and will accumulate nukes there to check mate Western China. On the other hand he might get his way in Greenland very soon as well. BBC tells us that the Danes sterilized there a large number of local women; the whole thing is out in the open and the majority of the voters want to get away from Dania. This is the “Extermination Factor” that radicalizes people for generations, just like the early 1930s events in Ukraine. Greenland is wanted for the major strategic value. Missile defenses against Europe can be set up there and at least one air base is already functional there for F-35s. An F-35 with an extended fuel tank set up can fly to Russia from Greenland with a single aerial refuel. Just what does the Orange Man has on his mind?
That's not anything that any of that would even be about; Trump isn't any different than Biden, Obama, or both Bush's, other than that he might know how to spell his own name; something that we haven't had since Carter left office, after having given the keys to Fort Knox to the Mafia.
Reagan came after Carter and he might have been a reasonable modern president. He went a bit weak on the illegal alien issue but at least he tried to deal with it.
Fuck off😤 Xenophobic scum.