"lon Musk’s Starlink has no choice but to comply with local Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) laws if it wants to operate in South Africa. She said one company can’t circumvent the country’s laws. This after the US company told the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) that it should reconsider its rules that require a 30% shareholding by “historically disadvantaged” groups or black investors."

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Unless Countries unite in a solid block, they will be loosing one by one. Already Russia has lost Syria. If the block wants to sleep over, it will be too late.

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So much for the whole "non-interference in other countries" Schick.

This is punishment for South Africa bringing the ICC case against Israel, nothing more.

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Perhaps, but isn't it a bit rich of South Africa to bring the case to the ICC if football stadiums are filled in that country with thousands of people singing and chanting for the killing of a specific ethnic minority while the country's supreme court rules it as "not hate speech".


Interestingly enough BRICS nations haven't noticed any of this, due to their policy "non-interference" (no doubt) but remember how they all interfered during apartheid at the U.N. to bring sanctions against South Africa?

Moreover, South Africa has 142 operative race laws that discriminate against white people with 117 of those laws having been created since the 1994 transition to "democracy" - details:


["Not noticed" by anyone in East or West either but both sides campaigned so hard against apartheid].

My point being here that South Africa has set themselves up for what's currently unfolding. Of course one could ask "why now" since nobody "has noticed" for years, but that seems to be how it goes. When it becomes convenient such things are noticed, otherwise not - as simple as that.

There is of course a real case to be made that South Africa is not only the most racist country on the planet, but are in fact guilty of apartheid (as a crime against humanity) according to the UN's definition of it:


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O please, Trump would not give a shit if Israel did not.

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Trump acted against South Africa on this issue in his first term, years before the ICC complaint.


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He basically made a tweet.

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You’ll find the world much more interesting if you stop interpreting everything as a Zionist conspiracy.

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Don't argue with strawmen.

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Which is “giving a shit”, not so?

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🤣 I am S African 🤣 and this post is hilarious 😂 - have you even been to RSA? I KNOW you haven't because you wrote it. Truly, Afrikaners must be the most oppressed people on the planet yet the most reluctant to leave.

They are backtracking like crazy on the refugee handout to them - under the cover of 'losing our culture'.

It seems you idiots are ripe to be fooled by FF and AF. The reason they went crying to the US/ UK and Musk was in hope that they would help in the re-instatement of apartheid. They wanted the US to facilitate a right-wing coup in RSA. Get rid of Ramaphosa, make the country ungovernable. We have a Government of National Unity know - not the ANC alone - lots of parties - not just the DA. As long as they won seats they got something.

Now they say they want to meet Ramsohosa , they never said what they said to foreigners and they don't want to go.

You know why? It's because we told them that they are free to leave - Trump called them settlers, and they've been denying the status ever since 🤣 now it's we're at home etc. The same 'home' you said to foreigners is oppressing you 🙄.

This is the FF/AF modus operandi - deny even when there's ample proof 😂.

It was a sight to see them on the SABC telling SA how they were misunderstood etc.

We said go - your sponsor is offering you the world and you must take it. After all - aren't you oppressed here?

The leaders who had posts on X saying we're going to get US support for the repeal of this Act and pay back for the supposed 'oppression' - now they are clinging to SA like limpets and saying it's home.

Let me be clear - we want our land. We will get our land back. They will have to compromise, or they can leave.

It's unconscionable that only 7 % have 81%of the land. It won't remain that way forever.

The US can do whatever they want - we fought apartheid for the political battle and won our freedom. We will win the economic battle.

People forget that it took the US 400yrs to become the country they are now. Why do you even think we can do it in 30yrs in a capitalist economy???

For us, we know that getting our land is the toughest battle by far, the hardest battle we'll ever fight, but we will win it.

O and do you know why these Boers will never leave SA? They own huge farms, huge tracts of land unused. Beach houses etc. Where will they get these inherited riches in the US?

As for these laws - there are laws because apartheid laws were everywhere. To counter them, laws were needed to enable African people to even get jobs, go to schools outside 'black' areas etc.

Remember something - a lot of westerners don't understand this.

If a people only have political, but not economic power, they will use the law to enforce change. We needed laws and still do because white SA still control the economic levers of the state.

SA was an apartheid state. We won the right to vote, and promptly kicked the NP out, but that's ALL we won. We had to open space for us to exist as participating members of society. The whites didn't give us that. We had to pry it open with the law.

If you think we're going to change that - think again and stop dreaming.

Westerners like to meddle in other countries affairs. We won't change to suit your views.

Again if SA whites - not even all of them - it's really about half I would say - think things are so bad here - lots of planes and now places to go 😁. They must just pack up - I think some went to Russia and the Congo?

Now the US wants them 😁. If only it could they take them all 🤔 but they don't want to leave 🫤🤷🏾‍♀️

Oppressed! 🤣😂🤣

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Point 2: Let me quote something to you:

"Black Africans only arrived in 1770 in the North-Eastern parts of Southern Africa. The Dutch arrived in 1652 in the South-Western part of South Africa - the French arrived in 1680 in the same area : these were the early Afrikaners (Dutch employees of VOC and French Huguenots refugees).

So how can the black Africans claim that the "settlers stole the land" when they never got there until over a hundred years after the settlers arrived?"

Your ancestors migrated into Southern Africa from the Great Lakes and Congo regions colonising all the way down into Southern Africa which was historically never occupied by Bantu/Nguni groups. This "legal" land-grab mission that you are on now is just another way to colonise further - as you admit in your comment.

Here is a documentary clearly outlining the migration patterns of the Bantu peoples across the African continent - see the maps: Bantus NEVER reached the South-Western parts of South Africa (at all). Your people have no claim on land in those parts.


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This is all true but I think you’ll find that the Khoi San have a pretty good claim in what was the Cape Colony.

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Correct. As far as I know Afrikaners are usually at pains to point out that the only people in South Africa who are NOT immigrants are the Khoi San. They are the only people who can claim First Peoples status in the region. Which is why the sequence of arrivals of the other groups is so important, because the majority group (which arrived after the Khoi San and the Afrikaners) are attempting to claim they are the first people and have a claim on all land - even land obtained by other groups before they even arrived.

Of course this situation only exists because "South Africa" (the Union of S.A.) was artificially created by the British in 1910, thereby dissolving all the natural borders that had existed between the various tribes and colonies in the region until that time. So anyone who sits in central government now could imagine they "own it all" (because it has always been "one country").

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Liza, I'm well familiar with South Africa. A few points:

1. "When the land restitution process began in 1994, some 79 700 land claims were submitted. Only about 5 800 of these successful claimants (roughly 8%) had chosen to have their land restored to them. The remaining 92% had preferred to receive cash compensation instead. That most of them – faced with a real-life choice – opted for cash, rather than land, is telling.

Much of the land that was transferred from whites was not used productively. Many farms failed because the new owners did not have the necessary skills to run commercial farms. Even worse, the government has stopped transferring expropriated land in some cases out of fear that the new owners will turn around and sell it [back] to whites. This has resulted in about 70% of the land transferred by the state since apartheid now being fallow."


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This is on response EnergyShifts, not AK.

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Let's see what is the size of US assistance to SA...



U.S. Assistance to South Africa

Since 1994, South Africa has made notable strides toward building an inclusive democracy that provides increased opportunity for its people. Nevertheless, the country faces many challenges, including slow economic growth, high rates of crime and unemployment, lingering corruption, and a persistent HIV/AIDS epidemic. U.S. assistance focuses on improving healthcare, increasing education standards and teacher training, building capacity in agriculture to address regional food security, and both mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Since 2004, the U.S. government has invested more than $7.25 billion in assistance through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). This assistance bolsters South Africa’s response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and helps ensure that all South Africans live longer and healthier lives. PEPFAR investments have contributed to strengthening health security by supporting human resources for health, as well as building clinical capacity in support of the COVID-19 response. U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) programs strengthen small- and medium-sized enterprises, create employment, improve training and job skills, promote basic education, combat gender-based violence, and promote HIV/AIDS care, prevention, and treatment. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States has provided almost $75 million in COVID-related assistance to South Africa and has provided, in partnership with COVAX, almost 8 million vaccine doses."

That comes at about 362.5 million per year/ SA gdp in 2024 was 1.31 trillion USD. Thet brings the US assistance to just about 0.03% of SA GDP. Auuch, that must be very painful. I shiver in my boots....

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It's not very encouraging to observe BRICS-groupies seemingly fine with minority-group cultural ethnic cleansing in disguise under the banner of "non-interventionism". At the same time the promoters of BRICS would have us believe that "multipolarity" is all about "respecting different civilization models" within the group (but apparently not within BRICS countries?). And this model is supposed to be somehow superior or an "antidote" to the Western Model, yet no emphasis on cultural, language or property rights? The situation in South Africa (ignored for how long by now?) shows the entire "multipolarity" concept up as fake.

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While the executive order conflates whites and Afrikaners, this article should not repeat that mistake. There is in fact no legal definition of an Afrikaner. They’re just a subset of whites.

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Afrikaners are a distinct ethnicity formed through ethnogenesis: "Afrikaners are genetically, according to 2020 research, 34% to 37% Dutch, 27% to 34% German, 13% to 26% French and 6% to 12% non-European (mainly Asian and Khoisan)." http://archive.today/GPZb9

Afrikaners are also known as Boers. Russian media regularly fails to make the distinction between Boers (Afrikaners) and white English speaking South Africans ("ESSAS").

It's primarily and specifically the Afrikaners/Boers' culture, language and livelihoods that are under threat in S.A. (not the ESSAS). The SA government has passed a range of WEF-aligned policies in recent weeks that affect mainly/mostly the Afrikaners. Politicians in S.A. regularly make statements specifically targeting this group.

It's not clear, though, whether the executive order conflates whites with Afrikaners as it's not clarified/specified.

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Yawn. You know it's about Jews. You can just write that instead.

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We know BRICS countries are coming under fire from USA. We might ask which came first, the fire or the BRICS because Russia & China have been in the gun sights for decades. Precisely the fire is what is giving rise to an alternative for many in the global majority, as has been discussed many times. As we know, times have changed & instead of trembling & buckling under, many are choosing to hold firm, especially if they have support. South Africa probably has this support. Panama & Colombia perhaps not so much, but we'll see. There's probably more below the surface than we know.

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